Thursday, March 18, 2010
When It is Given to Another
Go up to the top of Pisgah, and lift your eyes toward the west, the north, the south, and the east; behold it with your eyes, for you shall not cross over this Jordan. But command Joshua, and encourage him and strengthen him; for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which you will see. Deuteronomy 3:27, 28 (New King James Version)
In today’s passage, not only do we witness God’s final answer to Moses’ desire to enter the Promised land with the nation of Israel, but we also hear His instructions as to how he is to interact with the one who is to take his place as the next leader of God’s people. He is given a view of the land but denied entry due to a disobedient act on his part. That had to have stung. Yet, I marvel at what God instructs him to do with regards to Joshua….command him, encourage him, strengthen him. Further reading reveals that Moses did just that! He whole heartedly supported the one who would be privileged to do what he would not be allowed to do.
I compare this scenario to that of King Saul when he knew that David was to be the next king of Israel. Jealousy and hate ruled Saul’s heart and actions. Rather than command, encourage, and strengthen, he sought to kill him! Both men lost their desired positions and opportunities due to their own actions and yet the way they responded to the consequences and their “replacements” were polar worlds apart.
Although Moses’ and Saul’s situation had to do with consequences, I am asking myself which scenario would more closely resemble my life if someone were given an opportunity I wanted for myself? In all honesty, without the grace and work of God in my life, I am more like Saul than Moses (minus the intent to murder). My flesh gets riled when what I want is withheld from me and “handed” to another person….even a friend. When disappointment marks my path, I don’t do well with “rejoicing with those who rejoice.”
Many have been the times I have had to take an honest look at my heart, admit the truth to God, and ask for His grace to overcome the dictates of my flesh. That is just the first step though. It takes additional grace from Him to then become the encourager and strengthener of the one who is chosen by Him to carry out that which I long to do. To partner with them rather than stand opposed to them or in competition with them. It is part of learning to walk on a solid foundation of trust in the heart of my Father, for He knows the plans He has for me and others ….plans to prosper rather than harm!
Father, when I am disappointed may it never be in You! Help me to come to the place of receiving “No” from You as easily as I receive “Yes.” Help me to interact with others in a way that pleases and honors You. Amen.
Do I Trust You - Twila Paris
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.