Thursday, July 31, 2008
In the Classroom of Life
Let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning; For I trust in You; Teach me the way in which I should walk; For to You I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8 (New American Standard Bible)
My daughter came to me this morning out of frustration over an area in her life. Things are rubbing her the wrong way with some people in her life and I understand the look and heart of discouragement and confusion that presently mark her path. I listened to her vent and just as my “mama bear” instincts wanted to step in and protect, the Lord brought a question to mind that has produced a red flag on those instincts. It is simply this, “What is it God is trying to teach her at this moment and in this circumstance?” While it is easy for each of us to focus on the circumstances and people in our life, God wants to do a work in us. He wants to teach us the way in which we should walk.
When it comes to my daughter, I can see a number of areas that God might be targeting in her. As an adult she is going to find more and more that many of the lessons will be learned in the difficult and uncomfortable areas of life. It may be patience. It may be gratitude. It may be contentment. It may be a fresh realization that our life is not our own. It may be endurance. It may be faithfulness. Fortunately for me, I do not have to be the one to figure it out for my daughter. That is our Father’s responsibility. As I pray for her and entrust her situation to Him, He will be faithful to reveal to her what it is He is trying to teach her. The rejoicing will come as she allows Him to do that.
It is the same with each of us. The unfair, uncomfortable, and uneasy parts of life are the tools God is using to teach us what we need to learn. They are the classroom whereby God is instilling in us the qualities and characteristics that are meant to be ours as we are daily being conformed to the image of His Son. They are the sandpaper He is using to take off the rough edges in us and part of His workmanship in us.
I know better than to think that God is showing me this truth only for the sake of my daughter. He intends that I see this truth for myself as well. As I go through today, I will be asking myself (many times) “What is God trying to teach me?” As I do that, life will become less about the hard parts of life and more about the lessons He has designed for my walk with Him.
Father, help me to be more aware of what You are doing and what I am to be learning as You do it. My daughter belongs to You and I rejoice in what You will teach her and me! Amen.
Make Me A Servant - Maranatha Singers
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A Refuge for Me
But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a strong fortress for the people of Israel. Joel 3:16b (New Living Translation)
For much of my Christian life I did not know how to allow God to be my refuge and fortress. My shelter and place of protection from storms, dangers, and falsehood. I took my questions as well as my heartaches to people and looked to them to comfort, nurture, and protect me. In the beginning of a Christian life this is normal and even necessary. But God knows that if a transition is not made, whereby eyes and hearts are directed toward Him, the growth and spiritual well being of that individual will be stunted.
The transition happens naturally for some individuals. Somewhere along the line they see their need to shift their focus and their walk with God becomes an intimate one. For others, God must take some drastic measures to begin the process. I personally was not ready or willing to begin solely looking to Him until significant people were removed. Henry Blackaby says that “sometimes God has to remove others from our lives, so He can continue His purposes for our lives.” Does He know it will hurt? Yes! Does He know we will struggle to understand? Absolutely! Does He know we will wonder if we are going to survive the necessary severing? Definitely! But He also knows the result and He knows ahead of time which direction our heart will take.
For me, the losses drove me to Him and now the current difficulties do as well. Last night was a case in point. I had emailed a friend requesting prayer for some specific areas in my life then I went to bed and found it difficult to fall asleep. My mind was consumed with questions and my eyes were filled with tears…once again. But it was at that time that God began to teach me some truth and help me to see things I had been unaware of. As soon as I took in the truth, the tears ceased and my heart became settled. He was my place of repair and rest at that moment and I slept soundly. No one, absolutely no one, on earth can do that for me like God can!
I carry into today that experience and rejoice anew that He has finally brought me to the point whereby He is the One I run to and cling. He is the One to whom I ask the difficult questions. Will He still use people in my life? Very much so because that is one of His purposes for the body of Christ. But He is the One who now has my attention and neither one of us would want it any other way.
Father, I stand in awe of what You have accomplished that I never could do on my own. I praise You and need You! Amen.
YOU ARE MY HIDING PLACE - Maranatha Singers
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
A Cheerful Giver
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:7,8 (New International Version)
At one time, if you had quoted the first half of this passage to me, my mind would have instantly thought of tithing. How easy it is to limit Scripture to one small picture when God intends for it to be a mural of beauty. His Word is not only alive and powerful it has many dimensions and layers. Our joy comes when we begin to see the bigger picture of what God is saying.
Recently, an act of kindness shown to me led to God bringing this phrase to mind, “God loves a cheerful giver.” Then He graciously broadened the image to, “God loves ALL cheerful giving.” That which is done out of joyous, promptness rather than duty or a have to mentality. Instantly, my mind began to formulate the many things that can be given to others beyond material things. The giving includes giving others an encouraging word, the benefit of the doubt, a second chance, a listening ear, the right of way, priority, a kind gesture, a smile, a helping hand, friendship, a shoulder to cry on, prayer support, forgiveness, time, attention, and even a hug. It could also entail giving them entrance into your life or allowing them the freedom to walk away. The list is endless and God will help you to come up with fresh ideas all day long. Once the full scope hits, the passion and desire will arise in you to carry out the very thing that God loves……..ministry to others.
The second half of this passage tells us the “how to” of our giving. He promises to give us more than enough of what we need to abound in every good work. It is all about His influence upon us that strengthens and kindles within us the desire to give to others what God lays on our heart to give. His grace is what affords us the joy, pleasure, and delight to bestow acts of loving kindness on others. God’s favor through us to others! God supplies it and He loves it when we take what He supplies and lavish it on others.
In God’s eyes, no act or moment of giving is insignificant or invisible. After all, in the midst of pompous giving Jesus noticed and mentioned the woman who gave two small coins. Do it and He will see it! Say it and He will hear it! It will never be wasted or go unnoticed by Him. How He delights in seeing His Word and His wishes become a part of our daily life!
Father, You are the ultimate Giver! Jesus’ life is my example as well. My I be an imitator of Him and a giver for You. Amen.
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Monday, July 28, 2008
My Healer
He went on turning away, in the way of his heart. I have seen his ways, but I will heal him. Isaiah 57:17,18 (New American Standard Bible)
So often we read the word “heal” in the Bible and we instantly think of physical healing. Throughout the Old and New Testaments there are certainly many references to that. While we may not see such extensive and abundant amounts of healing today, God is still healing people. While I have never experienced a physical healing from a disease, illness, or deformity, I have had the privilege and experience of the kind of healing today’s verse is referring to. A healing of my heart and spiritual sickness.
Isaiah 6:10 speaks of an insensitive heart, dull ears, dim eyes, and a heart that lacks understanding. Jeremiah 3:22 speaks of God healing unfaithfulness. These are conditions of the heart. I remember decade long times in my Christian life when I could not hear God’s voice, could not see His heart in Scripture, was not sensitive to His leading in my life, and was not faithful to daily come to Him in prayer. I was in desperate need of His healing touch but did not know how to go about receiving it.
I did not realize this kind of healing automatically happens as I seek an intimate, personal relationship with Him. He is aware of my need and my propensity to stray from Him. He has had His eye on me from the moment of my conception and has longed to reveal Himself to me as my Healer.
My personal healing took place the day I embraced the truth that God’s love is not dependent on what I do. That was the catalyst for what has now been an incredible four and a half year journey. It has completely changed my approach to prayer and Scripture. I never knew prayer was meant to be a two way conversation, whereby I do some of the talking and God does some of the talking. His whispers at times move me to tears.
I never knew reading the Bible could be so alive either. Every morning before I open my Bible I ask the Holy Spirit to speak to me. I ask Him to cause one verse to really stand out to me. The journal thoughts have been the fruit of those prayers. There are days I cannot write fast enough as He brings the thoughts to mind. And all of this started the day I said, “Father, show me Your heart in Scripture.” He is moved by such requests.
Father, You are so loving, gracious, and generous. Continue to show me where I need Your healing touch. Amen.
A Heart Like Yours by Cece Winans
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
When God Causes Grief
For if He causes grief, then He will have compassion according to His abundant loving kindness. Let us examine and probe our ways, and let us return to the LORD. Lamentations 3:32, 40 (New American Standard Bible)
There are times I come across a passage of Scripture that speaks volumes to me. Such is the case with today’s verses. I have known grief caused by the Lord…or at least caused by what He has done. I am at a place whereby I can thank Him for it and mean it, but that has not always been the case. For a year and a half He took me through the process of self examination and probing. It was painful, confusing, frustrating, and difficult, but it was necessary in order for me to fully come to Him and return to His ways.
God knows how easily I can seek satisfaction apart from Him. He loves me too much to allow that to happen. Hence, He will remove my props one by one in order to turn my focus and heart back to Himself. It is only in seeing this that I can eventually thank Him for what has caused me grief. For me it has been a process of confronting my idolatry, repenting of that idolatry, and returning to Him. The change has been slow but steady.
The reasons for grief are varied. As I have been reading through the book of Lamentations, grief was a result of sin and rebellion. Even with that, though, God’s desire was the same. He longed for His people to return to Him and live in relationship with Him.
Grief may also come because of the harshness and reality of life. The death of a loved one, difficult health issues, financial loss, unemployment, etc… Whatever the grief, the directive is the same. Know that God will have compassion if He has allowed the grief. We have His word on that and God ALWAYS fulfills His promises. Examine yourself and probe the way you are living. Ask God to show you what things in your life need to change. Cooperate with what He tells you. What you cannot bring yourself to do, ask Him to do for you. The removal of my idol was definitely done by God. I praise Him for doing what I couldn’t do. Finally, know that the ultimate goal is for you to return to Him for restoration of the relationship He longs to have with you.
Remember this, nothing is wasted. There is buried treasure in the caverns of grief and God wants you to discover them. I have recently begun to see the sparkle of those treasures. The joy I thought would never return is making its way into my life once again.
Father, the way has not been easy but it has been worth it. I praise You for the grief You allowed and where it has led me so far. Amen.
Were it not for Grace
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
God Will Make a Way
Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 (Amplified Bible)
God’s principles and concepts must be viewed in the way in which He meant them. Our interpretation of what He is saying must be in line with Scripture. If we are not careful, we can make a verse say what we want it to say and give it a meaning or promise God never intended. Then when what we are sure will happen doesn’t, we wonder why God didn’t keep His word. Truth be told, it was not His word, it was our word. Hence the warning in 2 Peter 1:20 which says that no prophecy of Scripture is of any personal or private or special interpretation. There is a danger to taking a verse and pulling it out of context just so it will fit our preconceived ideas and theology.
Sometimes we can draw conclusions and not even realize they are not accurate. Recently I saw this for myself in a song I have come to love. Don Moen sings the song, “God Will Make a Way” and it is derived from today’s verse. It speaks of God making a way where there seems to be no way. For the longest time I thought that meant God would figure out a way to give me what I want be it in relationships, career, opportunities, etc… I not only wanted His stamp of approval on MY plans but I enjoyed thinking He would carve out a path to bring those plans to fruition. God could see my wrong conclusion and has lovingly revealed His truth to me.
God does make a way but it is His way! That which He has designed and desired to carry out in my life will become possible as He opens and closes doors, makes provisions, guides, and clears obstacles. I don’t have to worry that there is no plan and I don’t have to worry that God will be unable to bring about that plan. I must simply rest in His Word, heart, and character, and walk in obedience to that which He shows me. Scripture is full of examples of God making a way for His people as they followed Him. The nation of Israel, Joseph, David, Ruth, Esther, and Moses are just a few of many.
My way? No, God loves me too much to allow that to be His goal. He knows who to cross my path with and what circumstances to use to glorify Himself and bring about the best. His timing is perfect, His tools are wise, and His ways are unquestionable. He is God. I am not.
Father, if allowed to have it my way, there would be no growth for me or glory for You. Thank you for showing me the truth in Your way. Amen.
God Will Make a Way - Don Moen
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Purposed and Performed
Lift up a signal against the walls of Babylon; Post a strong guard, Station sentries, Place men in ambush! For the LORD has both purposed and performed what He spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon. Jeremiah 51:12 (New American Standard Bible)
As I have been reading through the book of Jeremiah, I am seeing time and time again the specifics of God’s judgments against numerous nations. What God purposed for each was eventually performed. But this truth is not limited to God’s judgment. Everything God purposes He performs. This is a truth I have been gleaning from a Bible study in which I am involved. It is impacting my life in a significant way and I can tell that once again God is profoundly shaping my walk with Him.
Often have been the times I have felt like “one of many” to God. A nameless face in a crowd. While I knew God did special and specific things with certain individuals I did not feel His intervention and personal attention was directed toward me…..or at least not very often. Feelings of insignificance and invisibility marked my path. But those are lies! The truth of the matter is that God purposes and performs that which He speaks concerning me. I may not always know the specifics but I can trust Him to do all that He plans to do in and through my life.
Eternity will be filled with many “aha” moments as the full picture will be clear. But for now I can catch glimpses of His purposes and performances when I look back and review significant times in my life. Not just wonderful times but difficult times as well. It is my opportunity to see how He has woven relationships and circumstances together to bring about life changing lessons for me as well as life defining moments. No detail is insignificant or unnecessary. Romans 8:28 reminds me that all things work together for good and God causes or allows each of the ALL things!
Insignificant or invisible? Not hardly! God is masterfully designing my life on a daily basis and it is changing my perception and view of everything in my life. Every relationship, every circumstance, every trial, every joy! I matter and every detail of my life matters to God. His sovereignty is a security to me and His heart is trustworthy.
Several years ago the truth that God’s love is not dependent upon what I am doing flipped my Christian life upside down! It was the start of my present journey. This truth about God’s involvement in my life via His purposes and performance of those purposes is making as big of an impact on me. What a joy to see life changing moments occur!
Father, I am breathless with wonder over You! Amen.
He Knows My Name by Maranatha Singers
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Without Sight
Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29 (New King James Version)
I remember as a 14 year old, reading this verse for the very first time and seeing the personal significance. It was the first time I had read Scripture and knew it was talking about ME because I was one who had believed in Christ without seeing Him with my physical eyes. Now, three and a half decades later, I am seeing a new truth come alive to me as I once again read this verse.
The Bible says that God is good, works all things together for good, and has purposed good things for our life. It also says He makes roads in the wilderness, gives beauty for ashes, and is conforming us to image of His Son. Some of us, like Thomas, live with a “I have to see it to believe it” mentality. We hold out believing with abandon until we actually SEE what God is doing, how things will turn out, why things are happening, where God is taking us, and when whatever we are experiencing will be over with. When we can finally see what God is purposing and doing we then make our proclamations of faith in Him. In other words, we believe He is Who He says He is and can do what He says He can do when we see it with our own eyes.
Today’s verse can be a personal invitation to us if we allow it. Jesus is saying to each of us, “Believe Me even when you don’t yet see all that I am doing and why I am doing it. The blessing comes as you walk in confidence even without the full picture and all the answers knowing that My view is really the only view that counts.”
I joy in the fact that THAT is the kind of God I love and serve. No matter what is transpiring in my life, He can be trusted, depended upon, believed in, and followed whether or not I understand and see everything. He already knows the end of each story of my life and my confidence in Him does not have to be weakened in the slightest by what I do or don’t see with my physical eyes. Eternity will reveal ALL the things I may question now, but I don’t have to wait until then to take hold of His hand and walk with boldness now. As far as God is concerned, it is ALL a done deal now even before it has begun.
Father, You’ve seen the tears, fears, and questions of my heart countless times. Now may You see the kind of faith that brings blessing. Amen.
God Will Make A Way - Don Moen
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Platform Living
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 (New International Version)
Some would read this verse this morning and groan, because the only thing they seem to be experiencing is the tribulation. Peace illudes them, good cheer is absent, and they wonder at the ‘overcoming’ part. If that is you today, may this devotional serve as a lifeline to you. Jesus’ intent is that we experience ALL the promises of this verse. Not to just stick our toe in His pool of words, but to plunge in and saturate ourselves with the hope in which He wants us to immerse ourselves!
This is one of those verses that has a sandwiche principle. The fact of tribulation in this life is sandwiched between the promises of peace and good cheer (taking heart). What does tribulation look like? It comes in many forms. It can be the pressures, hurts, disappointments, afflictions, anguish, burdens, turmoil, persecutions, troubles, or trials of life. Jesus does not want to leave us with the idea that the abundant life He promised would be absent of hardships. If we do not see that truth we will set ourselves up for disillusionment, confusion, and tremendous misunderstanding.
In the midst of the struggles Jesus makes available to us His peace, quietness, rest, and even prosperity. He invites us to live with good cheer, comfort, courage, boldness, and confidence. How? By seeing Him as the Overcomer to all of life. He subdued, conquered, and won the conquest at Calvary. Being in relationship with Him empowers me to live as a conquerer with a quiet boldness even in the midst of life’s difficulties. If nothing else, I stand on the premise that God is able to work all things out for my good and His glory.
As a devotional once reminded me, I can view my tribulations as “a platform for the display of His almighty grace and power.” It is up to me how I choose to live on that platform. I can curl up into a ball of pain, misery, and victimization, or I can accept God’s invitation to live life to the fullest with Him. While there will be tears shed along the way, I want to learn to sing, dance, and celebrate atop the platform!
Father, teach me to not only acknowledge the difficulties of life but to simultaneously proclaim Your Person, power, and presence at the center of it all. May I partner with You in my platform living! Amen.
In The Potters Hand - Hillsong (HQ sound)
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
The Whole Message
Then they said to Jeremiah, "May the LORD be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not act in accordance with the whole message with which the LORD your God will send you to us. "Whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, we will listen to the voice of the LORD our God to whom we are sending you, so that it may go well with us when we listen to the voice of the LORD our God." Jeremiah 42:5,6 (New American Standard Bible)
What pastor would not thrill to hear his congregation proclaim the words the Jews had spoken to Jeremiah. In essence they were saying, “Tell us what the Lord says and we will obey…no matter what!” In reality, they had already made up their minds to do what they wanted to do. If God’s message to them was not what they wanted it to be, they really had no intention on walking in obedience. Jeremiah 43 reveals they did exactly what God warned them NOT to do….they headed to Egypt! They decided since the message was not what they wanted it to be then, in their minds, it wasn’t from God.
I am astounded! The message was crystal clear. “Stay in Babylon and you will be abundantly blessed and protected. Go to Egypt and you will die!” As clear as that was, they rejected the wisdom and warning of God’s message through Jeremiah.
Does that sort of thing still happen today? Absolutely! The Bible is clear about Heaven and Hell. It is clear about salvation coming through faith in Christ alone. And yet people don’t want to accept that as God’s message. They have their own idea of how life and the after life works and that has become “truth” to them. When the Jewish people chose to reject God’s message it did not change the message. When people today choose to reject what the Bible clearly says, it does not change the message. Unfortunately, many will come to realize that when it is eternally too late.
But it is not just the world that picks their way through God’s Word with a smorgasbord mentality. Christians are often guilty of the same mindsets. Hence, we get a prosperity gospel, all law, all grace, God’s love, God’s judgment. God is a God of balance and His Word is just as balanced. Yes, there is grace but there are also warnings for disobedience. There are boundaries and limits God has established and when we live within them we are within the parameters of blessing and favor.
I have known what it is like to live outside of God’s intended will for my life. It is a place of frustration, loneliness, heartache, and profound sadness. Those are the very things God has used to draw me back into submission and obedience to Himself. I came to the place where my way was too uncomfortable. May I speak the words found in today’s verse with a ready and willing heart to yield to whatever God says.
Father, my ears and heart are open to what You have to say to me. May I walk in obedience even when what You say isn’t what I hoped it would be. Amen.
We Bow Down - Twila Paris
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Purpose for Second Chances
Joseph said to them, It is as I said to you, you are spies; by this you will be tested: by the life of Pharaoh, you shall not go from this place unless your youngest brother comes here! Genesis 42:14-16 (New American Standard Bible)
The account of Joseph in the book of Genesis has so many layers of truth. A favored son of his father was the despised one by his half-brothers. They could not speak kindly to him due to jealousy and hate. Eventually there came an opportunity for them to rid themselves of him and they took it. They sold him into slavery and led their father to believe he had been killed by a wild animal. Years later, they came face to face with this same brother, only now he was the prime minister of Egypt! They did not recognize him but he recognized them and put them through a series of “tests” to see if they had changed.
I use to read this story and limit the tests to showing Joseph there had been a change in them. Now I am seeing it with a much broader view. The tests were also to show the brothers themselves that they had in fact changed. When I read the entire account I am left wondering if they ever fully realized the incredible work God had done in their hearts. For in fact, they were very different men but failed to fully embrace that truth and enjoy the rich forgiveness and relationship Joseph continually offered them.
God had repeated a scenario in their lives to demonstrate to them and others that He had done a work in them. God still does the same in our lives today. Once He has brought us through a difficulty, weakness, or failure, He will often times allow us to step back into a similar experience in order to reveal that change has taken place. He wants us to realize we are not the same person we were and if we can come to see that, then we can live with a joy and freedom that wasn’t ours in the past.
Tears filled my eyes as this truth came home to me yesterday. Having failed in a former relationship due to huge dependency issues, God has once again introduced significant people into my life and I was left wondering why He would ever trust me with such relationships given my past track record. That is when He let me know He was doing so not only for encouragement but to show me that He in fact has been changing me over the past year or so. His intent is that I would see that deep and meaningful relationships are meant for me and He will continue to help me enjoy them in a balanced and healthy way. I marvel that I have been given a “second” chance at receiving the precious gift of friendship. The heart I felt could not be trusted (my own) is the very heart God knows and is faithfully developing through countless ways. I am both undeserving and grateful!
Father, You have given me something I never thought I would ever see again. I see the change in me and trust You to bring about even more change. What a faithful God You are! Amen.
I'm Not Who I Was - Brandon Heath
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
In the Night Seasons
I will bless the LORD who has given me counsel; my heart also instructs me in the night seasons. Psalm 16:7 (New King James Version)
I have come to believe that the true test of spiritual growth and the practicing of infused truth takes place in the night seasons of our soul. Not during the sunny days, clear skies, and smooth roads of life, but rather during the storms, temptations, disappointments, losses, and pain. I have often looked at times when I struggle as simply the exposing of my own weaknesses and I would cringe at the realization. I dreaded the moments when I would slip into despair and discouragement. I didn’t like the darkness. But this morning I am seeing something I have missed. It is during those times that God is giving me the opportunity to live and apply what He has been teaching me in my more “sterling” moments.
The instruction comes easily for me. I love truth! I actually get an energetic high off it. When His Word comes alive to me and something makes sense I am on cloud nine and eager to talk about the thrill of what He is showing me. Applying that truth and integrating it into my every day life is another story all together. It’s harder and sometimes scarier. Yet it is at those times when God wants me to take the principles He has given me and incorporate them into my thinking and heart. They are not meant to simply be nice thoughts to enjoy on good days. They are meant to be my anchor, foundation, stronghold, compass, companion, and guide through every storm, enemy attack, and self imposed difficulty.
God in essence is saying, “Trust Me to bring about the results I intend as you follow me with trust, obedience, and abandon.” He wants me to see that His counsel will not fail me. He wants me to use it to instruct myself in the night seasons of my life. He wants me to learn during the hard times to fix my eyes on Him rather than on myself or my circumstances. He wants me learn to walk in His strength when I feel at my weakest. He wants me to see Him as my Light when things are the darkest. He wants me to accept any and all help He gives me for the purpose of bringing me out of my solitary pits. That help often times comes in the form of friends, books, music, and His Word. Anything or anyone who points me back to Him is a precious tool in His hands that He uses.
I am feeling wonderful this morning, but I know this moment is temporary. There will be a time when my feelings will shift and that will be the opportunity for me to choose to take what I have shared and actually live it!
Father, You have given me instruction many times. Help me to now run with it! Amen.
Praise You In This Storm - Casting Crowns
Monday, July 14, 2008
A Place of Protection
In a desert land he found him, in a barren and howling waste, He shielded him and cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye. Deuteronomy 32:10 (New Internation Version)
I have often seen the phrase “the apple of his eye” in scripture and assumed it simply referred to being precious to God. While that is certainly true that is not what this phrase is talking about. The apple of the eye is its pupil. A necessary part of the eye that requires protection at all costs. One Bible note says it is cared for and protected because of its great value. No wonder Deuteronomy 32:10 uses words like shielded, cared for, and guarded. The NASB uses the word encircled. The KJV uses the word kept. Some people would read this verse and mistakenly conclude God’s protection means the removal of trials, pain, disappointment, and heartache from their life. Although that will be the case when this life is over it certainly is not the case as we walk through this world. I would venture to say that most of us face a difficulty in one form or another EVERY day! It may be in the circumstances we face, the people we come into contact with, the unmet needs we live with, illness, loss, or any number of other things. No, God’s protection does not mean absence of these things.
What it does mean is protection from the effects they would have on us. While His protection is there all the time, the times we most need to sense it is when we are going through a difficulty. It is times like that when I try to picture God’s arms or wings enfolding me and holding me securely. To be sheltered by Him. I am learning the necessity and preciousness of running to Him during the times when my heart aches, my tears flow, and my strength fails.
It use to be I thought He expected me to withstand these things on my own. Like somehow, Christian maturity meant I could get to the place where the things of life no longer affected me. I was setting myself up for discouragement as I could never seem to master that ability. It has just been in the last number of months that I have learned in this life I will experience pain, sorrow, and disappointment but now I know where to go for the comfort, healing, and protection. I don't always get it right but I am learning to go straight into the arms of the One who longs to shelter me.
Father, once again I seek the shelter You provide. Hold me! Amen.
You Are My Hiding Place/As The Deer
Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Cure for Disappointment
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 (New American Standard Bible)
God’s Word is full of conditional promises. We often want to see the fulfillment of the promise with little regard to the condition that is attached to it. It is imperative that as we come across a promise we look for the “when” and “if” statements that follow. Today’s verse is a great illustration of this principle. There is a promise of finding God WHEN we search for Him with ALL our heart.
I once read a statement in a devotional book that stopped me dead in my tracks. It got my attention because it addressed an issue that had been weighing heavily on my mind and emotions for the past number of days. God often allows me to struggle with an area in my life so that when He finally brings the answer I won’t miss it. Neon lights could not make it any clearer at that point!
In the book My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers made this statement: “Anything that savours of dejection spiritually is always wrong. If depression and oppression visit me, I am to blame; God is not, nor is anyone else. Dejection springs from one of two sources ~I have either satisfied a lust or I have not. Lust means ~I must have it at once.” While I realize there are chemical imbalances that can cause depression and there is certainly the work of the enemy to oppress us, I knew this statement was meant for my ears and heart on a personal level.
What did it mean to me? It addressed the issue of disappointment. He was letting me know that when my focus, hope, and desires are aimed in the wrong direction and placed in the wrong sources I will always experience disappointment. God says He has a better way for me to live my Christian life. His way is that I direct all my attention and energy into His person and plan and I will live with a satisfaction that is guaranteed. He and I are taking an honest look at motives, idols, and distractions. It is a painful but necessary process if I am to really know Him. There is no place for a divided heart in His kingdom. His desire is that I follow Him, search for Him, and embrace Him with abandon and passion.
Father, continue to show me the places in my heart that are not yet searching for You. Show me the wrong sources I continue to look to for satisfaction and significance. It is You I want to know and see! Amen.
All I once held dear - Robin Mark
Thursday, July 10, 2008
To See Real Change
You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him. Deuteronomy 13:4 (New American Standard Bible)
There are a number of areas in my life wherein I want to experience change. God is awakening me to the truth that the change will NOT come through behavior modification, determination, or any attempt to muster it up on my own. Any “do it yourself” mentality must be put to death before there can be real and lasting change. My sites must be set on the God of change rather than my need and desire to change. It’s a change of focus for me and one that is filled with encouragement and hope. Change comes as I allow Him to do the external as well as internal molding and renovating. Doing His work on my body, mind, will, emotions, heart, and spirit!
Deuteronomy 13:4 is just one of a number of passages that gives me necessary pointers on my journey. If seen merely as “commands” I will miss the beauty of what is being said. It is actually an invitation to intimacy with God. It entails closeness, openness, and receptability to His ways and voice. Broken down it is rich with meaning.
*Follow means to walk in the direction He lays out for me….walking in His footsteps!
*Fear means reverence, honor, and respect. To be in awe of!
*Keeping His commandments means to obey, treasure, and observe the very things God says.
*Listening means to hear God’s voice with attention and interest. To understand, heed, agree with, and yield to what is being said.
*Serve means to work for as a servant. A bond servant by choice.
*Cling is so precious. It means to stay close, stick with, follow closely, join together, and cleave to. It is the same word used in verses that pertain to marriage! What a union we have with our heavenly Father!
Change comes, not as I try to keep this list, but rather as I allow God to instill and develop these qualities in me. It is not a legalistic life style but rather a pathway to freedom. It is His working in me the very life He has purposed for me. Will I still fail? Absolutely! But each failure can be a learning experience and one more opportunity to look to Him, grow in Him, and depend upon Him. Therefore, rather than being discouraged by failure I am encouraged to follow, fear, obey, listen, serve and cling to God by the power of Christ that works in me!
Father, thank you for the way You have designed the Christian life. Do the work in me that only You can do. I praise You! Amen.
Change My Heart Oh God by Eddie Espinosa
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Pleasure Filled Choice
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 (New American Standard Bible)
Have you ever had a verse come alive on you? You may have read it or heard it numerous times before but it just sat on the pages of your Bible and you remained unmoved by its message. I am finding that for myself, God usually has to do some preparatory work in me before His Word becomes the living, breathing revelation He has intended it to be. Often times I have to see my own heart need before His Word will take hold of my heart and do its precious work in me.
Such was the case yesterday. The darkness of the morning hung on me through out the day and into the evening as God slowly revealed a fear I was housing. That fear was that in the midst of everything He was disappointed in me and that led to many thoughts of hopelessness and condemnation. The one thing I wanted more than anything else was to be free of that perception of God. People could tell me otherwise but it took God’s Word to finally open my eyes to a fundamental truth about Himself.
During a study with some friends we came across Ephesians 1:4,5 which says, “Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.” The part that came alive to me was the small phrase “good pleasure of His will.” I knew that God chose me before the world was made but I needed to take in the truth that He derived pleasure in His choosing. It was a choice filled with good will, kind intentions, benevolence, delight, pleasure, and satisfaction! That was the case even though He knew every aspect of my life….weaknesses, sinfulness, and all. He didn’t HAVE to choose me, He WANTED to choose me!
I needed to see that none of that was based on what I would someday do for Him and it is still not based on what I do. It is not about performance, although obedience brings blessing. It is about living in relationship with Him and growing in the grace and knowledge of Him. Disappointed in me? Not hardly. While my actions, words, thoughts, and choices do not always please Him, I am secure in His love and delight of me. I am reveling in the truth of that this morning and much is changing because of it!
Father, I tremble with joy over Your love for me. I am responding to Your delight and pleasure. How great and gracious You truly are! Amen.
Indescribable - Chris Tomlin
Friday, July 4, 2008
Reviewing the Gifts
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17 (New King James Version)
While God has certainly showered many good and perfect gifts on my life, July houses three of them I am reflecting on this morning.
Today is my nation’s 232nd birthday! Outside of a brief visit to Canada, I have spent my entire life here in America and I love my country. I hear complaints about the government, gas prices, unemployment rates, weather, questionable lifestyles, and education system, but we are still a blessed nation! We still possess the freedoms our forefathers wisely established at the founding of our country. Natural beauty still abounds within each of our fifty states and the four seasons are displayed in many of those states. Opportunities still exist and all the stories of heroic deeds people do have not been written or told yet. Churches, Bibles, Christian music, Christian material, and faith are still abundant within our borders. Charity and missions are still displayed to other nations. For these and much more I am deeply thankful.
July 2 marked Tim and my 25th wedding anniversary! I come from a family where divorce runs rampant so I know it is by the grace and gift of God that our marriage has lasted and will continue to last. Joy, difficulties, changes, challenges, moves, children, laughter, tears, harmony, discord, questions, and love have all marked our path as husband and wife. Through it all God has continued to impact and influence our lives through circumstances, people, situations, and each other. He has kept His hand and His eye on us and will continue to do so.
July 13 will be my 35th spiritual birthday! For the first fourteen years of my life there was no Christian influence whatsoever. I knew only two truths from Scripture (God created the world and Adam and Eve were the first people He created). I didn’t know the Bible or what Jesus had done for me. Yet, God allowed me to attend a VBS and understand enough to trust Christ. He has nurtured the growth in me all these years, but the last four years have seen the most change and growth. I marvel at His gracious ways! He took me from legalism to freedom. From distorted views of Himself to amazement over His heart. From rarely reading His Word to now writing daily devotionals from its treasure cove! Indeed, July is a precious month for me!
Father, I am filled with adoration for You and appreciation for the gifts You have lavished on me. To be a recipient of Your love and favor is beyond words. Thank you! Amen.
God Bless the USA - Lee Greenwood
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The Ulitmate Accuser
Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. Revelation 12:10 (New American Standard Bible)
It came as a surprise to me a number of years ago to learn that Satan actually accuses me (and all believers) before God continuously. But I rest in the fact that God always, always, always comes to our defense! Even when I give him plenty to accuse me of, God proclaims me righteous in His sight. Nothing Satan says ever changes God’s view, opinion, or thoughts of me. My standing as His daughter is based on the finished work of Calvary and in Christ I am complete. That doesn’t change. God’s love and accept do not change amidst any charges.
Yet, tonight it is occurring to me that Satan does more than accuse the brethren before God. He is persistent at accusing us to each other! I have been limiting my relational issues to my own set of weaknesses such as distrust, past wounds, emotional dependency, fear, mood swings, etc… But I am coming to realize, while those certainly play a part, he is a master at bringing to mind accusing thoughts toward others. When I don’t acknowledge that, then I am not in a position to act against his schemes. Instead, I receive the accusations as truth and live my life out of that so-called truth.
And who are the ones he is accusing? It is usually the very ones that are meant to be important influences in my life. What better way for that influence to be hindered than for me to house a spirit of suspicion against the very people God desires to use powerfully in my life! Satan knows that if he can get me to think the worst of others or become wrapped in skewed thinking about them, then I will most likely back away from the full scope of that relationship. What God intended to do through those individuals is diminished and the gift of their friendship is not fully received.
Has that been happening? Absolutely! Does it have to continue to happen? Absolutely not! Now is the time to oppose the one who has been successfully accusing many dear people in my life. Now is the time to call him on the carpet for the lies, distortions, and twisted thoughts he has cleverly handed me time and time again. Indeed, I will know the truth and the truth will set me free!
Father, my spirit always knows when You have gotten truth to sink in to my mind as well as my heart. Change me at the very center of my being! Amen.
Michael Neale - Made Me Glad
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
What God Is Doing
This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17 (New International Version)
I love the book of Isaiah! As I read through it, there are phrases that are meant to be banners of encouragement. They must be my focus and foundation as I go through each day. When the things I see, feel, and experience become over whelming, the reminders of God’s Word resettle my heart, mind, and spirit…..if I let them. Already this morning I have been reminded that God is the One who has called me, carried me, chosen me, redeemed me, named me, established me, brought about His purposes for me, kept His word to me, and loved me.
All that is more than enough to know, but He doesn’t stop there. He adds to the picture of personal involvement by letting me know He is the One teaching me what is best for me and directing me in the way I should go. I too easily forget or ignore that. I too often think it all rests on my shoulders to “get it right!” Mistakes, set backs, and disappointments cause me to feel like Isaiah 49:4 which says “I have toiled in vain. I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity.” And God is letting me know THAT is not true. Even that which I think is nothing, He is using to show me what is best for me and the direction I need to be heading.
So what are the biggest hindrances to seeing that truth and living it out on a daily basis? Continual skewed thinking about myself, God , and others. Feelings of insignificance and insecurity cause me read into so much and draw wrong conclusions. They are what rob me of peace and joy. James 1:17 comes to mind and I like how it reads in the Message, “So, my very dear friends, don't get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle.” In other words, God is saying to me, “I am not what you think and the things I am doing in your life are not what you think. Trust Me to teach you. Trust Me to lead you. Get back on course. Get back to the realization that I love you and have your best interest at heart.”
Father, You have once again shown me just what I needed to see. Your truth is what will change and set me free. Amen.
Word of God Speak ~ Mercy Me
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