Friday, August 20, 2010

Encouraging Yourself the Right Way

And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters; but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God. I Samuel 30:6 (King James Version)

This verse intrigues me. It comes at a time when David and his 600 men have returned to their city of Ziklag only to find that it had been burned with fire and their families taken captive. Their possessions and loved ones were gone and they spiraled into a pit of anger, confusion, grief, and revenge. Their first response was tears until they could cry no more. Their next response was to stone David. In their irrational thinking they felt, as leader, he was to blame for this horrific tragedy. They were not even able to digest the fact that David was experiencing the same loss as they were. They were blind to his personal pain and consumed with a wrong agenda. Fortunately, the story ended with this plot dissolving and the return of their families. Possible tragedy turned to victory!

It is in our nature when we are hurting deeply to find someone to blame and to go on the attack against them. Our minds tell us that making them pay for our pain will somehow bring relief or at the least make us feel better. Revenge can seem like a worthwhile and even healing answer. But as with so many other wrong conclusions, it is a lie and technique Satan masterminds and introduces, and it will not bring the result we are hoping for. He knows if he can get us to use our emotions to drive us to wrong actions then the destruction will be even greater. We must remember that he is still a roaring lion who seeks to devour us. Often he will even recruit believers to aid him in his plot! Oh the tragedy that awaits if we join him.

There is a better way. David encouraged himself in the Lord. This is where he received his strength and direction. He simply had to begin reviewing God’s faithfulness in the past as well as His covenant promise of protection, provision, and presence for the here and now. When all others turned on him, he turned to God. What a difference it would have made had each of his men reached for God’s hand instead of for a stone. David knew the dangers of having any other source of encouragement than almighty God Himself. No one, other than God, could deliver his people and redeem his story.

With that said, God now whispers to me the words of James 1:22, “Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only.” He knows the necessity for me to apply this principle of encouragement the next time I am filled with sadness, loss, grief, and pain. How vital that I turn to Him rather than curl up with my emotions and do further damage.

Father, Bring me to the place where You are the only One I reach for, listen to, and follow. Amen.

Strong Tower

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

An Unending Quest

Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face continually. Psalm 105:4 (New American Standard Bible)

If put in my own words, this verse might read, “Resort to the Lord’s presence and might without interruption.” To do so is both necessary and helpful. To seek His presence is to talk with Him and be aware of Him on an on going basis. It seems that every time I turn around I am asking God to help me, advise me, cheer me up, or over whelm me with Himself. This is what He has wanted all along and I am only recently coming to see and do that.

It has taken me quite a while to see how many places in me are there to help me see my need of Him. Every thing I hunger for is really a search for Him. Every need I have is really what He desires to use to draw me to Himself. He longs to see me look to Him when I start to falter or get shaky in my inward thoughts. It happens a lot and hence His usage of the word “continually.” That word holds the same meaning as eternal!

Our God who is ever lasting has instilled that quality and expectation in the relationship He has with each of His children. Whether out moods, circumstances, feelings, and dispositions are good, bad, pleasant, or in need of improvement, God wants us to have on going connection and communication with Himself. He wants to hear all about whatever is going on inside, outside, and around us.

What I have had to learn is to turn to Him as soon as I experience changes of any size or dynamic. No longer should I wait until things get out of hand or over whelming. The earlier I seek Him, the better! I stand amazed at how quickly I can begin to feel His peace, joy, and comfort. My down moments have become signals to me and I heed them. They are the neon lights of my soul pointing me in His direction. I no longer have to fear them, cower in their presence, or wonder what is wrong with me. I can simply see them as the very things God will minister to as I let Him.

It has become clear to me over the past few years that what I experience on a daily basis, others are experiencing. So I know without a doubt that the words I share in this devotional have meaning for others as well. I use to marvel when someone would let me know a particular devotional was what they needed at the moment. Any more I simply realize God did it again! What a joy to seek Him!

Father, help my seeking of You to be continual. May my attention and my heart be directed toward You at all times. Amen.

Open Our Eyes

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

His Calling

Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass. 1 Thessalonians 5:2(New American Standard Bible)

I was called and chosen before the foundations of the world. God formed me in my mother’s womb and called me by name before I took in my first breath. His involvement in my life didn’t start when I trusted Christ as my Savior. His call on my life was not dependent on me. I don’t have to try and figure things out or come up with a plan for how to bring about His call. The call comes from Him, the equipping comes from Him, the realization comes from Him, and the bringing it to pass comes from Him. My job? To cooperate with Him.

I look back at some of my spiritual ancestors whose lives are recorded in Scripture. I think of people like Moses, David, Ruth, Esther, and Samuel. Each had a call and each had a time of preparation before that call was fully realized. God’s time table was never off. That encourages me! For I am at the point in my life where I could not tell you the specifics of God’s calling on my life. I don’t know what it is He will eventually have me doing. I entered a journey with Him six years ago that has radically changed my life but I know there is more to come. In the mean time, what is it I am suppose to be doing?

I remember a couple of years ago, asking a woman in ministry that very question. Her answer was full of wisdom. She said, “Keep doing what you are doing.” She was teaching me a valuable truth. God will open doors and bring about the right opportunities. I am simply to daily connect with Him and follow His lead. I am to faithfully carry out the assignments He gives to me. Right now God is developing my character, strengthening my spiritual muscles, teaching me truths about Himself, urging me to speak the truth in my heart, increasing my dependency upon Him, withdrawing support systems that hinder growth, honing my communication skills, and taking me through numerous transformation processes.

With Him I am learning to cry, celebrate, dance, leave comfort zones, confide, and open my heart. The terrain of my journey has changed as have the individuals who intersect my world. I look forward to the day I passionately proclaim, “It has all been worth it!” Until that day comes, I accept it by faith. I am not a numberless face to God. He has never lost sight of me in a crowd. His call is specific, His timing is impeccable, and His work in me will be completed. I wouldn’t want it any other way!

Father, keep reminding me of the significance of each day, the necessity of each trial, and the reality of Your call on my life. Amen.

The Voice of Hope - Lara Martin

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Promise to be Rebuilt

The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt. Jeremiah 31:3,4 (New American Standard Bible)

Amidst Israel’s coming judgment God gave this precious word through the prophet Jeremiah. It was a proclamation of His love as well as a promise of future work. We must be aware of God’s love in the midst of whatever He is doing our life. His intervention in our life varies. As His children, we experience storms, calmness, chastisement, correction, direction, peace, turmoil, pain, disappointment, joy, and much more. There are times God tears down the things we have built our life upon and then there comes the rebuilding.

I have been through the tearing down process. It wasn’t enjoyable in the least. At times I felt there was too much loss and grief to wade through. I felt there would never come a time when life would feel “right” again. Sadness marked most of my waking hours and sleep was a welcome relief. During my time of tears and sorrow there were some necessities for me. I had to stay in the Word, accept the counsel of friends, and continually ask for God’s grace. Difficult? Yes! Worth it? Absolutely. For I have just recently begun to experience some freedom with a sense of hope.

Now I am entering a time of rebuilding. God has removed my idols and shaken up my faulty foundation of security and now He is rebuilding my walk with Him from the ground up. He is using the truth He has been teaching me all along but this time He is the main Architect. He wants my life to be centered on Him and firm in Him. My growth has to come from my relationship with Him rather than significant people in my life. What is built in that way will never be torn down by Him. It will be lasting!

He is not finished with the renovations that need to be done in me but He is faithful to do it all in love. He knows I will still make mistakes but He does not look at my life as a mistake. This life is short compared to eternity but God will use my remaining days to continue to build me up in Himself. For His loving kindness, tearing down, rebuilding, and watch care, I praise Him!

Father, I joy in You today! Amen.

Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Chris Tomlin

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Until It Passes

My soul cleaves to the dust; revive me according to Your word. My soul weeps because of grief; strengthen me according to Your word. Psalm 119:25, 28 (New American Standard Bible)

Do you ever feel what David is describing in these verses? Dust. The rubbish and debris of this world. The rubbish and debris of your life. Grief. That heaviness and sorrow that can often be more felt than explained. How we long for relief. Actually, we long for more than just relief. We long to be raised up, established, fulfilled, and empowered. To be sustained and living prosperously in our spirits. At least I long for that. There are times I get a taste of it. Times when the joy abounds and the sheer delight of living is evident to me as well as those I come in contact with. I soar and feel I will continue to soar for a very long time. But my flight patterns are inconsistent and unstable. Just as quickly as I take off, I come down, and it is in the times of being down that I struggle. Finding myself in that all too familiar place is not occurring presently, but when I do I ask God to show me what to do until it passes. He is quick to answer and instruct me. I offer some of those answers to you now.

Start praising Him. Praise Him for anything and everything that comes to mind. From the beauty of His creation to the perfection of His character and everything in between.

Limit your thoughts. There are certain things I cannot afford to dwell on because of skewed thinking and clouded views. This is not the time to make important decisions, dwell on lost relationships, try to figure out what others are thinking, plan ahead, sort through difficult issues, or assess my growth and progress. My mind needs to rest, just like my body would need to rest if I were physically ill.

Feed off of Scripture and music. Both are like life lines to my spirit and will instill truth in me when all seems hopeless and dark.

Stay connected to the body of Christ. Stepping away from studies and church is tempting at times but dangerous. I need the fellowship of believers. Even if I do little more than sit in silence and stare, I need to be with them. They will know something is amiss (even if they have no idea what it is) and they will pray.

Pray. As Joyce Meyer has said, “Run to the Throne instead of the phone.” This is a hard one for me. I am use to taking my problems and heartaches to people. Use to letting them see me through the hard times. I am thankful for the times they do just that but God often reminds me they are His tools…..He is ultimately the source!

Wait. Sometimes, many times, the release from the pull down is slow in coming but worth the work.

Father, You keep holding on to me. Your grip never slips. Your love never falters. Until reviving and strength come to me, I will stand all the closer to You. Amen.

But For Your Grace - Rita Baloche

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Friday, August 13, 2010


“They will fight against you, but they shall not prevail against you. For I am with you,” says the LORD, “to deliver you.” Jeremiah 1:19 (New King James Version)

God’s words to Jeremiah were meant for our ears as well. God was letting Jeremiah know that even though others would oppose him they would not prevail. They would not come out as the victors. Deliverance was promised to him and it is promised to us as well.

What is it that fights against you today and has you convinced it will pull you under never to rise again? Slip it into this verse and then speak the words out loud as a declaration of truth. At this time in my life, that which fights against me is not a foreign nation, financial ruin, failing health, legal problems, or a host of other outside influences. For me, each day, that which fights against me are my own thoughts. At times they can be so ominous and foreboding. They seem to over ride every truth I know. When that happens I feel they have won. But God knows better. He has already promised me the victory.

This week has been precious with truth. I sent out a devotional on Tuesday that spoke of not viewing other’s limitations or boundaries as a sign of rejection. I KNEW the minute the truth sunk in that my otherwise predominantly, harmful thought life took a massive blow. It changed the dynamics of every relationship I have.

The loss of a mentor and the accompanying thoughts from that loss have fought against me for several years. It was this week that I understood the need to allow my former mentor the freedom to choose whether or not to be in relationship with me. Voicing that truth to a friend gave another blow to my thought process.

Am I saying the fight in these two areas is completely over? No. That will not be experienced until I am in Heaven. What I am saying is the battle took a turn in my favor and I intuitively know what to do in future times of struggle. I am trusting God to give me further “wins” in other areas of my life that tend to trip me up. Jeremiah 1:19 is now my life verse and I am ready to stand on and in its truths.

Father, thank you for reminding me that I need never give up. The battle is Yours as is the victory! Amen.

The Battle Belongs to the Lord - Maranatha Singers

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

When Comfort is Needed

Now when Job’s three friends heard of all this adversity that had come upon him, each one came from his own place—Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite. For they had made an appointment together to come and mourn with him, and to comfort him. Job 2:11 (New King James Version)

Job’s friends were not privy to the story behind Job’s story. They (along with Job) knew nothing of God’s conversation with Satan. How God extolled Job’s life and character and how Satan sought to use loss and pain to evoke Job to curse God. All Job and his friends could see was the result of Satan’s work. When life fell apart for Job at a proportion few of us could begin to fathom let alone relate with, they came for the purpose of being a help through grieving and comfort.

Although their intention was to bring comfort to Job it did not come about. They fell short of their goal. Why? Because they viewed Job and his situation with only one conclusion in mind….all this was happening because of sin in Job’s life. Nothing could be further from the truth. Their inability to see beyond their preconceived ideas hindered their ability to comfort. Have you ever been in their shoes? Wanting to comfort an individual in their time of sorrow, grief, or loss and not being able to? Looking to others to bring you comfort and coming up empty?

It is in our times of deepest hurt when we can become most teachable in the area of comfort. I look back on several years of deep grief and sorrow over the loss of a relationship and what comes to mind the most is the comfort God gave me through the heart and hands of friends. Although few could fully relate to or understand what I was going through they did some helpful things. They listened. In the very beginning of my darkest days they allowed me to talk about what had happened and how it was affecting me. In time, they gave me small doses of truth that I needed to hear, but the truth was said in love and with compassion. They directed me toward the God of all comfort, reminding me that God had not forsaken me or distanced Himself from my situation. They prayed for me and they prayed with me. They knew from whom my healing would eventually come. They let me know when they saw progress and change in me. They stayed with me. In all of that, they became my mentors in the art of comforting others.

Where am I today in light of this dark season of my life? For the most part, I am moving forward and only occasionally feel the ache. More importantly, I am now walking along side an individual who is in the midst of her own dark cave. What I received from others I now give to another.

Father, thank you for each person who listened, advised, and prayed for me. You used them in the same way You are now using me. I praise you for the comfort You give through others. Amen.

You Are My Hiding Place - Maranatha Singers

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Changed By None

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:8-9 (New King James Version)

The preaching and acceptance of “other” gospels abound today…just as they did in Paul’s day. Paul makes his point clear and goes so far as to repeat it twice for emphasis. It doesn’t matter who the message is coming from, if it varies from what the Bible says both the message as well as the messenger are wrong. Period! No exceptions. It has to be that way because the result is the difference between Heaven and Hell.

It is not a matter of Paul’s opinion and it is not a matter of our opinion. People will attempt to say that is what it all comes down to. If that were the case there would be no truth and no security for the believer. I have seen people get irate when they are told there is no other way to Heaven outside of Christ. They seem to think that is a denominational, religious, man made view. But that is not true! Jesus is the One who said in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” I don’t believe it because my church teaches it (although my church does teach it). I believe it because that is what the Bible says. I have to have the Bible as my foundation of truth.

None of us are to look at our words, other people’s words, or even an angel’s words as being on par with God’s Word. We are all fallible but God is not. Our words do not hold the same permanence or importance as God’s Word. Not only can we not elevate our words, we cannot elevate our experiences. Having an experience, such as a visit from an angel, cannot be a reason for second guessing or changing what God’s Word says….especially in the area of salvation.

One of the reasons I am so adamant about this is because I know my own heart and the bent in me toward idolatry if I don’t guard myself. I am too easily drawn toward experiences and personalities. Even when what is being said or experienced is lining up with Scripture, I still need to keep my eyes on God and I still need to keep the pages of the Bible open before me. People and angels are God’s messengers but may I never forget the One who sends them and may I never allow them to become a god to me.

Father, although I will continue to learn from others, may I hold on to You with one hand and on to your Word with the other. Center me between Your heart and Your voice. My allegiance is to You. My attention is on You. Keep me focused on You and Your Word. Amen.

Thy Word - Maranatha Singers

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103:13, 14 (New King James Version)

I take great delight and comfort in the fact that God knows my human frailties, limitations, and weaknesses. He shows mercy and forgiveness in the midst of every one of them. As He does, He urges me to do the same toward myself and toward others. I am learning something that is making that understandable and doable.

Failures primarily come because of two different reasons. They come due to either my sin or my limitations. I am neither super human or perfect therefore I fail. Seeing this truth gives me direction as to what to do with the failure. If it is because of sin, I need to confess it to God and turn from it. As His child, I am assured of His love, mercy, and forgiveness. If, however, my failure is due to a limitation in ability, time, or resources then I need to see it as such and seek God’s grace to accept it or His intervention to change it. It is a reality check based on truth rather than a time for beating myself up.

This is not only a new way for me to start living my life, it is also a powerful ingredient to introduce into my relationships with others. Due to my own insecurities, I can often misunderstand and misperceive what others can or cannot do. A change of plans, an inability to give me what I want, or an unenthusiastic response can send me reeling with the idea I am unloved, unwanted, and unwelcome. I am not proud of this aspect of myself, but I am acutely aware of it.

Thankfully, God is showing me the necessity of practicing discernment rather than embracing perceptions. I must separate sinful acts from human limitations. If it is a sin, I must choose to forgive and show mercy. If, however, it is a human limitation I must see it as such rather than as a sign of rejection or disinterest. Rather than recoil, I can pray for them, extend an offer to help, and come to a fresh realization that they too are dust. Words cannot describe the freedom that comes when I simply acknowledge, “They are tired, they are busy, they are ill at the present. It really isn’t personal. It is life.” When I look at life as a whole, this lesson is a huge one for me to learn!

Father, forgive me for the times I have handed out condemning indictments against myself and others rather than seen the truth about our limitations. Teach me wisdom and discernment and fill me with grace and mercy. Amen.

Only You

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Breaking the Chain

But all this gives me no satisfaction as long as I see that Jew Mordecai sitting at the king's gate. Esther 5:13 (New International Version)

Haman’s satisfaction, delight, and pleasure was unfelt due to what he chose to dwell upon and what he allowed to consume him. He had vast wealth, many sons, honor bestowed upon him by the king, special treatment, and promotions, yet his disdain for Mordecai kept him from enjoying any of it. Mordecai’s refusal to show him homage ate away at him and until he could annihilate him and his people (the Jews) he would be ruled by dissatisfaction and bitterness.

I can relate with Haman’s problem. Although he was in the wrong his attitude and actions hit home with me. I know what it is like to zero in on the losses, heartaches, and difficulties of life and subsequently lose the joy of living. A friend of mine calls it focusing on the black spot on the wall. It is that minute detail that holds not only my attention but my heart as well. It is the ever present cloud over my parade. It remains in the backdrop of my thoughts, ever ready to dampen any mood, darken any room, and weaken any resolve to live differently. It is my “life would be great if it weren’t for THIS” statement. It is the tender spot that reveals the area in my life that is still in need of God’s gracious touch and healing.

Where do I begin to loosen its hold and effect on my life? Like a heavy chain that still wraps itself around my soul, I am learning I must attend to one link at a time. Links have weakened and snapped as I have acknowledged their presence, confessed my heart attitudes, and looked for truth. I am down to what feels like the last few links…..the most profound and stubborn of them all. They are being dealt with through prayer….mine as well as individuals I trust. Last night, I took the worse case scenario, the deepest thoughts and feelings about this whole situation chain and brought it to my Heavenly Father. In the quietness of the late night hours I whispered to Him, “What if my perceptions are true and it really is as bad as I think? I begin with that premise and by Your grace I choose to walk in forgiveness and acceptance.” Sleep came quickly and I woke this morning feeling a bit less like Haman.

Father, I am tired of missing out on the joy of living and the delight of knowing You. Detach me from being controlled by anyone or anything apart from Youself. Teach me the better way to live. Amen.

On My Knees - Jaci Velasquez

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Friday, August 6, 2010

A Healthy Review

For you have heard of my former manner of life in Judaism, how I used to persecute the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it; and I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen, being more extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions. Galatians 1:13, 14 (New American Standard Bible)

Paul never let go of the reality from where God had brought him. His life prior to his conversion stood in stark contrast to God’s work of grace in his life. Not only did he know of his past, others did as well. His reputation followed and preceded him as he crossed paths with individuals. After all, he was at one time adamantly opposed to Jesus Christ and any of His followers, as well as passionately involved with Judaism and the traditions of his ancestors. Knowledgeable in the letter of the law but blind to the Author of that law.

Although Paul knew where he had come from, he also knew it was no longer his way of life. He knew God had radically changed his life and he lived his new life in Christ with as much zeal as he did his former life. He was a billboard of faith that clearly showed the truth of 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new.” A fuller appreciation of what was “new” for Paul was gained as he thought back to his former manner of life.

Looking back on one’s life must be done with the intent of realizing, appreciating, and proclaiming the work of God that has taken place. If it leads to shame, self-loathing, contempt, discouragement, or guilt over things already forgiven and covered by the blood of Christ, then it is nothing more than a review that puts one in a mental and emotional prison of torment. That should be a sign to us that the enemy of our soul is close at hand. Those “calling cards” are his finger prints and his plans are always to destroy us.

One way to foil his plans is to review the past allowing it to bring forth praise and thanksgiving for all God has done. Thankful for the forgiveness. Thankful for the fresh start. Thankful for the past being the past and not the present or future. Thankful for ministry that will be birthed as a result of a new life in Christ. Thankful that none of it need be wasted but rather used powerfully in the kingdom work of our Heavenly Father. Thankful that God saw fit to bring us into a different way to live our life and a different direction to take us. Thankful that our past no longer defines us. Paul knew how to view his past and we can learn from the example he set for us.

Father, I choose to turn each memory into a celebration of Your redemptive work! Amen.

I'm Not Who I Was - Brandon Heath

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

To Whom Credit is Due

What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. I Corinthians 3:5,6 (New American Standard Bible)

Each of us who are believers in Christ have individuals we consider as the spiritual influences in our life. They were either involved in our salvation experience or in subsequent times of spiritual growth. Maybe it was a pastor, Sunday school teacher, ministry person, author, or just a special Christian God used in a great way to help us along on our journey with Jesus. They would be the first to come to mind if someone asked us who has had the greatest impact on our life. They may have gone on to be with the Lord or they may still be living on this earth. It may have been years since we last saw or spoke with them or we may still get together with them frequently. Whatever the case may be, their specialness and importance to us remains.

This was the kind of relationship Apollos and Paul had with the early Christians. Paul evangelized and established churches and Apollos worked faithfully with the congregations. It was easy for people to grow dependent on them and attribute their spiritual growth to these men. Who of us does not have our preferred speakers, preachers, and authors? Paul’s words are meant for any of us who have our ‘list’ of favorites.

Paul reminds us that any person who has helped us in our Christian life has simply been a servant through whom we have believed. They were the avenue or vessel God chose to use in our life. Then he quickly adds that although they were highly involved in the preaching and teaching of God’s truth, the growth itself was caused by God. Appreciate them? Yes! Highly esteem them? Absolutely! But the real credit goes to God. He is the one who caused us to listen to them. He is the one who caused their message to get through to us. He is the one who nudged us to open ourselves up to them as a person. He is the one who gave growth to the seeds they planted.

Certain individuals will always be special to me for the role they have played in my life. While my love, appreciation, and respect goes to them….the credit for growth goes to God!

Father, for so long I have given others the credit I should have been giving to You. I now see them as the vessels You graciously selected and used in my life. But all the glory and tribute belongs to You! Amen.

Thank You - Ray Boltz

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

It Has to be Learned

Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:11-13 (New American Standard Bible)

I have often looked at fellow believers, saw godly qualities in their life, and made the false assumption that they came by those qualities naturally. I failed to see what they had to “learn” before they could say “I know.” I was not privy to the times of testing God walked them through in order to develop in them the sterling qualities I witnessed later on. The education they gained in the school of life may have taken years and was wrought with tears and difficulties that few knew anything of. God is reminding me this morning, that the gold I see so profoundly in them was mined out of the darkest caves of their life. He is also letting me know it is no different for me.

As I read today’s passage I noticed for the first time Paul’s phrase, “I have learned.” His contentment in all circumstances and knowing how to get along with abundance as well as poverty, being full and going hungry, having needs met and having needs remain unmet, had to be learned. It had to be learned through experiencing those very things and allowing God to be his Teacher in each situation. It required many moments of saying with Jesus, “Not my will, but Yours, O God.” It required dieing to self. It required walking in the Spirit instead of living in the flesh.

I don’t consider myself a fast learner or cooperative student most of the time. It is usually with difficulty that I finally yield and see the richness in doing so. It takes awhile for God to convince me that He really does know best and is bringing about the best for me. The longer I walk with Him the clearer this becomes.

Presently, I am “learning” the necessity of letting go. I have spent a life time harboring attitudes when disappointment came my way. God has been faithfully helping me to hear His voice as He nudges me to let go of the expectations I have put on others as well as the thoughts I can so easily mull over and stay connected to when those expectations are not forth coming. I see now that freedom is a choice and so are the steps necessary to live in that freedom. For now, most of my waking hours are spent saying, “I’m letting go of THAT!” because “holding on” was so much a part of my life. The change has not come easily but it is coming and in that I delight!

Father, my letting go when I so often want to hold on is coming with Your help. Thank you for Your insistence and assistance. I need You and I love You. Amen.

Spirit Song - Maranatha Singers

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Redirecting My Focus

They refused to obey, and they were not mindful of Your wonders that You did among them. But they hardened their necks, and in their rebellion they appointed a leader to return to their bondage. But You are God, ready to pardon, gracious and merciful, slow to anger, abundant in kindness, and did not forsake them. Nehemiah 9:17 (New King James Version)

I love the fact that this list of God’s character does not follow a pronouncement of good behavior. It does not read, “When they obeyed, were mindful of Your wonders, cooperated with You, and stayed free of bondage, God was gracious and merciful, etc…” Rather, it lists the truth about their sinful hearts and actions. In their worst moments, God was ready to pardon. In their continual cycling into bondage, God was gracious and merciful. In their rebellion, God was slow to anger. In their stubbornness, God was abundant in kindness. In their forsaking of Him, God did not forsake them. Even at their worst, God remained at His best and continually reached out to them.

I am like the children of Israel in so many ways. As recent as yesterday, I turned (if just briefly) to that which could easily put me into bondage. The sense of what I did filled me with regret and remorse. My choice quickly turned to one of confession and wanting to distance myself from that which I had no business being near. God was gracious. God was forgiving. That is what helped me walk with a sense of cleansing and a fresh determination to remain free rather than guilt and shame.

Seeing God’s graciousness and love in the midst of my sinful choices and actions makes a huge difference. Those are the times I need the reminders the most. Those are the times when seeing the truth about Him has me in awe and wonder the most. For most of my Christian life, however, that has not been my practice. I spent more time beating myself up for the past rather than rejoicing in the character of God. I focused on my sin rather than on His forgiveness. On my mistakes rather than His mercy. On my stubbornness rather than His kindness. On my straying rather than on His staying. No wonder I was prone to live with a sense of condemnation rather than the truth of being loved, accepted, and forgiven.

When I have made wrong choices, when I have failed Him, when I have fallen, God is not wanting me to follow it with a season of guilt and shame. He is wanting me to bring it all to Him and then live with a fresh awareness of who He is rather than a stinging reminder of what I’ve done. He is a God who is always ready to pardon, always gracious and merciful, always slow to anger, always abundant in kindness, and always with me! Always!

Father, the list of Your attributes are astounding and reassuring for me. You outshine and outlast the worst of me. In that I rejoice! Amen.

East to West - Casting Crowns

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Monday, August 2, 2010

What is in the Way?

Thus in Judah it was said, "The strength of the burden bearers is failing, Yet there is much rubbish; And we ourselves are unable to rebuild the wall." Nehemiah 4:10 (New American Standard Bible)

The rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem saw hindrances among progress. In the midst of verbal attacks and threats by enemies, there was the problem of rubbish that had not been cleared away. Debris from years of neglect and damage had not been removed and therefore was a present disadvantage to the work that needed to be done. It was causing the workers to stumble, become weak, and even susceptible to injuries. It was in the way!

God has recently led me into a house cleaning adventure. While the main rooms are looking good, there are closets, drawers, and cupboards in need of cleaning out and straightening up. My method? Clear EVERYTHING out of the space I am working in, put back only what needs to stay, and discard the rest! The results are amazing. My whole family is delighting in the transformation as heard in their words of encouragement and compliments. I am simply removing that which is in the way!

My spiritual life is no different. Solomon said it is the little foxes that spoil the vine. Such is the case with certain attitudes, words, and actions that can find their way into my life. Without continual inspection and extraction, they will grow and become a hindrance to the work God wants to do in me. They are the rubbish that needs to be removed. Be it negative speaking, worry, irritability, unkindness, selfishness, thoughtlessness, ingratitude, laziness, pity, or unbelief, they cannot be allowed to stay once they are detected.

I will continue with the renovation of my home, but throughout today my desire will be for God to show me any internal rubbish that needs to be acknowledged and removed. It is a type of mining that is necessary. Not for gold but for that which could cause me to stumble, become weak, and do much damage. It is called self examination and serves a profound purpose.

I now see the benefits of internal inspections, for they are done under the watchful eye of a God of forgiveness. One who is gracious and compassionate. Slow to anger and abounding in loving kindness. (Nehemiah 9:17) I need not cringe at the search light of His Spirit. As I yield, the results will be even more astounding than my cleaned out cupboards and closets!

Father, reveal to me any hidden places of my heart that need to be cleaned out. Help me to see what needs to go and what needs to stay. Amen.

Draw Me Close to You - Hillsong

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Necessary Disclaimer

For we know that the Law is spiritual, but I am of flesh, sold into bondage to sin. For what I am doing, I do not understand; for I am not practicing what I would like to do, but I am doing the very thing I hate. For I know that nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me, but the doing of the good is not. Romans 7:14,15,18 (New American Standard Bible)

Paul was not beating himself up over his failures and weaknesses. He was simply stating truth. What was that truth? That he was not a completed vessel yet. That he did not always do it right, get it right, say it right, or think it right. That he had not arrived at such a spiritual state that his flesh ceased to be a problem. That he was not always in control of his emotions. That what he believed was not always what he lived out of or demonstrated. That his responses, perceptions, and reactions were not always good or accurate. This was his disclaimer for any who would think otherwise. I own it as mine as well.

Like Paul, I fight a daily battle with my flesh. I take things personal, I misread another’s actions or words. I hold on to past hurts and disappointments. I so easily feel unloved, unwanted, and unaccepted at times. I get my eyes off God and focus on myself or others. I have times when I fail to walk in truth. The list (as unpleasant as it is) could go on and on but my point is this: Failures and weaknesses mark my path. It is true of me, it is true of you, it was true of our Bible ancestors, it is true of the authors and speakers we sit under, and it is true of every person ever born except Jesus.

I find encouragement when Paul states the truth about himself and I find freedom when I do because I know where to turn when the truth is blatantly staring me in the face. I turn to the One who loves me and is still working on me. That which I so easily detest in myself He already knows about. It does not hinder His love for me but calls upon His love to minister to me and change me. When I am most prone to back away from Him in shame or disappointment with myself, He extends the invitation to come to Him. While there are times repentance is a must, forgiveness and reconciliation are always the end result.

Father, I want to be all the things I should be and will be eventually. For now, help me to live with a fuller realization of Your love, mercy, and grace. When I see the truth about myself, help me to embrace the truth about You. Amen.

Warrior is a Child/Do I Trust You - Twila Paris

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.