Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Healing of Wounds

'For I will restore you to health and I will heal you of your wounds,' declares the LORD. Jeremiah 30:17 (New American Standard Bible)

A phone conversation with a friend helped me to see an aspect of God’s restoration and healing that I have often missed. We were discussing times when things happen that cause painful memories to surface. Memories that we may have thought were safely tucked away. Hurts that we thought had become manageable. She shared something with me that God had been teaching her. When events happen and wounds are exposed it is like the removal of a bandage in order for the wound to be tended to. Each time this happens there may be additional pain involved but the wound is going through a process and will eventually be completely healed.

So often I want a quick, painless healing but that is not usually the case. Even though the wound may have taken only moments to be inflicted, it may take years for the wound to be healed. I am sure of a few things.

*As long as the pain continues to be felt, the wound is there, and as long as the wound is there God will faithfully tend to it.

*I am being changed during this process. I am not the same person I was when the wounding happened and I will not be the same person when it is all over. Growth, maturity, and wisdom will come of it. They will be the gold nuggets of my personal experience.

*The pain of each moment God tends to my wounds may last for several days but eventually joy and peace return. I must simply trust Him in the process.

*Along with healing, God is building a platform of ministry to others. The comfort and encouragement I have been blessed with along the way is what I will one day be able to give to others. There will be opportunities to teach others what I have learned. The day will come when I extend to a wounded individual the same help others are presently extending to me.

*No matter how deep the wound it is only temporary in light of eternity. My life is a vapor and so are my wounds.

*Healing and restoration are taking place even when I don’t see or feel it. God has promised to finish whatever He starts and when He is finished I will be amazed!

For now there may still be sorrow, tears, and pain to experience but I see it from a different perspective and invite God to proceed with the process of healing.

Father, You know my history as well as my future when it comes to the hurts of life. I yield to Your healing touch once more. Amen.

Power of Your Love - Hillsong

Holiness is a furnace that transforms the men and women who enter it. - Eugene H.Peterson