Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Getting the Right Picture
Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:31-32 (New International Version)
There are times when I struggle with concepts because I fail to have a good picture of what that concept looks like and means. Such has been the case with forgiveness. While I could be told what forgiveness is and what it isn’t, there was still a part of me that needed a specific picture of it that made sense. Something that I could hold up as a standard for myself and use as a key to unlock chains of bitterness, resentment, ill feelings, and discomfort at not only seeing an individual but at the very thought of them. I needed something beyond just saying, “I forgive them.” I needed something for me.
One of things that continue to touch me deeply about God is that He is willing to go to any lengths to give me the pictures I need. He knows when I am grasping a truth and when I am floundering. He knows the discouragement that can set in when I know I am not “getting” it! Yesterday, during a walk I poured out my heart to God on this very issue. Forgiveness! My struggle wasn’t really with people who wronged me purposefully. That is not usually the case for me. My struggle was with people who unintentionally and even unknowingly hurt or disappointed me. I knew they had not sinned against me….their words or actions (or the lack thereof) hurt me but they didn’t violate a command of God by any means. My problem was that I didn’t know what THAT kind of forgiveness looked like. I wasn’t even sure forgiveness was the answer to my dilemma.
God was gracious to let me know an aspect of forgiveness that would definitely apply to such times. For each person, forgiveness entailed a conscious decision on my part to no longer hold particular things against them. Holding something against someone means I dwell on it, I define them by it, I refuse to give up my negative feelings toward them, and I continue to walk with the weight of being offended and hurt. When I could see that picture, I had something tangible to act upon. I had no trouble knowing what it meant to hold something against someone and I had no trouble knowing what it meant to not hold something against them.
This morning, God took delight in each decision I made to no longer hold things against individuals. Tears came as I not only chose to release them from what I was holding against them, but as I also spoke the truth about them. Before my prayer time was up, God nudged me to be gracious to myself as well. He encouraged me to stop holding the many things against myself that I had been so prone to do. What a precious God!
Father, I can no longer say I don’t understand. You have made it clear and painted an incredible picture for me. I praise Your name! Amen.
What Sin? By Morgan Cryar
I am honored and privileged to share these devotional thoughts with you each week. Feel free to forward them on to those whom you think would benefit from them. Also feel free to copy them for your personal files or notebooks. May God individualize each message for you personally.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
God's Recipe for Success
We urge you, brethren, admonish the unruly, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with everyone. Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:14,16-19 (New American Standard Bible)
As the Thanksgiving season approaches, many will find themselves looking up old and new recipes. They want to give their Thanksgiving dinner a special touch. Maybe they are after recipes to help reduce calories or recipes that enhance flavor….or both if that is possible. Whatever the case may be, finding the recipes and following the recipes are necessary for success.
This morning I am seeing God’s recipe for unity in the body of Christ as well as intimate fellowship with Himself. His “ingredients” include admonishing, encouraging, being patient, rejoicing, praying, being thankful, and not grieving His Spirit. I don’t know about anyone else, but one look at THAT list makes me realize more fully my inability to do any of them without His help and enabling. My flesh pulls away from every one of them. Yet, God is inviting me to seek His help and walk in obedience with His help.
He knows that within each of these areas there is power to change me and power to change those around me. I have no trouble being patient and encouraging around people I am comfortable with and feel accepted by. I have no trouble rejoicing when things go my way. My thankful heart is most evident when I am truly thankful for the circumstances of my life. But God wants me to notice the usage of the words everyone, always, without ceasing, and everything. That realization brings me to my knees before Him and causes me to admit my weakness apart from His strength. It shows me how much I limit my actions and attitudes to what feels good and brings delight.
I have heard it said that God is not interested in my comfort but rather in my character. The development of my character happens as I begin to live beyond what is comfortable for me. It happens when I am willing to exchange my desires for His, my wishes for His, my will for His, and my ways for His. He never said it would be easy. I can attest to that! He said it would be possible as I rely upon Him and walk in obedience to Him.
He has much to do in me, but as Creator of the universe and Divider of the Red Sea, I know He is willing and able to do it all!
Father, You have my attention and I have Your instructions. Transform my heart so that changes of my actions and attitudes will follow. Amen.
In The Potters Hand - Hillsong (HQ sound)
He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food. Job 36:16
Friday, November 21, 2008
Pain Killers
But I am afflicted and in pain; may Your salvation, O God, set me securely on high. Psalm 69:29 (New American Standard Bible)
I have learned a lot about pain killers in the past week. I have learned how necessary and effective they are for relieving pain. In my case, their sole purpose is to make me comfortable while I wait for my fractured sternum to heal. If I give them time to wear off, I am once again made acutely aware that complete healing has not yet taken place. That is why it is necessary that I abide by the restrictions of my physician even during the times when the pain is not there. I also must keep in mind that the pain killers cannot speed up my healing or even assist in it. Their job is strictly for pain relief and meant only to be temporarily used.
It hasn’t taken long for me to begin seeing the spiritual implications through my physical situation. Just like my body can experience pain, so can my heart, mind, and emotions. Addictions of any kind are a result of seeking relief from pain. I have known people to be addicted to drugs, alcohol, work, sports, material things, entertainment, and immoral life styles. They would go to any lengths to find relief from the pain of guilt, loneliness, insignificance, regret, and shame. For me, it was the acceptance and approval of people. Being in relationship with significant people became my pain killer. But it was temporary and limited. People could ease the pain but could never supply the necessary healing. They could affect my heart but not heal it.
I know that my bones will take six to eight weeks to heal properly and I know that my mind and emotions will also take time (much time) to heal properly. During that time, God is helping me to see where I have been wounded and how much of my heart pain is built on faulty thinking and blatant lies. While He will certainly use people to relieve some of the pain, the ultimate healing and wholeness come from Him and are a result of living connected to Him on a daily basis. Learning to cry out to Him, wait on Him, hope in Him, seek Him, obey Him, talk to Him, listen to Him, and just be with Him. As I derive my sense of value, worth, and significance from who I am in Christ and what He says about me, I will look less and less to people to do that for me. I will also stop making them responsible for my well being.
Indeed, healing is coming but it is coming through God and in His time. I praise Him for the temporary pain killers He provides but I bow before Him as my True Healer.
Father, You are my Great Physician of not only my body, but also of my mind, will, and emotions. I seek Your touch. Amen.
Heal the Wound - Point of Grace
Pain is the raw material from which can be made a soul increasingly sensitive to the existence of God's love. ~ John Woolley
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Way to Walk
Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left. Isaiah 30:21 (New American Standard Bible)
Throughout my Christian life I often missed the “this is the way, walk in it” moments that God was whispering to me. Time and time again I felt if given enough time I could figure things out for myself and somehow muster up the needed changes on my own. That has not gotten me very far. I cannot be my own compass on the path I walk. I cannot be my own rudder on the sea of life. I cannot be my own guide through the minefields of each day. I cannot be my own therapist, psychologist, or surgeon. God meant it when He said, “Without Me, you can do nothing.”
The most recent way I have been shown to walk is in the area of asking and depending. My mindsets and thought processes have often been my undoing because I wasn’t asking for God’s help or depending upon Him to give me the help I needed. I had no trouble looking to people and books to give me the answers. They certainly have their place in God’s kingdom work, but they cannot have a prominent place when it comes to changing the way I think, act, and feel. Many have been the times I was enslaved to false perceptions, wrong judgments, and needless skepticism. Rather than walk in joy and freedom, I was in bondage. To make matters worse, I thought it was up to me to set myself free. The truth of the matter was that I did not possess the ability, ambition, or will power to become free.
It wasn’t until I learned to ask for help (God’s help) that I began to experience victory in areas that previously saw only defeat and discouragement. Asking God to give me what I lack in place of what I possess unlocks the soul chains that formerly ensnared me. No matter what the attitude of my heart is, I can simply ask God to replace it with the opposite attitude and He does! In the past week, I have asked for replacements countless times and never once was there a delay in the answer. Not once!
What is it He has graciously given time and time again? Peace, security, sensitivity, confidence, joy, acceptance, settling, and serenity. I can bring the most despicable aspects of myself to Him and He faithfully transforms them. My asking puts me in the position to receive. I use to wonder if it would work. I wonder no longer. Now I approach Him with anticipation and expectancy. As a child, I ask. As a Father, He gives. This is His way and I choose to walk in it!
Father, last night I laughed at the way You so quickly changed my heart beat and mind set. It was a laughter that sprung from the joy of You. Amen.
When I Call on Jesus
Thank you to all who prayed for me in the past week. Those prayers have been effective and outside of some tolerable discomfort in my chest, I am back!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Prayer Request
Dear Devotional Readers, I have a personal prayer request. Last night after having dinner with a friend, I rear ended a vehicle and totaled my daughter's car. The people in the other car were uninjured and their vehicle had bumper damage. After x-rays and a cat scan it was determined that I had a fractured sternum. I am taking pain medication to counter the discomfort. I will be going to work tomorrow and would appreciate your prayers for physical strength. Due to the need for more rest, it may be some time before I can begin writing and posting the devotionals. I will miss it more than I can say. I am thankful the injuries were minor. Have a blessed week and I will be back as soon as possible. God truly works all things out for good. Love in Christ,Pam Shattuck
Friday, November 14, 2008
Kept From Falling
Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, Jude 1:24 (New King James Version)
The promise of God’s faithfulness in the midst of my journey is precious. I embrace His words to me this morning and let them sink deep into my mind and spirit. I know too well the devastation of stumbling and falling. Rising out of the emotional pits only to fall back into them once again. Learning life lessons and necessary truths only to flounder a few steps down the road. Once again, God is reminding me of how He has made Himself responsible for guarding me, watching me, keeping His eye on me, protecting me, securing me, taking care of me, and helping me to stand firm in Him.
What does He use? His WORD. As I take in Scripture each day it becomes my defense against the onslaughts of the world, my flesh, and the devil. His TRUTHS. As I learn life lessons and principles, I have recourses to fall back on instead of wrong perceptions, faulty thinking, and blatant lies. His PEOPLE. How I treasure each individual God has called to walk along side me and remind me of the necessity of applying His truths to my situations and keeping my eyes on Him. In the darkest moments of my life they have been rays of light and hope to me. His SPIRIT. He gives me the ability and capability of living my Christian life differently than I have lived it in the past. He infuses me with the power, strength, and will to move forward in victory.
In the past couple of days I have experienced the power of applying learned truth to various situations. Each time I did so I was astounded at the result of not stumbling but rather of standing firm. One such example had to do with emotions. When I would feel fearful, worried, or sad, I would ask God to release me from those feelings and in their place give me courage, faith, and joy. When I began to perceive people in a wrong light, I could take that false perception to God and ask Him to give me truth to replace it. My usual response was not there to wreak havoc in relationships. It has been a daily, moment by moment experience of learning to turn things over to Him so I would be free to receive what He had for me. The power of those prayers astonishes me and the simplicity of them amazes me.
I won’t walk perfectly from this point on but I know this, I will walk with power and victory like never before. For faithful is He who has called me and is well able to do in me all that is necessary to fulfill that calling.
Father, I am in awe of the way You keep me from falling. Help me to continue allowing You to do just that! Amen.
Undo - Rush of Fools
He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food. Job 36:16
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Where Not to Put My Confidence
For we are the true circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh. Philippians 3:3 (New American Standard Bible)
Coming to the end of ourselves and what we can do is often the beginning of allowing God to do what only He can do. He is not looking for us to pull ourselves up by our own boot straps, to fix ourselves, to change ourselves, or to mold ourselves. Our trust, reliance, and dependency upon Him delight Him because that is exactly where He wants us to be. When our confidence is in our own strength and ability it does not result in worship of Him or glory to Him. It results in a spirit of self sufficiency and pride. It also results in failure, disappointment, and emptiness.
I have come to understand that while I can change my behavior in certain areas of my life, I am helpless to change my heart. My heart is what drives my thoughts, emotions, and actions. Just as I did not give myself my own heart beat, the direction of my heart must continually be placed in God’s hands. He does the molding. He does the changing. He does the work.
I have succeeded in behavior modification before but because it was only about my behavior true and lasting change was not forthcoming. The inability to change my own heart drove me to my knees and on my face before my Creator God. He has astounded me with what He is able to accomplish.
God is using deliverance in one area of my life to confirm to me that deliverance in another area of my life will be forthcoming. While I cannot pinpoint the exact moment deliverance happened I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it did! The struggle in this particular area is non existent and I am infused with Jesus’ words that, “My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” He is letting me know that the same will be true in the other area that is still a struggle although progress has been made. In the first area, I am living in freedom and wholeness. In the second area, I am anticipating freedom and wholeness. Hope is alive as my confidence has shifted to the only One who can bring about the necessary changes. I must cooperate with Him but He will do the transforming.
Father, the changes that are coming from You and through You are profound and I give You the praise, credit, and worship for it. Amen.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Standing Guard Fully Armed
When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed. Luke 11:21 (New American Standard Bible)
We stand guard over things that are valuable, necessary, and important. Awareness and alertness is key. Often though, we are more inclined to guard our possessions than we are to guard our heart, mind, motives, and emotions. This was made apparent to me last night as I spoke with a friend. We discussed areas and issues that would most likely always be part of our life. While we certainly anticipate victory in those areas, we are both keenly aware of how the enemy of our soul will always seek to use them against us. Staying aware and on guard of that truth will do much to keep us from becoming disturbed and disheartened.
Ephesians 6:14-17 gives us a picture of the armor available and necessary for our daily living victoriously. We have the ability to live equipped and enabled as we walk fully armed with truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, God’s word, prayer, and the Spirit. We have the call in Philippians 4:8 to think on things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of good report, excellent, and praise worthy. We have the wisdom to discern the tactics the enemy will use against us and to stop him from being successful. We have the responsibility to call him on every lie he throws at us and to speak the truth about God, ourselves, our circumstances, and the people in our life. We have God’s invitation to abide in Him and depend upon Him for every step we take. These are how we are fully armed and able to stand guard!
Last night, in the presence of a friend, I experienced delight and joy in full measure. It touched me deeply because it hadn’t been what marked my path for the past few years. God is letting me know this morning that it can become a way of life for me if I will stand guard and apply the truths He has shown me. I don’t have to be held captive by emotions and perceptions. I don’t have to dwell in pits of darkness. I got a taste of what is possible and I am craving more of the same.
I use to think being whole emotionally and spiritually meant I would never struggle again. That nothing or no one would be able to affect me in a negative way. How far from the truth that is! I now know that wholeness is having the ability and joy of doing the right thing when the negative effects of life are felt and experienced.
Father, You took me through the darkest valley of my life to bring me to the point of seeing the light of Your truth. With You, I choose to walk in that light. Amen.
The Battle Belongs to The Lord - Spiritual Warfare
I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Living in the Nevertheless Moments
Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name, that He might make His power known. Psalm 106:8 (New American Standard Bible)
I stand amazed at God’s nevertheless moments. They follow actions that deserve anything but love, mercy, and grace. Israel had sinned against God, forgotten His wonders, rebelled against Him, bowed to false gods, and blatantly walked in opposition to Him. There are times I don’t fare much better. For me, they are times of harboring wrong attitudes, holding on to the very things God wants me to release, dwelling on the things that have nothing but negative consequences, withholding forgiveness, walking in distrust and fear. While there are moments of victory and growth, there are also times of failure and defeat.
Those are the times God’s nevertheless moments are so astounding. He continues to work in my life as clay on His potter’s wheel. Not because I deserve it, but for His own name’s sake and to make His power known. I can’t begin to understand it but that does not stop Him from demonstrating it. Accepting God’s free gift of salvation was easy. Receiving His continual free gifts of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness is harder. I somehow want to connect conditions and boundaries on it. I can’t fully grasp the abundance and availability of His heart actions and therefore miss the delight of reveling in them.
This morning, I am once again looking to Scripture to help me see how I can begin to open the doors of delight. Rather than focus on my shortcomings and failures, Psalm 105 gives me a list of alternative choices. Each one will help to shift my mind and my heart in necessary directions. This list is as follows: give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name, tell others what He has done, sing praises to Him, talk about His wonders, seek Him, seek His strength, seek His face, and meditate on His wonders, marvels, and judgments.
My focus and conversations need to be on God. This doesn’t mean there won’t be issues to walk through. It means my focus needs to be on what He can and will do as we walk through those issues. Once again, it is not up to me. It does not all rest on my shoulders. In the midst of my failures, hurts, disappointments, sin, and wrong choices, He always has a nevertheless truth!
Father, You keep nudging me to live beyond the places I have found to be so comfortable and familiar. I hear Your call to trust, abide, and rest in You. Thank you for the nevertheless of today. Amen.
All I once held dear - Robin Mark
Did you miss a past devotional? There are now over 800 previous devotionals housed on this blog site. Read them according to date, theme or book of the Bible. Copy them for a personal notebook. Share them with others. Enjoy!
Monday, November 10, 2008
When It Is For Him
Whatever may be your task, work at it heartily (from the soul), as [something done] for the Lord and not for men, Colossians 3:23 (Amplified Bible)
While this passage refers to work ethics at places of employment, it took on new significance to me as I pondered some actions God was calling me to take. It followed a time of asking God how I was to go about doing the very things He was instructing me to do. None of those things came naturally for me. None would come from my own personal desire and ambition. I have found when God gives me a command that requires super natural ability, the super natural ability will come from Him….just as soon as I become receptive and willing.
So what is it that God is wanting me to do? Walk in love toward an individual who seems to want nothing to do with me. A person I see often but whose actions and demeanor make me feel unwanted and unwelcome. To stop allowing my perceptions to rule me. To allow Him to change the way I “deal” with negative feelings and emotions. To trust in Him and His goodness. To live outside my own box of perceived needs and necessities.
Each of these and more are possible as I depend upon God for the ability and as I realize I am doing them for Him. What I can’t or won’t do for myself or for another individual can be done for God whole heartedly. When He is the One I am seeking to please and delight, my heart attitude is corrected and the actions follow.
In Psalm 32:8, God promises to guide and instruct me. When I become willing to do something for Him, it opens the door to that guidance and instruction. As soon as my heart is bent toward Him, I have no trouble discerning what I need to start doing and how to do it. I also have no trouble knowing He will supply the ability in accordance to a fresh desire to obey Him. Whether it is in the area of forgiveness, trust, or love, I can anticipate His support and assistance through out the task at hand.
Behind each command that I am hesitant to follow, I must tune my ears to hear Him say, “Will you do it for Me?” Somehow, that question gives me a whole new perspective and desire. The sense of excitement lets me know He has special things in mind as I carry out His wishes. He has begun to replace hesitancy, fear, and unwillingness, with an enthusiastic readiness to begin to implement His plan of action. I can’t wait to see what comes of this!
Father, thank you for making this about You! Amen.
You're Still God - Kathy Troccoli
He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food. Job 36:16
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Having the Right View
For the Lord hears the poor and needy and despises not His prisoners (His miserable and wounded ones). Psalm 69:33 (Amplified Bible)
Healing of our soul, mind, and emotions often times needs to begin with a healing of our view of God. As long as we see God as distant and tolerant of us at best, we will be hesitant to bring to Him the very things of which we need to be healed. If we view Him with closed ears and considering us worthless and despicable because of our weaknesses and wounds, then He will not be the one we run to or turn our attention toward. Those areas in my life that bring me shame and disappointment are usually the last areas that I bring out in the open with God. God is once again showing me the reason behind my hesitancy. It is because my experience with people has clouded the truth about Him. I have put countless faces on God that were not His.
People are human and God is divine. If I don’t keep that thought at the forefront of my thinking then I am in for some storms. It doesn’t take much for me to assume someone is disinterested or distant and when that seed becomes embedded in my thinking I know it is time to rethink my relationship with them. It is at that point that I doubt myself and I doubt them. Their friendship is no longer a place of joy or safety for me. Conversations are limited and strained at best. For one who enjoys friendships as much as I do, this harsh reality of life is daunting.
Part of the problem is that I don’t really know another person’s heart. What I am thinking may or may not be true. That is just a fact of life. It is one of the main reasons relationships involve risk. When I entrust my heart to another person I run the risk of being accepted or rejected. I can think of no greater pain than to realize rejection was the outcome.
But the beauty and freedom of God is that He is very clear in showing us His heart in Scripture. If I have a wrong view of Him, I can know it is a lie. I don’t have to wonder whether or not my thoughts are accurate. What lines up with Scripture is true and what does not line up with Scripture is false. I can think of no better revelation of God’s heart than in the book of Psalms. David’s roller coaster of emotions are always settled and grounded by reviewing what he knows to be true about his Father. He knew the power of acknowledging this as well as voicing it.
I don’t have all the answers when it comes to relationships. At present there are many who concern and confuse me. But I am finding comfort and confidence in the truths about God. As I look to Him, the answers will come.
Father, You never tire of showing me the most basic truths about Yourself. I am in need of this review. Amen.
Fearless Heart - Point of Grace
If what you are reading is touching your spirit and increasing your thirst for God then you are one of the reasons I write them. I want to extend a personal invitation to you to join my email devotional family and allow me to send them to you directly! Simply send an email to and request to be added to my devotional list. It would be my honor and privilege to do so.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Supplying What I Need
Now may the God of peace ….Strengthen (complete, perfect) and make you what you ought to be and equip you with everything good that you may carry out His will; [while He Himself] works in you and accomplishes that which is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ (the Messiah); to Whom be the glory forever and ever (to the ages of the ages). Amen (so be it). Hebrews 13:19-21 (Amplified Bible)
Two weeks ago, truths were coming alive to me at a rate that took my breath away. That which had confused and eluded me for months seemed to clear up and I began feeling better than I had felt in a long time. At times, I thought, “This is too easy!” It was all clicking and I couldn’t have been happier. A trip north crossed my path with several friends who shared in my excitement over what God was doing. Freedom and joy was marking my day as well as my conversations. I felt strong physically, emotionally, and spiritually. What I failed to realize though was this time of celebration was to soon lead into a time whereby all would come to a screeching halt.
I am not one who battles sickness very often, so I was unprepared for the draining affect of the flu. Although it lasted a mere four days and was followed by three additional days of back spasms, that was long enough to exhaust my physical and spiritual reserve. I found myself without the energy to do my normal reading and spending time in God’s Word. All was set aside for the purpose of resting and regaining. Yesterday, I took in God’s truths to simply feed my spirit. I had nothing to bring to others in the way of a devotional. I felt I was relearning the very things that seemed to come so easily a while ago. There were no battles fought when I was sick, but they reappeared as my health returned.
Today, my Father has been quick to let me know of His involvement in my growth process. He is assuring me of how available He is to strengthen, equip, and work in me. What I ought to be is exactly what He is molding me to be. My own whispers, as well as those of the enemy, are being drowned out by His words of truth and life. At times, I feel internally shaky, but the Solid Rock I stand on and in is secure and immovable. It doesn’t all rest on my shoulders. I don’t have to try and figure out how God is going to accomplish all that He needs to accomplish in me. I simply need to trust Him and cooperated with Him in this moment. I need to let my own weaknesses become my daily reminders of how much I need Him.
Father, You know what You are going to do with me and that is what I am taking with me into this day. Amen.
His Strength is Perfect ~ Steven Curtis Chapman
He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food. Job 36:16
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