Saturday, January 13, 2007

It Will Be Completed

This man began to build and was not able to finish. Luke 14:30

How many of us have begun a project and abandoned it before we saw it through to completion? How many of us have started a plan (be it for finances, weight loss, relationship improvements) and eventually grew discouraged and set it aside? New Years’ resolutions are good if they survive past January but so few are still realized in December. What gives?

For some it ended up costing more than they had planned. The duration lasted longer than they had originally anticipated. Unforeseen troubles eventually revealed themselves and led to discouragement. Those who once cheered us on grew silent or worse yet began to work against us. Paul asked a good question when he said, “You started out well, what hindered you?” We would do well to ask ourselves what has caused me to get off track and abandon what once seemed like such a worthwhile thing?

If the enemy of our soul cannot stop us from starting something new he incorporates two affective techniques into our life. First, he convinces us it is no longer worth our time or effort. Then once we stop the project he convinces us it is too late or too much trouble to get back on course. He then proceeds to stamp over our life the word failure. All the worst things we ever believed about ourselves come to the surface and we live our life under the task master of self-condemnation and shame. This makes it all the more difficult to start fresh. We resign ourselves to the lie that things can never change so why try!!!!

It is tragic enough when this is the case with relationships, finances, eating patterns or anything else in the temporary/physical realm. But it is even more tragic when it is the way we live our Christian lives. When decisions for Christ and the desire to grow spiritually become too daunting to even attempt. The answer?

Realize the work that needs to be done in me is started and finished by my heavenly Father. I cling to the verse that says, “He who has begun a good work in you will perform it.” He will see His work in my life through to completion. I rest in His ability to transform me, not in my own. “He was not able to finish what he started” will never be able to be said of my heavenly Father. His perspective is clear. His power is limitless.

Father, You are daily working Your way in my life. I trust You for the completion of it. May I cooperate with all You do! Amen.