Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Seeing a Heart of Stone
And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances and do them. Then they will be My people, and I shall be their God. Ezekiel 11:19, 20 (New American Standard Bible)
A number of things come to mind when I think of a heart of stone. Hard, unchanging, immovable, cold, lifeless, dark, rigid, fixed, and set in ones ways are just starters for me. This passage is full of hope and promise yet there are times when the condition of my own heart keeps the hope and promise at a distance. Times when I look at the people around me and feel like an observer rather than a participant in the full scheme of life. Times when relating with their joy, delight, and pleasure eludes me.
How can it be that mountain top experiences in the Christian life end up being followed by such low valley experiences? When I am excited about something I feel I can conquer anything and walk victoriously during the next time of testing. When the “high” seems to evaporate as quickly as it came and the tests are upon me the once strong confidence seems to go as well. When I am called upon to walk out newly learned or revisited truth and I fail, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. When love does not mark my path in light of others, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. When mindsets and thought patterns veer away from the Philippians 4:8 list, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. When I hold on to wrong attitudes, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. How can it be when one has been given the promised new Spirit, that a heart of stone still exists?
The One who inspired these words to be penned through Ezekiel centuries ago is whispering them to me anew. I bring Him my doubts and questions. He gives me assurance that the journey is not over yet and He is still fully invested in my growth process. He hasn’t given up on me even when I wonder why. He hasn’t considered me a lost cause or a hopeless wreck even when I am tempted to. He doesn’t respond with a lecture, pet phrase, or stern look even when I expect Him to. Rather He invites me to come to Him and find answers, reassurance, and hope. I am not alone. I am not forsaken. I am not forgotten. I am loved and I am in need of Him.
Father, You haven’t closed Your arms or turned Your back on me yet, nor will You. You continue to woo me to Yourself. Amen.
Change My Heart, Oh God
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
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