Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Great Robber
And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span? If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters? Luke 12:25,26 (New American Standard Bible)
The King James Version asks if you can add a cubit to your height by worrying. Whether we are talking about adding time to our life or height to our stature the point is this…..worrying NEVER adds….it always takes away. It robs us of the very things we need like sleep, peace of mind, clear thinking, trust, faith, confidence, security, and health. Just look at the synonyms for worry: to fret, be anxious, lose sleep, excessive concern, troubled-spirit.
I found it interesting to see a definition for worry that I had never realized even existed. Believe it or not, a dog can worry a bone which simply means to treat it roughly, as with continual biting. Is that not a good picture of what worry does to our insides? It is remarkable how the worrying can go on in our head while the churning is going on in our gut! The next time I am worrying, stewing, fretting, or being perturbed over something, I want to picture that “dog” gnawing away at me!
I know one thing, worry and faith cannot co-exist. Only one can be experienced at a time. Worry tells me my problem is bigger than God, I am on my own, improvement of the situation is impossible, there is no hope for relief, and I will never be able to handle what is coming. Faith on the other hand says my God is bigger than ANY problem, He will NEVER leave me, He is working ALL things for my good, my hope is IN Christ, and I can do all things THROUGH Christ. I also know that worry and faith both have the potential to shut the other down. It comes down to this question….to what am I yielding my thoughts?
I will admit, some people are more prone to excessive worrying than others. But the same antidote is applicable for both. Voice out loud your true feelings. Admit to God what you are really thinking. Then find Scripture to contradict what you are believing about yourself and your situation. Counter the worry with truth. It will flee every time! Worry is an option. Faith is a necessity!
Father, I need not worry when I keep in mind all the truths You are teaching me about Yourself. Nothing is impossible for You! Amen.
You're Still God - Kathy Troccoli
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.