Sunday, January 14, 2007

Learning the Same Things Jesus Knew

And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God…..Get thee behind me, Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve…..It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Luke 4:4,8,12

Jesus’ answers to Satan’s temptations were direct, powerful, effective, and practical. When I see them lined up I see them as not only answers for the moment but profound principles by which to live. Imagine the impact it would have if one lived life embracing the Word of God, worshiping God alone, and not tempting God. In other words, determining that God and His Word are supreme and paramount in our lives. But often times that is not the case and the result is defeat instead of victory.

Jesus knew the high price of yielding to temptation. Many times we don’t fully see it until we find ourselves living with the consequences of our wrong choices. Consequences that God intends to be painful enough to drive us back to Him and to resist temptation in the future. I must come to the place where I take the time to see where my wrong actions and attitudes will lead me. Sin has both a trail behind me and a path before me.

Jesus knew who His real enemy was. He was aware of his technique, motives, and agenda. His history with Satan did not start with the temptation in the wilderness. It went all the way back to Satan’s beginning and rebellion as Lucifer in Heaven. A quick overview of Scripture will reveal to me the one tract mind Satan had toward Christ and subsequently has toward me as well. His intent for Christ was to keep Him from becoming the sacrifice for my sin. His intent for mankind is to keep him from coming to Christ for salvation. His intent for me on a daily basis is to keep me from a personal relationship with my heavenly Father. He wants nothing more than to see my fellowship with God broken.

Jesus knew the right weapon to use. He knew the one sword to raise was the Word of God. Scripture not only serves as an answer to the enemy of my soul but it serves as a reminder to me of what the truth is. Every time I speak God’s word out loud I am releasing the power of His word. His words are not just ink on a page. They live and have the same power as when He spoke the worlds into existence. I cannot afford to remain silent.

Father, You have given me everything I need to live the Christian life in victory. Help me to implement all of it into my life. Amen.