Friday, January 13, 2006

A Tender Shepherd

The LORD binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He inflicted. Isaiah 30:26b

I have heard it said if a lamb continually wanders away from the flock the shepherd may take extreme measures to break the habit. He will break the front legs of the lamb and carry him on his shoulders until his legs heal. He is brought close to the shepherd even in that time of discipline.

It strikes me that many times it is in the experiencing of painful consequences that we make our way back to the Shepherd of our souls. Let’s face it, pain can be an effective deterrent and wake up call. God knows each of us so intimately that He sees the way we are prone to wander and He implements the means which will bring us back to Himself.

What I find comforting is the picture in today's verse of what He does once we come back to Him. He begins to do His work on the broken places in us and the very bruises He caused. I picture a doctor gently wrapping up a broken arm. Or a nurse applyng some ointment to a bruised area.

God knows that in our times of wandering and coming back we are in need of healing internally. He has much to show us about why we wandered off in the first place. Not much woud be gained if we merely experienced the painful consequences of our wrong choices. That's only a small picture of the whole process.

Part of His binding and healing is done with loving rebuke and lasting assurance. His intent is not that we cower in fear and shame. His purpose is for restoration and reconciliation. He is NOT a "Hitler" who strikes the table in anger and heaps disgust on us. He is a loving heavenly Father who longs to embrace us and bring us back into unity with Himself. If that is hard to fathom, think of a person who loves you dearly and would meet you with open arms and reassuring words. Think of the feeling of acceptance their embrace gives you. THAT is a mere shadow of God's heart.

Father, I marvel that You meet me with such gracious acceptance. May I demonstrate that quality to others so they will begin to understand that aspect of You. Amen.