Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Upon What Does It Hinge?
How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered! Psalm 32:1 (New American Standard Bible)
David reveled in God’s forgiveness of his sins because he took God at His word that sin would and could be forgiven if brought to Him. In Old Testament times a sin offering was brought in the form of a lamb or goat and upon the shed blood of that sacrifice forgiveness was promised (Leviticus 4:20). Jesus Christ later became that sacrificial lamb on the cross of Calvary. It is His shed blood that becomes the premise for God’s forgiveness today (1 John 1:9).
So what exactly IS God’s forgiveness? It is a pardon. In legal terms it means the forgiveness of a crime and the cancellation of the relevant penalty. While we may still be subject to the earthly consequences of our sin, the eternal penalty in Hell is cancelled. It means when sin is forgiven it is no longer held against us and we are no longer viewed in light of that sin. It is gone!
If that be the case, why do so many of us live as if the sin is still hanging over our head and God is reluctant to actually give the forgiveness He has promised? I have been asking God that question this morning and He has been quick to bring the answer. It has to do with that upon which I think forgiveness hinges. God is letting me know that my own pre-conceived ideas are getting in the way of me receiving His extravagant offer. While He says the price has been paid and forgiveness will be extended each time I bring the sin to Him, I stand entangled in the following thoughts:
*God withholds forgiveness until I am no longer sinning in that area.
*God does not take my confession seriously because I still fail.
*I have no right to ask His forgiveness if I have not come to the place of victory over the sin.
*I am an exception to His grace because I am not sinless yet.
I was stunned at how much was hinging on my behavior. I am no different than the person who says they will come to Jesus for salvation when they get their life together. Sort of like the person who cleans the house before the maid shows up! God is helping me to see that His forgiveness is not contingent on how good I do afterwards. It fully rests on the payment that was made by Christ on the cross. I never have deserved it and never will deserve it apart from Christ’s sacrifice and God’s grace.
Father, I have been hesitant to take You at Your word, yet You have never withdrawn Your hands that offer such a gift as this! Change will come as a result of Your forgiveness not as a prerequisite for it. Amen.
What Sin? - Morgan Cryar
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.