Sunday, January 14, 2007

Listening With a Purpose

So take care how you listen; for whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he thinks he has shall be taken away from him. Luke8:18

I find it interesting that this verse comes after Jesus has given two parables. The first being about a sower and the seed he is sowing. The seed falls on four types of soil. The seed will grow only in proportion to the receptiveness of the soil. Jesus was using this farm scene to help us see the truths of taking in God’s Word. God’s Word takes root as much as the heart is receptive to it.

Then He gives a parable about a lamp and how it is not meant to be placed under a container to block the light. Lamps are meant to give off light to help us see more clearly. Is that not the awesome task of each believer? To give off light so the truths of God and His Word are seen more clearly by those around us?

In both parables, something is being produced depending on a receptive and reliable heart. God’s Word does not return to Him void. When received into our lives it will produce fruit and part of that fruit is giving off light to those in darkness. We are not just lamps. We are beacons….lighthouses even! So if you find yourself in the midst of many unbelievers be encouraged! The darker your surroundings the more profound will be your light.

It only makes sense that Jesus would follow these two parables with instruction about listening. Listening is one of the most vital tools for taking in truth. And God has a conditional promise in this verse. The more you listen and take in, the more He will give you. I like that! There is always an increase as long as my ears, heart, and mind stay open. But with listening comes responsibility to take what I have heard and apply it to my life. James admonishes us to be hearers and doers of the Word.

Allow God to sow His Word into your life. Take seriously the need to apply it to your everyday life. The harvest as well as the light will be evident in more ways and to more people than you ever dreamed.

Father, plow up the soil of my heart so I can readily take in the seeds of truth You have for me. May the lamp of my life in Christ be bright. I am listening, Lord. May what I take in increase and make room for more. Amen.