Tuesday, June 1, 2010
My Past Is Not My Future
Now do not be grieved or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here, for God sent me before you to preserve life. Genesis 45:5 (New American Standard Bible)
Terror struck the hearts of Joseph’s brothers because the person who knew what they had tried to bury for so long was standing before them. They expected harsh judgment maybe even death but received mercy and a plea to draw near. Healing of emotions comes with accepting the truth of what has happened along with the release of bitterness, anger, and revenge. We can only give away what we first have received for ourselves ~ grace, mercy, forgiveness.
Joseph had the right perspective of his life and the circumstances he faced. Our trials should carry us to God not from Him. We have a choice to focus on ourselves, our circumstances, other people's treatment of us, or God. Joseph not only saw the big picture from God's perspective but he wanted his brothers to see it as well. His counsel to not be grieved or angry with themselves was meant to help them walk in freedom.
So often we are prone to allow our past sins, failures, and wrong choices to define what our future will be like. It becomes a sign we wear over our life that says, "I did such and such and because of that I do not deserve to be loved, forgiven, or viewed without shame." Sometimes we place the sign over other people's lives. Any success or good thing is dampened because of the past if we hang on to it.
Joseph is not telling them that what they did was okay. He is simply telling them not to spend the rest of their lives under guilt and condemnation. How is that possible when you come face to face with the horrible things you have done? I am sure as time went on and they began to see the full extent of what they had done they doubted things could ever be made right. I find the most difficult time to embrace forgiveness is when my actions have affected another person. Freedom is found when I own what I have done, go to the one I have wronged, and go to God. I must know that there is always a big picture. With a few strokes of His brush He can restore the picture I have ruined.
Who is it today that I need to forgive? What are the words, actions, or perceptions I need to release through the act of forgiveness either toward myself or others? What is it that has me in turmoil as much as the turmoil of Joseph’s brothers? I look to God to show me what is hidden as well as what is being easily ignored.
Father, Your hands hold me and mold me. It will not always feel good but You have promised it will be a masterpiece when You are finished. I like that! Amen.
What Sin? - Morgan Cryar
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
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