Friday, September 3, 2010
Available Guides
Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, "Do you understand what you are reading?" And he said, "Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?" And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Acts 8:30-31 (New American Standard Bible)
An Ethiopian eunuch saw his need for help, asked for help, and received help. Philip, one of seven deacons mentioned in the early chapters of Acts, was available to be that help. The eunuch desired a guide and Philip became that guide. It was not a long encounter but it was God directed, God ordained, and God approved.
I rejoice in the truths that are pointed out from this passage of Scripture. Life is filled with moments when the help of others is not only needed but God purposed. I am a witness to that! I have had times in my life when human guides were sought and found. At just the right time, at just the right season they (like Philip with the eunuch) saw my need and became available to guide me. It was often only after the fact that I could look and see the full scope and value of their investment in my life. While many have been used of God to teach and guide me, three in particular are standing out in my mind this morning.
The first is a mentor who guided me as I transitioned from the entanglement of legalistic thinking to freedom in Christ. The second is an accountability partner walked me through the darkest season of my life and is still guiding me as I transition from looking to people to fixing my eyes on Jesus…the Author and Finisher of my faith. The third is just beginning the guiding process which I believe will help to transition me from a life of emotional bondage to finding emotional wholeness in Christ.
The common threads? All three have had a history with God. All three have walked through their own hurts, disappointments, and struggles. All three have accepted God’s call to guide others when prompted by Him to do so. I rejoice in being the recipient of their guidance but I also desire to be a guide to others. I want to be available (whether for a single conversation or an ongoing relationship) to be to individuals what others have been to me.
Father, You have always been faithful to send the right guides at the right times. I thank You for that and rejoice! I trust You to continue that pattern in and through me. Amen.
May I Be His Love - Kathy Troccoli
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
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