Tuesday, November 30, 2010
He Takes Notice
But Jehu was not careful to walk in the law of the LORD, the God of Israel, with all his heart. 2 Kings 10:31 (New American Standard Bible)
Do you ever get discouraged with the way you are living your Christian life? Maybe you feel nothing is counting for good because you can’t seem to do it right ALL the time? I spent years beating myself up over failures, short comings, and unfinished tasks. I somehow developed a mindset that said, “If I slip up it will cancel out what I did manage to do .” It was the opposite of thinking my good will outweigh my bad in the end. Like the parent who won’t accept the A’s on a report card because of the one B that is standing out, I mistakenly thought God was entirely focused on my imperfections. But the story of Jehu reveals the truth about God to me in a special way.
While 2 Kings 10:31 is a sad commentary on his life God says an astounding thing in the preceding verse. He tells him his sons for the next four generations will sit on the throne of Israel because he had done well in executing what is right in God’s eyes and done according to all that was in God’s heart. God not only noticed what he did right but He acknowledged it and rewarded him for it!
I see the same graciousness extended when David was called a man after God’s own heart even though he had a trail of sin behind him. Abraham was called a friend of God even though he had some not so sterling moments in his life.
I envision Heaven being filled with surprises. So often people focus on the loss of rewards, but oh the joy we will experience when God rewards us for things we didn’t even realize He noticed! God is an expert at finding the rare diamonds in the caves of our lives. Those things we never dreamed amounted to anything stood out brilliantly to a God with perfect vision.
I am not saying our sin does not matter. And neither am I saying our salvation is based on works or our good out weighing our bad. What I am saying is that God does notice the times we get it right, yield to Him, and cooperate with His work in our life. In the midst of failure God sees the gold!
Father, for too many years I felt like such a disappointment to You. Now I am beginning to see delight in Your eyes. Amen.
Who Am I - Casting Crowns
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
His Process Not Mine
My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you. Galatians 4:19 (New King James Version)
Growth and development in the Christian life were Paul’s strong desires for the converts he communicated with. To see Christ formed in them and reflected through them was his passion. Although he longed for it and did much to encourage them in that direction, he knew it would be a process and that it would take time. I have come to realize that even though I can have a desire to grow in Christ and I can ask God to bring about that growth, it is God’s choosing as to what the process will entail.
In the spring of 2004, when I took my first steps on this journey, I had a list of things I wanted God to do in me. I wanted an intimate relationship with Him. I wanted to find my identity, security, and life in Him. I wanted His Word to come alive to me. I wanted to have the very characteristics I saw in others. And I asked God for those things in prayers such as, “Do in and through me what You have done in and through others.”
What I didn’t know was HOW He would go about doing that. I had no idea it would involve pain, sorrow, bewilderment, and the removal of many hindrances. I didn’t know it would involve revealing my own heart issues to myself and bringing me to the end of myself. I didn’t know it would involve changes in relationships. I didn’t know growth would come through loss. But it did and at times when I didn’t think I was going to make it, God would tenderly remind me of my prayers to Him that He was faithfully answering.
As I look back on the past few years, I have no doubt they have been the most painful and yet most productive years of my Christian life. What God has accomplished could not and would not be accomplished any other way. With that realization, my prayers now have a back drop of wisdom that as I continue to ask God to do whatever it takes to form Christ in me, that He will wisely use what He knows will work. I cannot be trusted to come up with the right ingredients or materials for the molding of my life. He alone knows the beginning from the end and the best way to get to the end.
This past Thanksgiving, I was once again profoundly struck by all that He has done for me both spiritually, and emotionally this year. I am not the same person I was a year ago and I head into a new year knowing there is more of the same ahead as I sit upon the Potter’s wheel and yield to His touch and voice.
Father, at times, I doubted the very things You could and would do. I now stand in awe and thankfulness for not only the results but for what You used to bring about those results. Continue to form Christ in me. All glory to You! Amen.
The Potter's Hand - Darlene Zschech
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Friday, November 26, 2010
The Birthing of Contentment
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5 (King James Version)
Wanting what I don’t have does much to diminish my peace, joy, and satisfaction. Coveting can go far beyond just a desire for more money or possessions. For me, it can also enter into the area of personalities and relationships. In the midst of all my “wants” I must confront myself with this question: “Do I really believe God is presently giving me everything I need and is best for me?”
There was a time when personalities were an area of covetousness for me. Convinced mine was inferior I longed for the kind others had. My attempts at behavior modification and chameleon tendencies eventually proved futile. Comparing myself to others is a sure way to foster discontent. My whole perspective changed when I began to appreciate and celebrate the personality God chose to instill in me. Allowing God to conform me into the image of Christ will not do away with my personality, it will beautify and enhance it! I will always be an extrovert who enjoys conversations, friendships, and laughter. That is the way I am wired. It is no longer a bone of contention for me because I now receive it as God’s design and desire for me.
God and I are still working on the area of relationships. I struggle the most with dissatisfaction and discontentment when I can’t be in relationship with the ones I want to be or when I want more out of the relationships I do have. Because communication is so easy and instant with cell phones and emails, it feeds a part of me that craves continual connection with people. When I don’t see or hear from someone as often as I would like, my security and satisfaction with that relationship comes under attack. I easily self condemn and question the soundness of the relationship. I am learning both are a tool of the enemy. It is imperative that I see God’s hand in the friendships I have or don’t have. His ultimate desire is for me to have a close relationship with Himself. My deepest friendships should enhance that.
When others are not involved or available I must see that as an invitation to draw closer to Him and fully take in the preciousness of His promise to never leave or forsake me. As I learn to abide in His presence I find a birthing of contentment and a lessening of the aches from the disappointments of life.
Father, continue to touch the places of discontent in me. Your faithful presence is my true life line. Amen.
Let My Words Be Few - Phillips, Craig & Dean
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Two Hearts in the Hands of God
Jacob said, No, please, if now I have found favor in your sight, then take my present from my hand, for I see your face as one sees the face of God, and you have received me favorably. Genesis 33:10 (New American Standard Bible)
Jacob’s reunion with his brother, Esau, is the Old Testament equivalent of the New Testament story of the Prodigal son. Unexpected favor. Unexpected acceptance. Unexpected change. Astounding picture of the heart of God! It follows a time of Jacob wrestling with his own fears, perceptions, and limited knowledge. After 20 years of separation from his family, Jacob feared meeting up with his brother again and understandably so. He had not left him on the best of terms. Hatred and a desire to see him dead were Esau’s attitudes. Yet, the reception Jacob got was far from what he hoped for or even dared to dream. He expected the worst but Esau “ran to meet him, and embraced him and fell on his neck and kissed him, and they wept.” Apparently, in the midst of Jacob’s thoughts he never entertained the thought that God was working on Esau as much as He had been working on him.
Do you have an Esau in your life? Someone you fear coming face to face with because of the way things were the last time you saw them? You live with a certainty that all has been lost and remains irreplaceable and irreparable. You can’t imagine a favorable reception like the one described between these two brothers. It is beyond your realm of thinking.
If so, I want to encourage you to do what God is leading me to do with my Esau person, and that is to believe Him for change. Believe that all the while He has been working on me, He has been working on the other person. As I have been changing, she has been changing. Believe that God is right now continuing to make all things new. Believe that if there ever is a reunion in this life, preparation is being made for that reunion. It is a looking forward with anticipation rather than holding on to the past. It is basing my thoughts and feelings on what God is doing rather than on how things were at one time.
I don’t want to spend another day with fear, dread, or hopelessness. Instead, I want to rejoice in the fact that God’s ways are higher than my own and His thoughts are too. Jacob’s reunion experience has become my new perspective as I enter a time of trusting God to do what He has been doing all along in both our lives. His ways are the epitome of multi-tasking!
Father, my thoughts are lining up with You today. What a joy to know that NONE of us are who we use to be. I needed this assurance and choose to embrace it. Amen.
God Will Make a Way - Janet Paschal
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
When We Have It All Wrong
When they came to the region of the Jordan which is in the land of Canaan, the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh built an altar there by the Jordan, a large altar in appearance. Joshua 22:10 (New American Standard Bible)
When the children of Israel had settled in the Promised Land, two and half tribes were allowed to return to the other side of the Jordan River. Their first act was to build an altar and thus an incredible account of false accusations and assumptions nearly led to war. The children of Israel assumed the altar had been built out of rebellion when in fact it was built for future generations to see that they were a part of God’s chosen people. When the truth was heard, the people were pleased and the thought of war was destroyed instead of lives. The altar itself came to be called Witness because it was a witness between them that the LORD is God.
Have you ever assumed the wrong thing about another person and were ready to take action based on those wrong assumptions? If so, you and I can relate with each other. It happens to me many times this and this account in Joshua 22:10-34 is a glaring spot light on this issue for me. I have come to call it having a spirit of suspicion and I can attest to how much damage it will cause if left unchecked, unchallenged, and unreceptive to the truth.
I will not list specifics here but let me suffice to say this spirit of suspicion is usually awakened in me when I don’t get what I want, hear what I want, or possess what I want. It usually has to do with relationships and although I do not position myself for war I do yield to the temptation of retreat and shutting down my heart. Surely the enemy of my soul delights when I have put myself and another person in the worst possible light. Not a pretty picture and not one I enjoy admitting to others, but transparency is a necessity in my walk of faith. Others will allow the truths of their heart to surface if I dare to admit my own. Too many have commented on this for me to think otherwise.
So what am I learning? That my false assumptions are usually based on my own insecurities and wounded places within me. It is imperative that I hold off personal judgments until I know the truth. I have delighted in the times I have told myself, “Your thoughts and feelings are not based on truth,” and then within a day or two the truth is revealed. It is helping me to hold off my self imposed retreats. May God continue to grow me up in this area through His Word and His Spirit!
Father, I praise You for showing me the basis and harm of my own suspicions. Help me to be discerning and teachable at all times. Amen.
Draw Me Close - Kathy Troccoli
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
The Great Robber
And which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life’s span? If then you cannot do even a very little thing, why do you worry about other matters? Luke 12:25,26 (New American Standard Bible)
The King James Version asks if you can add a cubit to your height by worrying. Whether we are talking about adding time to our life or height to our stature the point is this…..worrying NEVER adds….it always takes away. It robs us of the very things we need like sleep, peace of mind, clear thinking, trust, faith, confidence, security, and health. Just look at the synonyms for worry: to fret, be anxious, lose sleep, excessive concern, troubled-spirit.
I found it interesting to see a definition for worry that I had never realized even existed. Believe it or not, a dog can worry a bone which simply means to treat it roughly, as with continual biting. Is that not a good picture of what worry does to our insides? It is remarkable how the worrying can go on in our head while the churning is going on in our gut! The next time I am worrying, stewing, fretting, or being perturbed over something, I want to picture that “dog” gnawing away at me!
I know one thing, worry and faith cannot co-exist. Only one can be experienced at a time. Worry tells me my problem is bigger than God, I am on my own, improvement of the situation is impossible, there is no hope for relief, and I will never be able to handle what is coming. Faith on the other hand says my God is bigger than ANY problem, He will NEVER leave me, He is working ALL things for my good, my hope is IN Christ, and I can do all things THROUGH Christ. I also know that worry and faith both have the potential to shut the other down. It comes down to this question….to what am I yielding my thoughts?
I will admit, some people are more prone to excessive worrying than others. But the same antidote is applicable for both. Voice out loud your true feelings. Admit to God what you are really thinking. Then find Scripture to contradict what you are believing about yourself and your situation. Counter the worry with truth. It will flee every time! Worry is an option. Faith is a necessity!
Father, I need not worry when I keep in mind all the truths You are teaching me about Yourself. Nothing is impossible for You! Amen.
You're Still God - Kathy Troccoli
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Length and Depth of Grief
And when the days of his weeping and deep grief were past. Genesis 50:4a Amplified Bible
In the past I have witnessed vast proportions of grief in the lives of dear friends. Loss of parents, loss of pregnancies, loss of children, loss of relationships, loss of jobs, loss of health. Their pain was profound and worked through in the privacy of their own thoughts and hearts. While friends and loved ones sought to comfort, they were still left with many hours of solitude. Some are still in the throws of their grief and loss wondering if they will ever experience life as “normal” again.
Sometimes the most difficult part of pain is our misunderstanding of all that it entails. Uncertainty of what our feelings should be and how long the whole thing will take, leave us floundering.
I found comfort in Joseph’s example today. Today’s verse followed a 70 day long mourning for the death of his father. 70 days! That is a little over 2 months. And I noticed it was simply the deep grief that was past. That is not to say the grief was entirely gone. After a life time of loving someone, years of being separated, and then the joys of being reunited, how could anyone think he would walk away from grief after a mere week or two? And yet I hear account after account of people who think it should be that easy and that quick.
Grief is a process and God accomplishes much through it. We learn a lot about ourselves and about Him during that time. The deeper the grief the more profound the lessons and the greater the possibility of future ministry that will stem from it. But it takes time! The loss of my mother in February of 2000 led me into a grief process that lasted a year. The grief from the loss of a mentor in the spring of 2006 took several years to subside. While both were extremely painful they yielded rich treasures from my Father’s hand.
Today I share Isaiah 51:3 with all those who are presently experiencing their own valley of grief. “The LORD will surely comfort Zion, and will look with compassion on all her ruins; He will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.”
Father, I trust You to make the joy, gladness, thanksgiving, and singing as profound and deep as the grief has been. Embrace my friends! Amen.
Help Me, God - Kathy Troccoli
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Callings and Desires
Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God. Romans 1:1 (New King James Version)
Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. Psalm 73:25 (New King James Version)
I want Paul’s ability to identify himself according to God’s description and Asaph’s desire for God above all others. Did it mean a perfect life for either? No! Did it mean struggles ended and bliss marked their every waking moment? Absolutely not! They each had their own set of difficulties, weaknesses, and failures but those things did not define them or consume them. If I were to put these verses into my own words they might read something like this. “Pam, enslaved to Jesus, called to teach, and singled out for God’s message of salvation to others. No one but You, O, God!”
My first thought after reading both these verses was a strong awareness of how far short I fall of the reality of both. I am aware of my own actions and attitudes that do not portray the fact that I am His called and separated servant. I know all too well those desires that compete with my desire toward God. I am humbled and broken by the truth. But I am also aware of God’s desire and ability to bring me to the place whereby these verses mark my path and my life. My failures and shortcomings are not the end of the story. It is not too late for me to turn these verses into my own prayer request! God is still in the process of transforming me.
Sometimes we convince ourselves that we cannot possibly live up to the walk of others. It is like they have an inside track to God and godly living and we keep missing it. Comparisons are dangerous and deadly. Change comes when I become more enamored with the Creator than with His creations. Appreciate them? Yes! Learn from them? Yes! But my patterning, dependency, longing, trust, and focus must be primarily on Christ. If I am trying to get needs met through people, fulfillment out of opportunities, and pleasure out of circumstances I am only living on the scraps of what God offers me. I end up living with a frustrated, deprived spirit. But if God is my desire and the One I long after, then being His servant becomes my daily reality. When I walk in agreement with God and have my strongest desire toward Him I am on a path with no comparison!
Father, be my desire above all others. Help me to fully live out my calling as Your servant! Amen.
With All I Am - Hillsong
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Friday, November 19, 2010
What I Do and Don't Know
Behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth. And you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the LORD your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one word of them has failed. Joshua 23:14 (New King James Version)
Joshua’s words to the children of Israel as he came to the close of being their leader, are words full of assurance for me. They are reminders to me of the faithfulness of God. I need those reminders as a close friend of mine goes through some foreboding circumstances in her life. As she shared those circumstances with me I found myself becoming fearful for her and deeply concerned. It didn’t take long for the “what if’s” to start cropping up in my mind. That is when I had to begin acknowledging what I did and didn’t know.
I don’t know how her story will end. I don’t know what her future looks like. But I do know what God has spoken concerning her and I know not one word of His promises will fail. What has He spoken? He has promised to meet all her needs, to never leave her, to guard and guide her, to fulfill His purposes for her, to glorify Himself in everything that transpires in her life, to uphold her with His grace, to strengthen her, to protect her, to give her beauty for her ashes, to be her constant companion and wise counselor, to equip her for what is ahead, to establish her goings, to do a good work in her, and to hold her in His arms like no person is able to do. God knows her story from beginning to end and this is simply a chapter in comparison to the whole.
I know too that He loves her deeply and has not allowed anything into her life that has not first passed through His hands. Her circumstance took her by surprise but it was no surprise to God. Although people were involved in the process God has been and will continue to be in control.
These are the truths I will ponder in the weeks and months ahead. They are the truths I will continually share with my friend. They are the truths I will voice in prayer on her behalf. And they are the truths I will let sink deep into my bedrock of thoughts in preparation for the day I face circumstances that cause me to press in harder on God.
Father, keep reminding me and my friend of the kind of God You are and the kind of promises You have made. Amen.
Still - Hillsong
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Seeing the Promises
For I will take you out of the nations; I will gather you from all the countries and bring you back into your own land. I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols. Ezekiel 36:24-26 (New International Version)
I claim the promises this morning! Many were the times I could not read Scripture and see that what God was saying to His people in the Old and New Testaments He was saying to ME as well. It was like reading someone else’s mail. That is no longer the case. Now when I read His Word I know what He is saying to me and what area of my life to appropriate His words.
Much like the children of Israel, I have spent years trying to walk in someone else’s land and make their journey my journey. It was easier to copy their ways and thinking rather than allow God to bring me into my own, unique place within His kingdom. I had my idols. While the children of Israel had their idols of wood and stone, I had my idols of flesh. With the acknowledgement of that, God has been in the process of bringing me into my “own” land and place with Him and also freeing me from my idols and propensity toward idolatry.
I have been influenced by significant people and my life will always bear their marks and fingerprints, but God’s intent is that I become and remain an individual of authenticity and originality. To be known as the One He rescued and redeemed for His own name’s sake. That which had a profound hold on me, is loosened only by His hand. To put it quite frankly, He WILL finish every work He has started in me. I have His word on it! I embrace His promises to me.
People often give up or live with a sense of resignation when there is no hope. They can’t see changes in their life or their circumstances so they conclude there are no changes. Often the processes of God are drawn out over years and that which is able to keep us hopeful of a complete story are the promises found in the Bible. His Word is meant to be personal and to be approached with expectancy. Each time I open it I know that He has a word for me. This morning was no exception. His promise tells me the end of my own story and the hope of that promise renews my strength and stride. In moments like this I have no trouble seeing His involvement and interest in my growth and development as His child. That which eluded me for years has now become very clear and very present.
Father, the way You are carving out a path for me to walk is beyond words. Thank you for renewing my hope and my spirit. Amen.
Ancient Words - Michael W. Smith
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Seeing a Heart of Stone
And I will give them one heart, and put a new spirit within them And I will take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances and do them. Then they will be My people, and I shall be their God. Ezekiel 11:19, 20 (New American Standard Bible)
A number of things come to mind when I think of a heart of stone. Hard, unchanging, immovable, cold, lifeless, dark, rigid, fixed, and set in ones ways are just starters for me. This passage is full of hope and promise yet there are times when the condition of my own heart keeps the hope and promise at a distance. Times when I look at the people around me and feel like an observer rather than a participant in the full scheme of life. Times when relating with their joy, delight, and pleasure eludes me.
How can it be that mountain top experiences in the Christian life end up being followed by such low valley experiences? When I am excited about something I feel I can conquer anything and walk victoriously during the next time of testing. When the “high” seems to evaporate as quickly as it came and the tests are upon me the once strong confidence seems to go as well. When I am called upon to walk out newly learned or revisited truth and I fail, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. When love does not mark my path in light of others, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. When mindsets and thought patterns veer away from the Philippians 4:8 list, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. When I hold on to wrong attitudes, THAT is when I see my heart of stone. How can it be when one has been given the promised new Spirit, that a heart of stone still exists?
The One who inspired these words to be penned through Ezekiel centuries ago is whispering them to me anew. I bring Him my doubts and questions. He gives me assurance that the journey is not over yet and He is still fully invested in my growth process. He hasn’t given up on me even when I wonder why. He hasn’t considered me a lost cause or a hopeless wreck even when I am tempted to. He doesn’t respond with a lecture, pet phrase, or stern look even when I expect Him to. Rather He invites me to come to Him and find answers, reassurance, and hope. I am not alone. I am not forsaken. I am not forgotten. I am loved and I am in need of Him.
Father, You haven’t closed Your arms or turned Your back on me yet, nor will You. You continue to woo me to Yourself. Amen.
Change My Heart, Oh God
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Words to Live By
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5,6
Probably aside from John 3:16 and Psalm 23, this part of Proverbs is one of the most familiar verses to many people. While many of us have it memorized and can easily quote it, do we flesh it out in our daily lives? Is it evident in the way we speak, respond, and act? When the storms of life hit, the way becomes unclear, or everything seems to be against us, do we take the words literally as our banner of proclamation and maxim? This morning I want to pull these phrases apart and examine them more closely.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart. Have full confidence and reliance in God. Often times we put more confidence in people and what they can do for us. We run to them for comfort, advice, assurance, protection, and strength. Take the most profound person you know and they are still limited in what they can do for you. What help they are able to give you is temporary at best (unless they are directing you back to God). That is why when you call them and pour out your heartache to them, the feelings of sadness and loneliness return as soon as you hang up the phone.
Lean not unto thine own understanding. We are so good at trying to figure things out for ourselves. We use our own thoughts, our own feelings, our own interpretation of things to assist us through the mine fields of our life. We rack our brains into the late hours of the night or early hours of the morning mulling over every possible solution we can come up with. We somehow feel the answer lies in us. We believe if we think it through long enough we will come up with a way to fix our life and move forward.
In all thy ways acknowledge him. Recognize and admit the truth about God. Stand on the reality of His power, presence, and protection available to you. The more difficult our situation the more necessary it is to proclaim the truth about Him.
He will direct your paths. We are not on our own. He is involved in the process of bringing us through this life. His promise rests on His character but is also conditional to our trusting, leaning not, and acknowledging. May this passage become my maxim for life!
Father, saying the words can come easy. I must choose to take each step spelled out in the passage. Help me to do that! Amen.
Do I Trust You, Lord - Twila Paris
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Asking, Accepting, and Receiving
Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done. And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. Luke 22:42, 43 (English Standard Version)
I find two interesting things transpiring in this passage. First, Jesus is asking for the removal of something from His life. Many thoughts arise pertaining to what is meant by the “cup” and I am in no position to explain what it means. What I am centering in on is the fact that He asked for its removal. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul asking for his thorn in the flesh to be removed. In both cases, the answer was “No.” God will not remove from our life that which He purposes to be in our life. That which He will use and work through. Removal comes only as God deems it necessary and in line with His ways, will, plans, and purposes. Both Paul and Jesus entrusted their situations to God and desired God’s will to be carried out.
When God’s response is “no” or “wait” it is imperative that we follow the examples of these men and others like them. We must allow God to speak the words of Isaiah 55:8,9 to us, “ For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thought.” God alone knows what He will bring out of the very thing of which He denies the removal. He knows the eternal purposes He will fulfill. Although there may be tears in the midst of bending the knee, when it is all said and done we will come to acknowledge His way was best.
The second thing that stands out to me is that strengthening for Jesus came in the form of an angel. Often are the times when strength and encouragement come to us through the hands of a chosen vessel of God. If Jesus was willing and able to receive the strength in this way, then I can give myself permission to do the same. While I have never (to my knowledge) been strengthened by an angel, I have numerous individuals who come to mind as those who strengthened me. They strengthened me with their words, Scripture, prayer, listening ears, and open arms. They strengthened me with comforting thoughts as well as tough love. They were the hands, heart, and face of Jesus to me in many ways and I lift up a prayer of praise and thanks for them today. How much my life would lack without them.
I leave you with two thoughts. First, Scripture gives us permission to ask for the removal of things from our life as long as we leave the answer to God and desire His will above our own or others. Second, be willing to receive the encouragement God sends in the ways He chooses to send it.
Father, thank you for the times You removed the things I asked. Thank you for the times they remained. Thank you for the ones You have used to encourage me. All three means have shaped my life profoundly. Amen.
Knees to the Earth - Watermark
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Seeing and Admitting Our Condition
And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. Luke 13:11 (New King James Version)
For eighteen years a woman’s body was bent over due to a spirit of infirmity. It was apparent to any who knew her that something was amiss and until Jesus intervened in her life her condition remained unchanged with little hope of improvement. Hers was an obvious and noticeable problem. What of the many who are “bent over” internally? From all outward accounts they seem to have it all together but if they allow you to see beyond the surface one comes to realize their spirit and emotions are far from straight and strong. What does one do when this is their truth? When this is their life?
In the past few years, God has been showing me the steps to take in order to begin standing straight internally and I freely share those steps with you now. First, admit to yourself there is a problem. Something is askew and you have to be willing to see that. Second, desire change. For some of us, what we have grown use to as a way of life has become comfortable and the thought of change can be scary. Yet, desire for change eventually becomes stronger than the satisfaction of remaining unchanged. Third, be willing to ask for help. Learning to open up to a trusted person and accept the truth that will come from advice given takes time to develop but is necessary. Fourth, see that the internal problems may be brought on by physical conditions. Schedule an appointment with a doctor to see whether or not this is a possibility. Fifth, daily ask God to show you practical steps you can take in applying His Word and other truths to your life that will make a difference.
These are not steps that one crosses off their list as they are taken. These are steps that continue to be a part of your life as you work through your weaknesses, places of vulnerability, and areas in need of change. In a week’s time I return to all of them in one way or another. There have been times when friends have admitted to thinking that at one time they thought I had it all together. The more we talked the more they saw my frailties and humanness. I wouldn’t want it any other way, because any noticeable change will be attributed to God.
These devotionals have never been meant to tell someone all the right answers or to make others think I have things all figured out. They are simply an invitation for others to join me on what many times feels like a roller coaster ride of varying speeds and heights. Walk beside me and let’s grow together.
Father, I realize now that it isn’t about appearing strong but being real. Help me to fully celebrate the victories and willingly share the struggles. Under Your care, amen.
The Motions - Matthew West
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Be Careful
Shout against her on every side! She surrenders, her towers fall, her walls are torn down. Since this is the vengeance of the LORD, take vengeance on her; do to her as she has done to others. Jeremiah 50:15 (New International Version)
Often times, God would use other nations in the process of Israel experiencing the painful consequences of their rebellion against Him. Even in times of correction, God’s intent was that Israel would do an about face and return to Him. To go His way instead of their way. When Babylon was used as a part of God’s correction, however, they took great delight in harshness and cruelty toward God’s chosen people. Little did they know or care that their actions would also be judged by the very One who put them in such a position. Think how different their story would have been had they shown mercy, grace, and love to their captures while they were in their domain.
For any who find themselves in a position of correcting, disciplining, punishing, or penalizing others, be careful how you treat those individuals. It is imperative to remember that although you may be God’s instrument of correction you are still responsible for the way you go about being that instrument. Even in times of war, there are boundaries and laws that set limits on what can be done to prisoners. Many have faced the consequences of their war crimes years after the war ended.
In the case of church discipline or individual confrontations the demeanor and heart of the church or confronter is important to God and noticed by God. How different would the words, actions, and attitudes be if they knew that one day they would be treated the way they treated others? In the case of parents, teachers, and law enforcement officers, do the words, “Do to her what she has done to others” bring fear or rejoicing?
May each of us take stock of how we are interacting with others, especially when we are part of their facing the consequences for wrong doing. May we treat them the way we would want to be treated and in a way that pleases God as He accomplishes His work in them.
Father, I’ve not always gotten this aspect right in my life. For past actions, I ask Your forgiveness. For future actions, I ask for Your help in showing Your heart when I am called upon to be part of another’s need of correction. Amen.
Everlasting God - Lincoln Brewster
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Recognizing God's Work in Others
And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that had been given to me, they gave me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised. Galatians 2:9 (New King James Version)
Oh the preciousness when others can recognize and perceive the work of God in us. Paul and Barnabas were given the right hand of fellowship and the acknowledgement that they should minister to the Gentiles by the pillars of the early church. God’s grace in their life was evident to those who had experienced it themselves. How tragic it would have been had none of the early Christians been able to see that God was active in the lives of others.
While it is true that we are human and have limited perspective, I grow concerned when God’s work in a life is not evident to fellow believers even though He IS working. The opposite is also a concern for me, when people assume (falsely) that someone is on top of it spiritually but in reality they walk empty and aloof of intimacy with God. I have known both examples personally and they have taught me to be discerning with the opinions of others. Just as my perception of others can be dead wrong so can theirs be wrong of me. I must be careful not to let their thoughts replace what I know to be true.
Having said that, I can attest to the fact that once God begins working in a life He will make it very clear to others and they will often be faithful in sharing what they are seeing. I have learned to listen to the affirming and confirming words of others. When numerous people from different walks of life are saying the same thing it gets my attention and I walk with an assurance that changes really are being brought about in me.
While it is important that I keep my ears tuned to God’s voice, He often uses people to help me see things a little clearer. He knows that finding the balance between listening to people and listening to Him is still tricky for me but He will help me get there. In the mean time, I delight in the times someone will pull me aside and say, “I see growth in you.” Because the journey can often be slow and daunting at times, I need the insight of others to help me see what I am not seeing on my own.
Paul and Barnabas did not stake everything on the opinions and acceptance of others, but I am sure it was encouraging to be received by them. May God bless each of us with individuals in our lives who can perceive us accurately and may He allow us to be that for others.
Father, You have often let me know truth through other believers. Thank you for the ones who let me know what they see You doing in me. Help me to be the eyes for others as well. Amen.
Potter's Hand - Darlene Zschech
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What To Do and How To Do It
Be strong and of a good courage. Joshua 1:6
Three times God speaks this phrase to Joshua in the first chapter of the Old Testament book that bears his name. Moses had died and Joshua assumed the position of leader to the nation of Israel. As he was given the monumental task of leading them across the Jordan River to take possession of the promise land, he was not only told to be strong and have courage but he was told the basis for that strength and courage.
Right from the start God assured him of His presence, provision, and power. Then He told him to meditate on His Word and to obey His commands. These were the conditions upon which success and prosperity lay. Without an awareness of God’s presence and a reliance upon His direction there would be no victory.
Whatever task or trial lies before me today, next week, next month, or next year, I must realize these same truths apply to me. I must not only live with an awareness of God’s presence, but I must abide in it. God must be my primary source for direction, protection, and provision. I must know the truth of His character, heart, and mind. That can only be found in His Word. As I spend time in His Word and meditate upon it through out the day, I am brought into an awareness of His step by step direction for me. His Word not only has commands to follow, but promises to claim, instructions to heed, and wisdom to glean. It is alive and applicable to me.
God wants me to hear the same thing Joshua needed to hear. I am to keep my eyes and my mind on Him. What or who I choose to look at and follow and what I choose to think on will have profound effects on my actions. They will set the direction for my entire day. When I am focused on listening to Him, He speaks. When I am determined to obey Him, He leads. When I choose to stay close to Him, He astounds me with His presence. The amazing thing is that He willingly gives me the desire and ability to do all of this and more. None of this is simply my own self effort and behavior modification. It is brought about by His Spirit working in me as I cooperate with Him. The internal changes that lead to external changes are the results of living in relationship with Him.
Father, You have told me what to do and how to do it. I look to You for the ability to follow and listen to You. I don’t want to miss a thing! At the end of the day may I realize the victories that were mine! Amen.
All to Jesus I Surrender - Robin Mark
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Monday, November 8, 2010
How Teachable Am I?
When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. Galatians 2:11 (New International Version)
Have you ever had someone point out an area in your life that needs to change? Have you ever been the one who had to do the pointing out? Most of us are not comfortable in either role, but maybe that is because we fail to appreciate the necessity of it at times. When Paul saw Peter’s hypocrisy, as stated in Galatians 2:12, and the effects it was having on both Jews and Gentiles, he did the right thing. He confronted Peter and let him know in no uncertain terms that he was in the wrong. We are not told what Peter’s reaction was but I believe that by this point he had developed a teachable spirit. Paul had not told him anything he did not already know and the confrontation would have been enough to direct him toward necessary change. Paul was simply being a “truth teller” and Peter was to be the recipient of that truth.
I have been a student of Scripture long enough to know that God wants to get more mileage out of this passage than just what pertains to Paul and Peter. He wants me to bring it into the present and allow Him to develop in me the quality of being teachable when someone has to pinpoint areas in my own life. He wants to get me past the hurt feelings, the taking it personal, the sense of shame, the squirming, as well as the desire to run and hide. He wants me to be willing to hear and accept the truth from those who are willing to tell me the truth about things that need to change in me especially when it comes to attitudes of the heart.
There are really only two options for me when it comes to taking in truth. Either I can be willing to hear it from the Holy Spirit and act upon it or I can wait until God determines it is time to bring people along to tell me to my face what I am trying to avoid hearing from Him. Up until now that has been a terrifying thought for me, but only because I have bought into false ideas of what they are saying and why they are saying it. God’s heart as well as theirs is for my good and eventual growth. He is giving them the discernment to know what is hindering that growth. I need to see their words as gifts rather than reasons to cringe.
In the privacy of my home when my spirits are high this all sounds easy. I know though, that the real test will come the next time I am living more in the flesh than in the Spirit and the confrontation comes. Will I be receptive? Will I be teachable? Will I be grateful? I pray so and I ask God to begin now to prepare me.
Father, I want to be teachable and approachable in times of weakness. Help me to want truth and help more than any attitudes of my heart that are not of You. Amen.
With All I Am - Hillsong
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Even When I Didn't Know
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.” Genesis 28:16 (New King James Version)
God’s presence is not limited or eliminated by my lack of knowledge or acknowledgment. Just as in the case of Jacob, God is always present whether I know it or not. My awareness of His presence is for my benefit. Seeing that for myself brings Him into focus….not existence. Jacob had to come to the place where he could see and understand God’s companionship in his everyday life. The realization of it all set him on a path of change and direction.
Each of us could look back at times in our life when we failed to know God was in the places of our life. Not just the physical places, but the seasons, circumstances, and circumference. Whatever I am going through, He is there. With each issue that I wade through, He is there. Through every failure and success, He is there. He is with me in all of my places. Not just present, but involved and interested. That is a concept I sometimes find hard to wrap my mind around.
For most of my Christian life I lived with the false idea that I was unimportant to God….a lost face and soul in the crowd. It was the very essence of feeling insignificant and invisible. At my lowest points, God wanted me to know that He has always been present with care, concern, and compassion. I am not unknown or unnoticed by Him. Time and time again He invites me to know that, because it is the key to living the abundant life He promised.
It is too easy to define the quality of my life by the things I possess, the people I know and am known by, the personal accomplishments I master, and the way I think and feel about myself. God wants me to know that those are parts of my life but they are not the essence of my life. He is the essence and He doesn’t change. He alone defines me and refines me. My quality of life is dependent upon Him and connected to Him. The more I know Him the more that quality grows. I don’t have to wait until everything in life works out the way I want it. I don’t have to wait until I have all of life’s lessons down pat. Beginning today, in this moment, I can live my life the way God intended. Perfect? Hardly! Fully aware of His presence and Person? Absolutely!
Father, You have never stood at a distance. Help me to sense the nearness of You. Amen.
Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Still Spoken Today
Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ says the LORD; ‘and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land,’ says the LORD, ‘and work; for I am with you,’ says the LORD of hosts. Haggai 2:4 (New King James Version)
Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the people who lived at the time of Haggai no longer live in this world but the words that were spoken to them by God almighty are still being spoken to us today. That has been the most precious concept of Scripture for me during this decade of my life. My view of Scripture and approach to God’s Word forever changed the day I realized how much of what God said in the Old and New Testaments is meant for me as much as it was meant for the original recipients.
Every time God sent His people into battle or gave them instructions to follow He emphasized the truth that He was with them. He continually reminded them to take courage in the realization of His presence and help. He was not a mere “spectator” to the events of their life and daily happenings, He assisted, aided, and upheld them. It is no different for us today.
As I enter a new day, I am already aware of His words to me, “Be strong, Pam, and work, for I am with you!” Whether it is working at my place of employment, walking through issues, seeking change, resisting temptation, or dealing with the ordinary “stuff” of life, His instructions to me are the same. Be strong….not in my own strength but in His. Work….stay at it with purpose. For I am with you…..a reason as well as a promise. Think of it! Each step, each choice, each task, each moment, strengthened by Him and accompanied by Him.
I have known the preciousness of individuals coming along side me in time of need. How much more precious that the Creator of the universe does that. It settles my heart and straightens my back to know that truly I am never alone at any given moment of the day. With or without the company of others, the Author of Scripture is my personal Aid and Assistant. My Heavenly Father is my Faithful Companion. My Savior and Lord is my Counselor and Guide. I take comfort in those thoughts this morning, as I view today with a limited view and perspective. I take courage in knowing that at no time will I be out of His view or care.
Father, any feelings of loneliness, failure, or fear will be met with the truth You have shown me this morning. Amen.
Cry Out to Jesus - Jeremy Camp
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Being Receptive
Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion. Hebrews 3:15 (New King James Version)
How well am I doing at receiving words of truth? It is easy when the words are what I want to hear, but it is another matter all together when they are what I strain against. Or when they pinpoint an area that needs changing in me. In my reading through the book of Jeremiah I am noticing the negative responses people had toward God’s prophets and hence against the word of God itself. As Jeremiah would say the very things God had instructed him to say, he often faced physical abuse and imprisonment, because his message was not what others wanted to hear. And the interesting part is that his words were often warnings of coming judgment with an invitation to obey. God sent prophets to warn His people and give them another opportunity to turn back to Him. Truth presented was not always truth received!
There are the times believers may sit in a church service and close their ears to what a pastor is saying simply because they don’t like the pastor or the message is not what they want to hear. It is necessary to heed the words in Hebrews, “Listen and don’t harden your hearts!” It is wise for us to ask God before a service begins to help us hear what it is He is saying to us. Sometimes it is like finding a small nugget of gold among the many words but the search is worth it. If Scripture is presented there is something we can take away with us that is profitable and life-giving. Our spirit will take it in if we but poise ourselves to receive it.
While I may need this reminder concerning sermons, I really need it even more for the times individuals are communicating truth to me. Many are the times I have asked for advice only to find myself straining at what is eventually said. This has puzzled me and I asked God to reveal to me the reason I do this. He let me see that often I misread the message because I assume some wrong things about the person who is speaking it. I assume their tone is harsh when it is not. I assume they are fed up with me when they are not. I assume they have a ‘you should know better’ mentality when they do not. The list goes on and on. The bottom line is this: my view of myself feeds a suspicion of another person’s heart and hence affects the way I receive their words. Now when I find myself closing up to another person’s wise and loving counsel, I can look for my own roots of resistance and deal with them in order to take in the truths that are meant to help me.
Father, the moment I sense resistance, help me to do the searching of my own heart. Thank you for the ones You have sent to speak life words to me. Amen.
Spirit Song - Maranatha Singers
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Estimation Limitations
Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you that this night, before the rooster crows, you will deny Me three times.” Peter said to Him, “Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You!” And so said all the disciples. Matthew 26:34, 35 (New King James Version)
Peter’s estimation of his strengths and abilities was over-exaggerated. On the flip side of that, his perception of how circumstances would effect him were under estimated. Christ knew the truth about Peter…what he would do, what he could handle, and what he could not handle. Not once, but twice, He told Peter the truth about himself. Not once, but twice, Peter argued and saw himself as an exception to what Christ was saying. The day would come when Peter would in fact die for his faith and his Lord, but much would transpire between the two accounts. This conversation of “you will…I won’t” started Peter on a course of learning that God knew so much more than he did…even about himself.
I shared with a small study group last night that I struggle with wanting to do things that, so far, God has not allowed me to do. Worse yet, I watch as others are given the opportunities I long to have. Today’s passage gives me a perspective I have been missing. Like Peter, I can easily over- estimate my capabilities and under-estimate the effect certain circumstances could have on me….even if those circumstances fall within the realms of ministry.
God knows me through and through. He knows how easily I could be enamored with myself if given certain opportunities at this stage in my life. He knows how easily I could seek to derive value, affirmation, and worth from wrong sources. He knows how easily I could take my eyes off Him. Because of that knowledge, He is selective in what He chooses for me to do and where He chooses to send me. In other words, He knows what I can handle and what I cannot handle.
In the past, God’s keeping of doors closed left me feeling much like the child at the back of a classroom waving my hand wildly to be chosen only to be over looked. That is not the way He wants me to interpret things now. I have not been over looked. Neither am I unfavored, unnoticed, or unchosen. He chose me before the foundations of the world. He blessed me with all spiritual blessings. He sees every aspect of my life from beginning to ending both inside and out. He has plans and purposes for my life and has promised to fulfill them.
So what do I do when the things I want to do are not what I get to do …at least not now? I trust God. He knows best and He knows me best. I don’t want to argue with Him or ignore Him. I want to know Him and watch as the knowing Him changes me. I also want to see Him as a Father who is not squelching my dreams but rather birthing His own dreams for me.
Father, I have to learn what Peter learned…..I don’t know myself as well as You know me. May I no longer estimate things from my vantage point. Amen.
You're Still God - Kathy Troccoli
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Knowing God
They shall know that I am the LORD their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, that I might dwell among them; I am the LORD their God. Exodus 29:46 (New American Standard Bible)
Countless times in the Bible, God spoke the phrase, “That they may know Me.” He is a personal God who wants to be known, understood, perceived, and acknowledged by His creation…by us. Far from distant, secretive, private, and unreachable, He is intimate and willingly reveals Himself to any who want to know Him. Some will gather the facts and continue to live their life with merely a head knowledge of God. I can tell you from personal experience, that does very little to transform one from the inside out. There is a difference between knowing about God and actually knowing God. Even on a human level this is true. I can know about a certain person without really knowing them and knowing what they are like. Much changes when I come to know them. And much changes when I truly come to know God.
The knowing of God comes through many avenues. First and foremost, it comes through Scripture where God reveals much about Himself. Even in Scripture though, I see other ways that God reveals Himself. Ways such as through creation, through experiences, through conversation, through His actions, through circumstances, and through others. He is far from limited to one way or means of self disclosure and revelation.
Because we are unique individuals with peculiar characteristics all our own and because we learn in distinctive ways, God knows the right methods to use to show Himself to us. He will always use His Word plus many (if not all) of the afore mentioned ways. Whatever it takes for us to see who He is and what He is like He will do. Our part is to become aware of what He is doing and how He is showing Himself. What He shows us is full of variety and ingenuity. Throughout each day we have the special position to see God as One who is faithful, present, powerful, attentive, passionate, caring, sustaining, loving, just, merciful, and kind.
For decades, I had a very small and distorted perception of God. To me, He was a harsh judge who tolerated me more than loved me. Over the course of the last six years my view of God has taken a radical shift. It came through asking Him to show me His heart in Scripture and showing me Himself in each day. He honors and delights in prayers such as, “Show me what You are like. Speak to me. Open my eyes to really see You and know You.” It is a life long journey and I am in awe of what I am coming to know of the One who knows me so well.
Father, for too long You were unknown to me. Continue to show me aspects of Yourself that will change the very fiber of who I am and what I am like. Transform me with the truth of who You are and what You are like. Amen.
All I Once Held Dear (Knowing You) - Robin Mark
Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.
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