Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Back to the Basics
With Him are wisdom and strength, He has counsel and understanding. Job 12:13 (New King James Version)
Job had it right when he penned these words! I, too often, have slipped other names into this verse and believed in my heart it was okay to view individuals as storehouses of wisdom, strength, counsel and understanding. I ran to them with questions, tuned my ears to any words they spoke, looked to them for all the answers, and pretty much made them my counterfeit messiah. Even when I began to see that it was God who I needed to look to, I still had hopes that significant individuals would come across my path and “fix” anything in me that was messed up, broken, or hurting. While I knew God is a Spirit and we must worship Him in spirit and in truth, I still had a need to connect with others.
People have often told me that we need each other and that is true! God has called us to encourage one another. He uses people in many ways to minister to us and teach us valuable truths. We are not meant to live completely isolated or independent of others. As Job said in Job 13:1, “My eye has seen all this. My ear has heard and understood it. What you know I also know.”
Once again, the problem is not knowing these things, the problem is finding the right balance between seeking God and looking to people. Just when I think I have managed to find that balance the scales of my soul begin to quiver once again. It is an ever present struggle. One in which both God and I are acutely aware. We also know my tendency to go from one extreme to the other. That is to jump into relationships or go it alone! It is the “all or nothing” mental trap.
This morning I once again lay it all aside and realign myself with the basic truth that God is my primary Source for wisdom, strength, counsel, and understanding. With that as my foundational truth, I look to Him and admit I don’t know how to view the relationships in my life. Right now, in the quietness of my home and heart there are a myriad of questions, concerns, and apprehensions running through my mind. I don’t have the answers but I know the One who does. I turn to Him.
Father, I have gotten it wrong so often and You have never failed to welcome me back to You. Help me to find the balance between You and those You lovingly bring into my life. I admit my need of You. Amen.
I Need Thee Every Hour - Selah
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.