Wednesday, January 12, 2005

God's Self Revelation

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

I have a plaque on my kitchen wall that simply says, “Be still and know that I am.” When my eyes caught it a short while ago my mind was drawn toward Psalm 46:10. The NASB says to stop striving. In other words God is calling me to a place of rest from the internal storm that is approaching. The worries, the stresses, the disappointments, the fretting, the sadness. He is also calling me to turn to Him and Him alone to be my source rather than external things and even people.

Because the plaque ends with the phrase “I am,” my mind is formulating a list of how to complete that thought. God is wanting me to see the fullness of who He wants to be to me so that as I come to Him I come with expectancy! Knowing that He is God includes all that I am learning to see Him as.

What He is whispering to me is, “Be still and know that I am your Provider, your Protector, your Shepherd, your Father, your Healer, your Helper, your Counselor, your Restorer, your Advocate, your Defense, your Identifier, your Refuge, your Rest, your Teacher, your Mentor, your Cheerleader, your Over-seer, your Shelter. I am the One who knows you best, loves you most, will never leave you, will always be with you. I am the One who delights in you, sings over you, watches you, thinks about you, surrounds you. I am God!”

Today I need these precious reminders. I need to hear them from my Father and allow the truths of His words to sink deep into my spirit. I need His voice to drown out the many other voices in my head that clamor to be heard. This is a good day to take a drive to a large, beautiful cemetery here in Indianapolis and spend some time alone with a God who desires to be known by me. Why a cemetery? It is beautiful there for one and peaceful. But also it is a reminder to me that God is able to resurrect any dead places in me. He has words to breathe over me and life to infuse in me.

He will not fail to meet me there. I hear His call of invitation to come aside for awhile to be with Him. I accept!

Father, today the desires and longings of our hearts are the same. I open my ears, heart, and mind to You! Meet with me, speak to me, embrace me! Amen.