Monday, November 8, 2010
How Teachable Am I?
When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. Galatians 2:11 (New International Version)
Have you ever had someone point out an area in your life that needs to change? Have you ever been the one who had to do the pointing out? Most of us are not comfortable in either role, but maybe that is because we fail to appreciate the necessity of it at times. When Paul saw Peter’s hypocrisy, as stated in Galatians 2:12, and the effects it was having on both Jews and Gentiles, he did the right thing. He confronted Peter and let him know in no uncertain terms that he was in the wrong. We are not told what Peter’s reaction was but I believe that by this point he had developed a teachable spirit. Paul had not told him anything he did not already know and the confrontation would have been enough to direct him toward necessary change. Paul was simply being a “truth teller” and Peter was to be the recipient of that truth.
I have been a student of Scripture long enough to know that God wants to get more mileage out of this passage than just what pertains to Paul and Peter. He wants me to bring it into the present and allow Him to develop in me the quality of being teachable when someone has to pinpoint areas in my own life. He wants to get me past the hurt feelings, the taking it personal, the sense of shame, the squirming, as well as the desire to run and hide. He wants me to be willing to hear and accept the truth from those who are willing to tell me the truth about things that need to change in me especially when it comes to attitudes of the heart.
There are really only two options for me when it comes to taking in truth. Either I can be willing to hear it from the Holy Spirit and act upon it or I can wait until God determines it is time to bring people along to tell me to my face what I am trying to avoid hearing from Him. Up until now that has been a terrifying thought for me, but only because I have bought into false ideas of what they are saying and why they are saying it. God’s heart as well as theirs is for my good and eventual growth. He is giving them the discernment to know what is hindering that growth. I need to see their words as gifts rather than reasons to cringe.
In the privacy of my home when my spirits are high this all sounds easy. I know though, that the real test will come the next time I am living more in the flesh than in the Spirit and the confrontation comes. Will I be receptive? Will I be teachable? Will I be grateful? I pray so and I ask God to begin now to prepare me.
Father, I want to be teachable and approachable in times of weakness. Help me to want truth and help more than any attitudes of my heart that are not of You. Amen.
With All I Am - Hillsong
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.