Monday, January 14, 2008

Standing Firm

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 (New American Standard Bible)

A pastor friend in Canada shared this verse with me last night via email. I didn’t read it until this morning and the message within this verse is different for me than it has been in past readings. In the past, I would have seen this verse as a warning not to be re-enslaved to legalism and performance in my Christian life. But today my “yoke of slavery” has more to do with the opinions of others or rather my constant need to know what others are thinking of me or my plans.

I have spent so many years running ideas past people and desiring to know their opinion that taking steps and moving forward were often limited or hindered by my uncertainties and insecurities. I thought more highly of another person’s ability to direct my steps than in my ability to search a matter out with God. I made decisions based on what they said should or shouldn’t happen. While the Bible clearly encourages us to seek wise counsel, it can become off balanced if we are not discerning. If my seeking is driven by my own weaknesses and phobias than I am not walking by faith. I am walking by fear, frustration, and doubt but not by faith.

God has certainly placed people in my life as encouragers, comforters, and guides, but He never intended for them to be the primary sources in any of those areas. He is to be the primary source and they are simply His conduits!

The past couple of days have been an opportunity for me to make some decisions without consulting people. Even my Canadian pastor friend was not given specifics as to a decision I would ultimately make. And what came of the decisions? I don’t fully know yet. But I do know this, the decisions were between God and me and that in itself gives me a wonderful sense of strength and freedom. I sensed my spirit muscles develop a little more and a smile of peace graces my face this morning. As I choose to live outside my “yoke of slavery” I realize some decisions will be wise and some will be unwise, but just as I learned as a young child to walk amidst many falls, so I will learn this kind of walk as well.

Father, no one desires victory in my Christian life more than You! Therefore, I stand in the confidence that You will be my faithful Guide and Companion. Amen.