Thursday, March 30, 2006
They Go Together
Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the LORD, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. Isaiah 55:6,7
I love the “sandwich” imperatives in this passage. Forsaking our ways and thoughts is sandwiched between seek the Lord and return to the Lord. It is a packaged deal. Seeking the Lord and returning to the Lord entails abandoning my ways and thoughts that are contrary to Him. In other words, I cannot hold on to my own ways and thoughts when I am attempting to return to the Lord.
Returning implies doing an about face in my life. Picture a person leaving his home . If he stays on the road he is following he gets further and further away from his home. But if he were to simply turn around he would begin making his way back.
I find it interesting that ways and thoughts are both mentioned. Since my actions stem from my thoughts both need to be forsaken. What is neat though is that if I take care of one the other will automatically be affected. That is why Romans 13:2 reminds me that a transformation or change is brought about by the renewing of my mind. A change in the way I am living my life and the direction I am going requires a change in my way of thinking. Imagine starting each day with a prayer for God to renew, restore, refresh, renovate, and rejuvenate our mind. Talk about a make-over!
The result of all this is that God will have compassion and will pardon (forgive) us. Once again I picture the father who welcomes back the prodigal son. I must constantly be aware of how much God longs for me to come back to Him and the gracious, loving reception that awaits me when I do.
Father, there is such hope that forsaking my ways and thoughts to return to You is a rich and worthwhile experience. Thank You that You never grow tired of seeing me come back to You. Amen.