Monday, October 29, 2007
Repairing the Break
So that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. I Corinthians 12:25 (New American Standard Bible)
One of things Christ prayed for while He was here on earth (and I believe still prays for in Heaven) is that there would be unity within the body of believers. The same quality of unity He shares with His Father. His desire is that there would be no division in the body….His body. When I see the word division I think of separation, a pulling apart, a break, or tear. It is not meant to be that way and yet sadly it often is.
I can tell when I am unified with a believer and I can definitely tell when something has divided us. Division for me brings discomfort and difficulty in seeing them face to face. Conversations become strained and communication may become non existent. The flow of fellowship seems to come to a stop in much the same way that a faucet has been shut off…whether gradually or quickly. Closeness is replaced by distance. Warmth is replaced by a sudden chill. The scenario is all too common in my mind and the Lord is once again asking me some direct, heart searching questions. If I put up resistance to what He is trying to teach me I will lose in many ways. Relationships will sour and friendships will dissolve. It is never worth it in the long run.
For me the break down occurs when I have allowed a spirit of offense to take root and I have neglected to take care of it in a biblical way. It may have come because I misunderstood something, read something the wrong way, or took something personal. Suspicions grew, hurt set in, pride abounded, and my flesh ruled. Whether I want to admit it or not, I can usually tell the moment a shift has taken place within me and the battle of my will begins! But when I am finally ready to stop blaming others and excusing myself, the division can be properly attended to. God’s grace is so necessary as I ask Him to once again infuse within me a humble and honest spirit. If I allow Him, He will take me through a time of breaking my will in order to restore and bless a relationship within the body of Christ.
None of this comes naturally or easily for me. I would rather hide, deny, defend, and depart. I would rather not admit I have been hurt. I would rather crawl into the comfort of other relationships. I would rather give up. But I have a loving heavenly Father who is intent on teaching me that His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. I will not grow and He will not be glorified if I do not cooperate fully in all areas!
Father, I need Your grace to take the necessary steps of reconciliation. I sense the division and I desire Your healing of a precious friendship. Fill me with Your love as I finally move in the right direction. Amen.