I have aroused him in righteousness and I will make all his ways smooth; he will build My city and will let My exiles go free, without any payment or reward, says the LORD of hosts. Isaiah 45:13
Motives are those needs or desires in us that cause us to act a certain way. As I think about it, each of my words and actions have a motivation behind them. It becomes easy to play the "exchange" game....doing something for someone in order to get a need in my life met. What looks like an act of love may very well be my way of getting love in return.
So what are some of the things that drive me to do the things I do? What needs am I looking to others to meet for me? While this list isn't necessarily easy to write or read it reveals truth. I look for attention, appreciation, applause, approval, affirmation, compliments, assurance, and acceptance. I can tell those are my motives because when I don't get them I walk empty and my emotions become a heap.
What I am learning is the problem is not having these needs. The problem is looking to people to be my source for getting the needs met. God calls it exchanging His supply of water for broken cisterns. When all the while He is offering me the very things I am craving.
How different He is from us! Isaiah reminds me of three incredible things God does for us. He arouses us, makes our way smooth, and sets us free. He helps us to see the very obstacles that are hindering us to live life as He meant it be lived. Two years ago God woke me up to my own spiritual hunger, emptiness, and futility. He started me on a journey that had His direction and made progress possible. It is a continual experience of freedom in many aspects. And to think He does all that without expecting payment or reward.
God is not a god who does something and then wants to know what I plan to do to pay Him back. Salvation is not that way and neither is the Christian life. That would be like parents giving gifts to their children with bills attached to each one for repayment. God is not like that! When I think He is, I begin to live my Christian life out of duty, performance, and debt. I feel like a slave instead of a child.
Father, it is painful to look at these issues. May the new heart You are creating in me begin to transform my motives toward You and others. Amen.
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
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