Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Ears To Hear
Now all the tax collectors and the sinners were coming near Him to listen to Him. Luke 15:1
Jesus was approached by different people for different reasons. Some came for healing and miracles, some came to witness the healings and miracles, some came to criticize, some came to worship, and some (like in today’s verse) came to listen. They knew His words were capable of changing their life. They may have sat under other teachers for years, but Jesus was different. He spoke with authority but also with love. To them, His words were reassuring and comforting, not harsh, judgmental, and condemning. They were drawn toward Him and hungered for what He had to offer. He welcomed them and received them as they came.
Have you ever been in the presence of someone who really cared about you? They were concerned for you or interested in the deeper things of your life. You felt safe to confide in them and took their advice to heart. You wanted to learn all you could from them. That is how people felt around Jesus. That is how God wants you and me to feel around Him! He is still showing me what concepts and ideas I have that hinder me from richer fellowship with Himself.
The verse just before this one says, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” It is more than just taking in sound. It is digesting what is heard in such a way that it changes the way I think, act, and speak. If I remain unchanged, I have not really listened. One evening, God surprised me with some self revelation I had struggled with for years. I could not grasp the reasons for a certain mindset that had always been in place from a very young age. Once I listened and received what He was telling me there was an internal shifting that took place. Throughout the night and even the next morning I woke still wanting to drink in the truth of His words. If I allowed them full access they would forever change this area of my life and I would walk in a freedom I had not yet realized. I found it interesting that although I wasn’t necessarily asking to be shown this, God knew my spirit was searching out the matter. He spoke, I listened, and life has not be the same!
Father, You have so much more to tell me on a personal level. Give me listening ears, a receptive heart, and a continued thirst for Your words to me. Amen
Word of God Speak ~ Mercy Me
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
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