Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Ready to Learn How to Live
Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed. 1 Timothy 6:18-20 (New American Standard Bible)
What are the things I need to be instructed in and taught? That which does not come naturally to me. I often think about the ones God has sent into my life to instruct me and what it was He wanted them to teach me. If I was open to their words I was the richer for it, but if not, I remained unaware of how to take hold of life! I am well aware of the result of living in a Proverbs 5:13 mode of not listening “to the voice of my teachers nor inclining my ear to my instructors.” The lessons they desired to teach me fell on closed ears and an unreceptive heart. The tools for living they so lovingly wanted to place in my hands remained unnoticed and unused. It wasn’t that they didn’t instruct me. It was that I wasn’t allowing myself to be their student. I was too busy beating myself up over the things I didn’t know when all the while they were saying, “Let me teach you!”
Last night, a friend remarked during a study, that we have to be taught to do the right things. Living right does not come naturally to any of us. I had no trouble knowing where to apply her words to my life. What comes naturally to me is to live by my perceptions, opinions, and judgments of others. What I need to learn is how to know the truth, believe the truth, and walk in the truth. My perceptions are counter productive and destructive. Truth will set me free and allow me to take hold of life in a richer way. I have to learn the difference between my perceived truth and actual truth.
This is going to require some help. Just as I would no more perform surgery on myself (even if I were able to perform surgery) I cannot be my own instructor. I must be willing to sit at the feet of those God has called to teach me, just as He called Timothy to teach others. It will not only be individuals who will stand in as my instructors, it will also be the circumstances of life. Life’s lessons are not limited to one individual or one classroom. Jesus taught through various settings and used a variety of visual aides. He has not changed. If I truly see Him as my Instructor I will allow Him to use whatever means or whoever He chooses to teach me.
Father, I am ready to learn that which You have desired to teach me for quite some time. My ears are open, my heart is receptive, and my eyes are on You. Use whatever method or individual You deem best. Amen.
The Potter's Hand - A Capella Christian Music
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