Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Turning Points
And they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 2 Timothy 4:4 (New King James Version)
The Bible is very multi-layered. One thing I learned in Bible school years ago was that Scripture has one interpretation but many applications. For years I seemed to limit myself to the interpretation of Scripture and could not see the personal applications. I could understand who it was originally written to but when it came to applying it to my own life and circumstances I floundered. That is no longer the case. God’s Word comes alive to me now and each time I read it the personal applications are very evident.
Years ago, I would have read today’s verse and simply thought of the people who turn away from sound doctrine to follow after man’s philosophies and fables (falsehoods and lies). While that is the interpretation of this verse, God has wasted no time in bringing out the daily application for me. He has graciously personalized it in a precious way.
I came to know Christ as a teenager and while I was fortunate to learn a lot of sound doctrine, my mindsets and view of life were distorted in many ways. I had skewed thoughts about God, myself, people, circumstances, and how life worked. Coming to Christ and entering adulthood did not automatically “fix” all of that. While truth was introduced, lies were still embedded. I have had to come to the place of seeing that and also seeing where I have a choice in the direction my ears are turned. When I choose to listen to and believe God and what He says to me through His Word, His Spirit, and His people, I walk in victory and counter the lies. But when I (by an act of my own will) choose to listen to and believe the voice of the Enemy and my past interpretations and distortions of the truth, I struggle and fail.
Learning the truth and choosing to replace the lies with that truth is not always easy. I have had to realize that what I have grown accustomed to and comfortable with is not always best for me. I have had to ask God and other believers to help me see where my thinking is not accurate. Their answers have often brought me to tears but the tears were used to water the seeds of truth they were planting in me. As I see growth and change I am encouraged. I am also given more steps of obedience to take in order to continue learning the truth. I am noticing a shift in the counsel God gives me through others as well as a deeper awareness of my personal responsibility in what I am choosing to believe and act upon. But it is all necessary as I seek healing, wholeness, and freedom in my life.
Father, You have been patiently and persistently teaching me how to turn my ears toward truth. How painful have been the times they then turned back toward the lies. Anoint them with Your Spirit today to stay bent toward You! Amen.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Repairing the Break
So that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. I Corinthians 12:25 (New American Standard Bible)
One of things Christ prayed for while He was here on earth (and I believe still prays for in Heaven) is that there would be unity within the body of believers. The same quality of unity He shares with His Father. His desire is that there would be no division in the body….His body. When I see the word division I think of separation, a pulling apart, a break, or tear. It is not meant to be that way and yet sadly it often is.
I can tell when I am unified with a believer and I can definitely tell when something has divided us. Division for me brings discomfort and difficulty in seeing them face to face. Conversations become strained and communication may become non existent. The flow of fellowship seems to come to a stop in much the same way that a faucet has been shut off…whether gradually or quickly. Closeness is replaced by distance. Warmth is replaced by a sudden chill. The scenario is all too common in my mind and the Lord is once again asking me some direct, heart searching questions. If I put up resistance to what He is trying to teach me I will lose in many ways. Relationships will sour and friendships will dissolve. It is never worth it in the long run.
For me the break down occurs when I have allowed a spirit of offense to take root and I have neglected to take care of it in a biblical way. It may have come because I misunderstood something, read something the wrong way, or took something personal. Suspicions grew, hurt set in, pride abounded, and my flesh ruled. Whether I want to admit it or not, I can usually tell the moment a shift has taken place within me and the battle of my will begins! But when I am finally ready to stop blaming others and excusing myself, the division can be properly attended to. God’s grace is so necessary as I ask Him to once again infuse within me a humble and honest spirit. If I allow Him, He will take me through a time of breaking my will in order to restore and bless a relationship within the body of Christ.
None of this comes naturally or easily for me. I would rather hide, deny, defend, and depart. I would rather not admit I have been hurt. I would rather crawl into the comfort of other relationships. I would rather give up. But I have a loving heavenly Father who is intent on teaching me that His ways are higher than my ways and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. I will not grow and He will not be glorified if I do not cooperate fully in all areas!
Father, I need Your grace to take the necessary steps of reconciliation. I sense the division and I desire Your healing of a precious friendship. Fill me with Your love as I finally move in the right direction. Amen.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Ask, Walk, and Find
This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ Jeremiah 6:16 (New International Version)
My journey is strewn with many crossroads…..places of decisions and direction, as is yours. Many options are available but God’s invitation to me is to take notice of the well warn paths of others and discover the ways that are beneficial for me to walk. If I follow in their footsteps by implementing truth with each step I am promised an internal rest that my soul craves and needs. The pathways my mind travels down each day will either lead to rest or restlessness. Therefore, I have a choice to make. I can be like the nation of Israel whom Jeremiah spoke of and refuse to walk in the good ways or I can listen to God’s pleading and yield to His invitation. I have done both and can attest to the consequences being painful or pleasant.
The Bible is full of individuals who are intended to be examples to me. I have the opportunity to learn from their failures as well as their victories. There are also countless historical figures who left me examples long after the Bible was written. And I am surrounded by individuals in my life time who serve as examples as well. I want to take note of the ones who walked paths that I would do well to follow. That I would step right into the footprints they left and reap the rich rewards of such a course of life. Then I in turn would be able to leave a trail that others could follow. What a precious cycle!
I have met individual Christians who leave such an impression on me that I desire to have what they have in their walk with God. Each time I voice that to God, He invites me to observe what they are doing and begin doing the same. Even the Apostle Paul urged believers of his day to follow him as he followed Christ. For me that means, watching their life, taking in their advice, and choosing the good way they have marked out for me. This all fits very well into my “show me an example” personality! Countless have been the times God has placed an individual in front of me and said, “See? THAT is what I am talking about!” He created me as a visual person and never fails to show me visual examples to follow. I thank Him for each one. Their words, actions, and life speak volumes to me as I open my ears, eyes, and heart to them. They are the ones who have cheered me on, encouraged me to seek God, and corrected me when I was heading in the wrong direction. May my life continue to bear fruit from their tree of influence. Their labor of love toward me has not been in vain.
Father, my spirit eyes are searching for the ancient paths. May each step I take lead me in the good way. I embrace the journey! Amen.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Freedom Through Exposure
The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon Me, because the LORD has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound. Isaiah 61:1 (New King James Version)
Initially this verse refers to our salvation experience and then it becomes the banner of freedom to all those who would take God at His word! As each one of us seek freedom in various areas of our life, God readily offers keys to unlock the bars and doors of our heart. He knows what holds us captive and imprisoned and He will systematically reveal those places to us if we would but ask. It is a process I am becoming familiar with. Wrong behavior and choices are causing me to go to Him for the truth of what is behind it all. As He reveals the truth to me, I must acknowledge it and embrace it for myself. With the truth often comes steps of obedience in order to implement change. As I cooperate with Him I experience the falling of chains and opening of prison doors!
Putting this in writing sounds so easy but making it a part of my every day life is another story all together. It is one thing to see that change in my life is needed but it is a huge step to go from that to actually asking God to reveal my heart to me. While it would be easy to focus on changing my behavior God is letting me know it will require an awareness of my heart motives. Transformation is only possible as the root causes of behavior are exposed and dealt with. For a person who is accustomed to hiding behind masks and fearing exposure, these steps are only possible by His grace.
God is presently walking me through some steps to freedom. They are often uncomfortable but I am discovering the benefits as I trust Him and cooperate. For awhile it involved simply asking Him to reveal my heart and then confessing back to Him what was going on. This morning He has introduced a new requirement and sheer terror was my initial response to Him for it involved admitting to another individual the truth God was revealing to me about myself. Talk about leaving ones comfort zone! Initially I didn’t want to do it but once I did I experienced freedom. In my case, exposure is a key that has unlocked a door I have been trapped behind. Now that this person knows the truth about me I will be less likely to continue a particular behavior. God has blown my “cover” and that has set me free!
Father, hiding has robbed me of joy and peace far too often. Truth has set me free and grace has helped me to walk in that freedom. Seeing who I am and admitting what I am like is accompanied by the sound of falling chains. Amen.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Peaceful Anticipation
I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope. Psalm 130:5 (New International Version)
Recently, I have had several conversations with several different people pertaining to several different issues and yet the message I keep receiving from God through them is the same…..wait on God. Being the kind of person who wants quick fixes and easy answers, this phrase is a challenge for me. The truth of the matter is that I don’t LIKE to wait and often don’t know HOW to wait. Far too many times than I care to admit, “waiting” becomes an opportunity for me to take matters into my own hands in order to “help God out.” How absurd to think that God needs my help and how even more absurd to think that I could actually help Him! After all, He is the One with the perfect timing, perfect view, perfect wisdom, perfect plan, and perfect character. I on the other hand exude imperfection in all of the afore mentioned categories!
I find it interesting that the words “wait” and “hope” are identical in meaning. They come from Hebrew words that mean to wait, look for, hope, and expect. They do not imply an inactive twiddling of thumbs but rather active anticipation. I am not waiting and hoping in the right way if I am bothered, disturbed, anxious, doubtful, or fearful. And that is often the case when I feel the responsibility rests on my shoulders. It is times like that when I realize I am not waiting for God and hoping in His Word, but rather I am relying on myself and the people in my life to bring about a desired end.
As with so many areas in life, waiting stems from trust and truth. My trust in God must be a confident reliance in His unchanging, unlimited, unending character. What I really know and believe about God will greatly affect my trust in Him and hence affect my ability to wait on Him. And what do I do during the wait?
Faithfully carry out His day by day instructions to me and review the truth that I matter to Him and He is passionately involved in my life. It all goes back to my relationship with Him and living my life out of connection with Him. Jesus said it best when He said, “Abide in me.” I have also heard it referred to as practicing His presence. It is getting into His Word and allowing His Word to get into me. Talking to Him and listening as He speaks to me. Meditating on the truths He teaches me. It is not a formula, it is faith and it is based entirely on who God is! My waiting is not in vain and will be rewarded beyond my wildest imagination.
Father, I wait on You for healing, direction, and opportunities! You really do make all things beautiful in YOUR time! Amen!
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Heart of the Matter
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; Who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 (New King James Version)
God answers Jeremiah’s question for me in Isaiah 66:18 when He says, “I know their works and their thoughts.” My mental imaginations, thoughts, schemes, and purposes are an open book before God. He clearly sees every aspect of my inclinations and determinations. Therefore, it is imperative that I go to Him for self revelation. Otherwise I will live in a state of deception and denial. While there are times I am relieved that God knows when my motives are pure behind my words and actions, there are other times I have to poise myself to allow Him to reveal to me when that is not the case.
This morning I am aware of the numerous wrong motives that often drive me to do the things I do. Part of that list includes pride, fear, confusion, doubt, and an endless desire to have needs met and appetites satisfied. God always requires truth in the inward parts and I am humbled when I stand before the mirror of His Word and see the reflections of what I often want to hide from Him, myself, and others. When this searching is done with a teachable spirit and an awareness of His unfailing love it abounds with repentance, forgiveness, growth, and joy. But if the enemy of my soul is allowed to be a part of it there is shame, condemnation, and self loathing. I have no trouble distinguishing the difference between the two.
For me, this journey has been strewn with victory as well as defeat. There are times I walk in truth and times I embrace lies. There are times I run to God alone and times I crawl into the security of people. I don’t always do it right and don’t always get it right. In spite of it all and by the sheer grace of God I see progress. I close with a portion of the song FALLING FORWARD written by David Hamilton and Tony Wood.
There are moments on this journey if you ask me how I feel,
It seems I’m moving backwards or at least just standing still.
When I’m frozen in my failure, there’s a whisper,
“Don’’t forget!
Your Redeemer somehow uses even what you most regret.”
Step by Step, day by day, I’m completely undone by the miracle of grace,
And I’m amazed, so amazed.
Even when I fall I’m falling forward.
Father, in my weakness I have Your strength and in my seeking You are found. This heart of mine that You know so well is held in the palm of Your hand. I rest in that this morning. Amen.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
The Only View That Counts
But I said, I have toiled in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and vanity; yet surely the justice due to me is with the LORD, and my work with my God. Isaiah 49:4 (New American Standard Bible)
It is easy to judge the success or failure of something by the reactions or lack of reactions of the people in our lives. We mistakenly think the things spoken to us and the results we see tell the whole story. If that were really the case, our efforts would be in vain and amount to nothing. But that is earth-centered thinking. God takes notice and makes good use of my labors. He has the only complete, true view of the whole story. The results, riches, and rewards are with Him. It is His response to my actions that are the litmus test.
When someone does not respond to something we say or do it is easy to get discouraged and say, “What good did it do?” We walk away feeling we accomplished nothing because we limited our interpretation and conclusion of the matter to the immediate, visible result. We forget that our words and actions are seeds that are being planted all the time. After all, how many times have you continued to think about a conversation or something you read long after it took place? When you heard it, you took in that seed. Many times it lay dormant in the soil of your spirit but it possessed the power of life and potential of fruit.
This is much like a farmer. He sows his seed in the ground. He knows it won’t grow and produce fruit in one day but that does not mean it was all for nothing. As the seed lies buried in the soil, the surface of the ground remains unchanged. But he knows and anticipates what is coming. The sowing, tending, and growing is not the harvest but it certainly leads to it. The harvest of our words and actions may not be seen for years. It might not be seen until eternity. But eventually it will be seen. My conclusion? Stay connected to God and keep doing and saying what He desires.
If it is with Him, by Him, and for Him there will never be a crop failure. He will see to it that the whole picture becomes evident. It is not in vain and it does not amount to nothing. May we know that His view is the only one that really matters.
Father, keep me from limiting Your view and usage of the things I say and do. When I do not see the results and reactions I hoped for, help me remember that is not the full or finished picture. Amen.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Telling What You Know
And He answered and said to them, “Go and report to John what you have seen and heard; the blind receive sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the gospel preached to them.” Luke 7:22 (New American Standard Bible)
When asked by John’s disciples if Jesus was the One they had been looking for (the One promised by God to come as Messiah), Jesus chose to highlight the visible evidences of His earthly ministry. Every Jewish person knew these were the works that would mark the ministry of the Messiah. In a sense they added validity, authenticity, and credibility to the things Jesus said.
I love the progression of the miracles! The healing of the blind, lame, lepers, and deaf is climaxed with raising people from the dead and preaching the gospel to the poor. At first I wondered why the part about the poor having the gospel preached to them would be part of this miraculous passage. Then it occurred to me that when one hears the gospel and accepts the truths of the gospel the biggest miracle of all takes place. It is the only way for a person to have their sins forgiven, be reconciled to God, become a new creature, and gain eternal life in Heaven.
But I also saw similarities in all of the miracles. This reads like the Who’s Who list of rejected individuals of society. In Bible times these folks were considered the outcasts of society and unable to change their own circumstances. The blind, the lame, the lepers, the deaf, and certainly the dead had no resources whereby they could improve on their conditions. Indeed they were poor! Jesus not only knew how to value them and see them as special individuals but He was able to do what society couldn’t. He was able to heal them.
His words to John’s disciples are meant for us as well. “Go and tell what you have seen and heard.” Whether it is your personal experience or that of someone else, God’s intent is that we tell what we know. He’ll bless our words as we tell others of His accomplishments.
Father, let me be found bragging on You today! Your Word is full of Your wonders and so is each day. Open my eyes and ears to it all! Amen.
Friday, October 19, 2007
When My Mind is Shaken
Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled. 2Thessalonians 2:1,2 (New King James Version)
The believers at Thessalonica had become unsettled and disturbed because of false teaching. Someone had them convinced Jesus had returned and they had missed it. But what was disturbing them was a lie and Paul was used of God to expose the lie and reconnect them to the truth. His passion and desire for them was a mirror of God’s heart.
Like the Thessalonians, each of us have times when we become ‘shaken in mind and disturbed.’ There are times when various things agitate us, cause us to totter, over throw us, disturb us, or cast us down from our secure and happy places. What is it that shakes you up or casts you down? For me, it is any number of things. My world of calm, quiet contentment can take a nose dive when interruptions come, condemning thoughts surface, comparison to others enters, depravation shows itself, or any number of my heart issues are exposed. Anything that reveals my own emptiness and sinfulness can put me in a mental maze of turmoil. But I don’t have to stay that way. Paul’s answers to the Thessalonians become my compass and roadmap as well.
Later in verses 15-17, they are encouraged to stand fast and hold on to what they have been taught. It is a continual necessity! Each one of us must make it our daily practice to review and remember the many things God has taught us through His Word and through other believers. Those truths and principles have a stabilizing effect on us. But we must also allow God to give us the strength and comfort we need along the way.
Last night, I found it necessary once again to acknowledge the cavity of my own soul and ask for His balm of peace to anoint me. He began to reveal the lies I was believing and offered me the truth to counter them. A resettling came as I embraced His words. I then listened to music that once again filled me with a sense of His presence and person. Sleep came quickly and I woke with a renewed hope in the God of my journey.
I have long ago given up the naive belief that in this life I could live on a continual spiritual high where nothing touches or affects me negatively. The truth is that I possess a sin nature and the enemy of my soul is continually prowling and looking for ways to bring me down. But that is not the end of the story or even the complete picture. For above all that, my Heavenly Father walks with me, talks with me, and carries me. I am not alone…I am His.
Father, I am learning to call out to you more quickly and more often. I take comfort and delight in the fact that You hear even the faintest whispers of my heart. Amen.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
A Love That Won't Walk Away
The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:3 (New King James Version)
Many (if not all of us) have known the sting of rejection. It is one thing to desire relationship with another person and never be given that opportunity. Try as you might, that person’s heart just never seems to open up to receive you. It is a whole other story when a person’s heart has opened up to you and embraced you as a friend. You feasted off the rich relationship and sensed the enjoyment went both ways. With them you felt safe, accepted, and celebrated. You were sure this was one of those relationships that was meant to last a lifetime. Some do! But some do not, as the person, for whatever reason, has a change of heart and you find yourself shut out of their life. The devastation alone is enough to send you reeling.
As painful as it is, I assure you, God brings much out of it. For me it has been a time of appreciating more fully the unchanging and unending love of God. Jeremiah’s words that God loves me with an everlasting love were broadened and deepened this morning when Isaiah expounded on them.
“For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is His name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth. For the LORD has called you like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, like a youthful wife when you were refused,” Says the LORD, your Redeemer. “For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, so have I sworn that I would not be angry with you, nor rebuke you. For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:5-10 (New King James Version)
I am resting and reveling in the truth that it will never be said of my God that He had a change of heart toward me. I don’t have to go through my day wondering if He still feels the same today as He did yesterday. While people (myself included) have feet of clay, He is my Rock! His immutability is my security and stability. He will never disappoint me, devastate me, or depart from me. I fix my heart and my eyes on that truth and live in confidence and freedom because of it. While the ache of a lost relationship still exists, His words to me this morning serve as a necessary balm to my soul.
Father, the departure of one individual has led me to see Your heart of love in a richer way. In no other can I rely so heavily on as You. Amen.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Crossing the Line
Acquaint now yourself with Him [agree with God and show yourself to be conformed to His will] and be at peace; by that [you shall prosper and great] good shall come to you. Receive, I pray you, the law and instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in your heart. Job 22:20-22 (Amplified Bible)
When I think of an acquaintance I usually think of someone I know on the surface level. We may talk occasionally in passing but are somewhat limited in our knowledge of each other. That is NOT what is meant when we are told to acquaint ourselves with God. It goes deeper. It means to be familiar with and know intimately. The results of such knowledge yield peace and reward. It also implies being usable and conformed. Wrapped within the context of all that is the necessity to trust and yield. The basis of my trust is found within a growing awareness of who God is and what God is like. As my knowledge is enlarged, my trust increases. And as my trust increases my ability to yield is forthcoming.
I am finding that just as growth is a process so is yielding. I have a will and a mindset that continually needs to be aligned with God’s will, ways, and Word. When there is hesitancy or straining it can usually be traced back to a trust issue. It is at this point that God and I must wade through the issues of my heart and determine where the trust is fractured and faltering. Is it an authority issue? Is it fear based? Is it a spiritual attack? Is it the embracing of lies? God knows the root of each distrust and is longing to help me find it and extract it. He wants me to once again joy in the fact that His ways and thoughts are higher than my own.
But I am finding that the enemy of my soul desires to distort and confuse the lessons God is diligently teaching me. Most recently I have seen this take place in the area of yielding. In the course of a conversation earlier this week, I realized I had crossed a fine line between yielding and resignation. Yielding is based on truth, trust, and choosing God’s plans and purposes over my own. Resignation is based on lies, fear, and hopelessness. Yielding brings peace and renewed strength. Resignation brings restlessness and an internal draining. Yielding is God’s desire. Resignation is Satan’s delight.
So what is it that God whispers to me this morning? “Yield but don’t resign yourself to limited visions and dreams for your life. I still have ‘much more to give you than this’. Trust me. I have not forgotten you. I have not left you. Meditate on all I have told you and shown you so far. Walk with Me.”
Father, You are not the author of confusion or resignation. Thank you that You stand ready to welcome me back each time I cross a line not intended for me. Amen.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Reining in the Impulsiveness
With all my heart I have sought You; do not let me wander from Your commandments. Psalm 119:10 (New American Standard Bible)
He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water. Isaiah 49:10 (New International Version)
If I am not discerning, it is often easy to mistaken impulsiveness for God‘s nudging. There have been numerous times in my life when an idea would come to mind and without taking the time to search out the matter or even take it to God for clear direction, I have run full steam ahead in the wrong direction! Going through each day without consulting God is a haphazard and dangerous way to live the Christian life. But oh the joy that comes when I enter His throne room with an honest desire to know His will! Such was the case throughout last night and into this morning.
I had two different issues I was ready to move forward on until various sources encouraged me to really pray about my decisions and wait for clear direction from the Lord. They didn’t say whether or not they agreed with what I was considering, they just urged me to see what God would have me do. I believe God was revealing to them an impulsiveness on my part whereby I was acting independent of Him. I was assuming what sounded good and made sense to me automatically carried His seal of approval. Such childish faith on my part is what God desires to rein in and mature in me.
So, I did what I have learned is the wise thing in cases of uncertainty. I heeded their advice and began earnestly praying about my plans. Within minutes God began to give me insight into one of the two areas. I saw much of it was based in fear and a strong desire to “fix” things on my own. Lack of trust was abounding! As I continued to seek Him, He began to show me a much better way to handle the situation. His counsel continues to pour over me as He now has my attention.
The second issue was not put to rest until this morning. While there may come a time to proceed with the course of action, right now is not the time. There are too many variables involved that require His leading and guiding. I rest in the fact that what needs to be revealed will be revealed in His way and in His time. If I am to be His spokeswoman to another individual I will accept that position, but if not I will remain silent and yet fierce in prayer. I have sought Him. He has guided me and lead me beside precious streams of water. I rejoice!
Father, Your ways are higher than my ways, and Your thoughts are higher than my thoughts. I trust Your wisdom and I follow Your lead! Amen.
Monday, October 15, 2007
His Dealings With Me
You have dealt well with Your servant, O LORD, according to Your word. You are good and do good; teach me Your statutes. Psalm 119:65,68 (New American Standard Bible)
There are many aspects about God that I must take in and hold to without compromise. No matter what is happening in my life, no matter how I feel emotionally, no matter what people are doing or not doing, God’s character and actions are always above reproach. I see within today’s passage a view of the past, a view of the present, and a request of the heart.
Over my entire past it is imperative that I display this truth, “You have dealt well with me, O Lord!” It is not a matter of fairness or comfort. It is a matter of fact! God, in His wisdom, power, and presence has dealt with us out of love and righteousness. It is through His grid of truth that I must view the past events of my life. Even when life didn’t make sense, even when tears were a part of the day, even when there was the sustaining of wounds, I was dealt well with by almighty God Himself.
Presently, He IS good and He DOES good. He can be trusted and followed with abandon. Too often I want to define God by the things I see, hear, and experience, when all the while God is urging me to define those things through the truth about Himself. I may have questions and complaints I bring before Him but when I have finished I must make sure I give voice to the fact that He is good and does good. That is the healthiest default mode I can live with, because He is the only One who is all knowing, all powerful, and all present. No matter what my vantage point is, I cannot possibly see the whole picture, but God can. He alone knows how all the pieces will fit together. He alone knows the necessity of each detail. Some might call that blind faith, but I choose to simply call it well founded faith.
When I first saw the word ‘statutes’ I limited it to God’s commands. But the meaning behind that word is much richer. It implies God’s fixed order, requirements, set boundaries and limits, and what is appointed. God is not simply about laying down the law. He is also intent on guarding, guiding, and protecting us. Who better to receive instruction from than God Himself? And what better way for Him to teach me than through His word and the events of each day. He alone can be my interpreter and instructor! While I have known people full of wisdom, God alone is the source of all wisdom. I can do no better than to humble myself before Him and learn directly from Him.
Father, when I try to wing it on my own or seek only the advice of others, I flounder. I once again turn to You for the lessons of life. You know what today holds. May I therefore stand poised to acknowledge You and learn from You! Amen.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Ruled and Inhabited by the Best
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts……let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. Colossians 3:15,16 (New International Version)
Have you ever been sandwiched between passages of Scripture? Last night a friend of mine readily reminded me of Philippians 4:8,9 with its list of things to think on….that which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, and praiseworthy. I was not surprised by her choice of verses nor of her continued place as a truth teller in my life! This morning, God is sandwiching me between that passage and the entire third chapter of Colossians. They are like bookends for my soul!
At times when I feel like the emotional roller coaster will never end, when I wrongly believe the thought patterns will always have the upper hand, when I just plain want to give up, God knows better and does better. He is placing huge billboards along the highway of my mind and adding neon lights so that I will not miss what He is telling me. In short, the message is this, “Pam, think on the right things. Let My peace rule and My word dwell in you.” I have heard it said that repetition is the best teacher and I am finding that to be true! Every time I come to the difficult points God keeps repeating the same thing. He is going to make sure I eventually get it! While I sometimes have to laugh at my own slowness in receiving His words, He is determined and persistent in offering them. That in itself strengthens me.
I am seeing two fertile truths in today’s verses that are the “how to” of changing my thought processes and hence my whole demeanor. Letting the peace of Christ rule in my heart means I let it be my umpire and guide. It will let me know what is safe and what is dangerous to think on. I will do well to let His peace take over and be my major influence. The repercussions of that decision will be astounding.
Letting His word dwell in me richly means I am letting what He says make itself at home in me. In other words, it gets free run of the place! His word is meant to take precedence over everything else. It is time I started allowing it to redecorate my soul……bringing in what is good and getting rid of what is harmful or unnecessary. This is going to require the memorizing of Scripture passages (something I have been lax in over the years). I plan to start with this third chapter of Colossians. At one verse a day I will have it “living in me” in its entirety in less than a month. I invite others to join me if they so desire. May we each be ruled and inhabited by His peace and His word.
Father, I stand in awe of You this morning. You have made Your message clear to me and by Your grace I receive it. Amen.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Looking Elsewhere
Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12:2 (New King James Version)
There are times in our life when God must redirect our focus and attention. I have often been enamored by other believers. From the beginning steps of the Christian life all the way to the present I have readily placed people on pedestals and fixed my eyes and heart on them. As long as they were available I was distracted from totally fixing my eyes on Jesus. All along, God has known this would be one of my greatest hindrances to growth and dependency on Himself. While His intent was to place examples in front of me for the purpose of learning, He knew the risk that would be mine if they became more than examples to me.
The words of C.S. Lewis in The Problem of Pain have struck me profoundly this morning. He writes, “Now God, who has made us, knows what we are and that our happiness lies in Him. Yet we will not seek it in Him as long as he leaves us any other resort where it can even plausibly be looked for. While what we call ‘our own life’ remains agreeable we will not surrender it to Him. What then can God do in our interests but make ‘our own life’ less agreeable to us and take away the plausible source of false happiness.” The truth of these words cut me to the quick because I know how seldom I willingly relinquish that which God ultimately has to remove. Whatever or whomever stands in competition with God in my life must go. Then and only then will I truly be looking to Jesus.
The very losses that may cause me the greatest amount of pain and heartache are the avenues of freedom for my soul. If I do not give them up or God does not remove them, I will remain in a bondage of sorts. And yet even with this awareness I strain, stiffen my neck, and resist at many levels. Slowly but surely God is working to bring me into conformity with His ways. My heart cry has become, “Give me a teachable spirit. Increase my desire for Your will over my own. Help me to willingly open my close fists to You. At all costs, make me the person You created me to be. Remove all that enamors me until You have all of my heart and my attention.”
The words are easy to say but life has taught me the answer to such a prayer will entail painful moments. But in the midst of tears, sorrow, and heartache, there will also be joy, empowerment, and victory!
Father, each time I take my eyes off You I am in trouble. You know what will be necessary to redirect my focus. May I submit to whatever it takes. Amen.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Seeing It For Myself
And they were saying to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world.” John 4:42 (New American Standard Bible)
The testimony of the Samaritan woman drew people to Jesus but their relationship with Him was birthed when they saw and heard Him for themselves. No amount of rubbing shoulders with others will put us into connection with God. Until our faith is born out of our own experiences, we will be limited in our view of Him, our love for Him, and our commitment to Him. We may catch glimpses of God through the life and words of others but a full view comes through our own one on one meetings with Him.
I well remember the decades I spent learning truths about God at the feet of others. I was enraptured with their stories, hung on their every word, and walked away excited about their walk with God. While their journeys appealed to me they didn’t do a lot to change me. I was trying to experience God through the avenue of another person’s relationship with Him. That, my friend, is a second-hand faith and results in stagnation and staleness. God’s desire has always been that each one of us see, hear, and relate to Him on an individual, authentic, personal level.
I praise God for the day I looked at an individual whose walk with God exploded with everything I lacked and a hunger was awakened in me. My prayer became, “God, I want what SHE has!” I wanted to live my life with the realization that God loved me. I wanted His Word to come alive to me and prayer to be a two-way conversation. I wanted to live each day out of an intimate relationship with Him. And I thought that would come as I sat at her feet and listened to her tell me of her encounters with God. But God knew better.
He knew I would only experience Him for myself as I learned to cry on His shoulders, take my questions to Him, learn to hear His voice, and sit at His feet. In other words, He was wooing me into a solitary walk with Himself. He has brought me to the place where I am no longer desiring what other people have, I am experiencing it!
It is my heart’s desire that each person reading this devotional is either experiencing God for themselves or being wooed by Him in that direction. He is still in the business of awakening a hunger and thirst for Himself and satisfying both.
Father, it has never been Your intention that I merely hear about You. What I am finally experiencing for myself is beyond words. Draw me still closer. Amen.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Choosing to Embrace
Because you have forgotten the God of your salvation, and have not been mindful of the Rock of your stronghold, therefore you will plant pleasant plants and set out foreign seedlings; in the day you will make your plant to grow, and in the morning you will make your seed to flourish; but the harvest will be a heap of ruins in the day of grief and desperate sorrow. Isaiah 17:10,11 (New King James Version)
Oh, the price we pay for having our focus and desires centered on anyone or anything other than God. All the substitutes we fill our life with (even apparent good ones) will eventually become a heap of ruins. We can busy ourselves with our own idea of what life should look like and in the end discover we have failed to receive what God intended for us. That is a stark reality God is presently revealing to me.
I took something to Him in prayer earlier this morning and within minutes He let me know the reason for my dissatisfaction and struggle. It boiled down to this one truth, I was not embracing the journey He had for me. While I wanted to be on the journey, I had a list of things I wanted but God was saying “no” to. I guess you could say I had my plants and seedlings all ready and felt they should be a part of the landscape of the pasture in which my Shepherd has placed me. I wanted an individual in my life that God had clearly removed, I wanted opportunities to serve Him that hadn’t materialized yet, I wanted circumstances to work out for a loved one where change was not forthcoming, and so on. While I would readily say, “The Lord is my Shepherd,” the “I shall not want” part was slow in coming. And then I wonder why it seems I can’t move forward and live with a sense of freedom? God was letting me know, the peace, contentment, joy, and fulfillment will come as I let go of my “wish list” and fully embrace what He has for me.
Part of the process for embracing the journey He has chosen for me is asking Him to show me what lies I am believing about Him. Where is it I still doubt Him? Where has my foundation of trust been damaged? What view of God needs to be aligned with truth once again? How easily I would settle for someone to just answer those questions for me. But God has wisely crossed my path with individuals who keep pointing me back to Himself. They know the joy and growth that will come as I seek to hear His voice on the matters. It is new for me but it is best!
Father, on my own I would not choose Your ways. My journey would look different and the results would be poor in comparison. Thank you for loving me enough to teach me the hard lessons of life. I yield to You. Amen.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
My Own Husband
Wives, be subject (be submissive and adapt yourselves) to your own husbands as (a service) to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22 (Amplified Bible)
When my mom was a young Christian, she attended a Bible study where she was taught a principle. She was told the husband should handle all the finances of the household and it was her duty to give her complete pay check to him. She complied. Here was her situation. She was married to my step father who was an alcoholic. If she needed money she was to ask him for it. What she often endured was humiliation and a sense that she was begging for something. My heart broke. Up until this point there had not been a problem with the way they handled their finances. But after this point she put up with a lot of unnecessary turmoil. What my mom learned later on was that this study leader had her own personal checking account and never had to ask her husband for any money.
What troubled me at the time was that this person had failed to see a very important word in today’s verse. The word “own.” My mother was not complying with a desire of her own husband as much as with a general statement made by another individual. Each of us as wives must see the individuality of our own marriages. Our husbands are unique and our relationship to them is unique as well. What one husband desires of his wife may be completely different from that of another husband.
In July of 1983, my husband married an extravert. It has never been his intention to turn me into an introvert. We have different tastes and very different personalities. He knows my strengths as well as my weaknesses and I know his. We know each other’s insecurities and fears. We have laughed together and cried together. We have buried both sets of parents. We have walked through the issues of rearing three children who are now 17, 18, and 20 years of age. There are many qualities we admire in each other and other areas we accept as part of the “package.” We compliment and complete each other.
There have been many changes and there will continue to be many more changes ahead. But it is my heart’s desire that my changes stem from my relationship with the Lord and are in accord with my OWN husband‘s wishes. May I be careful not to conform to something neither the Lord nor my husband intend for me. May my ears be attuned to the sounds of their voices and may I be discerning with all others.
Father, I am one person. Help me to be the person You created me to be. I am Tim’s wife. Help me to be all You meant for me to be to and for him. May I resist all other molds. Amen.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Answering His Questions
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves. Philippians 2:3 (New American Standard Bible)
During the course of a phone conversation last night I shared a situation with a friend. Something had come up earlier in the evening and I had made plans to speak with some individuals later in the week. As I rehearsed the circumstances with my friend, she listened politely and then asked me a question God had led her to ask. She simply said, “What is it you hope to accomplish?” That question got my attention and has held it ever since. It actually became two questions in one to me. God was now probing my heart and mind with the questions of, “What are your motives and what outcome are you seeking?” As I floundered for a clear answer it became obvious to my friend and myself that this needed to become a matter of prayer BEFORE I met with the individuals later this week. The meeting may or may not take place. I am not sure what God is going to reveal to me in the coming days, but I have absolutely no doubt He will make things crystal clear to me and I would be wise to listen to Him.
As this particular phone conversation played out, God brought to my mind today’s verse. The “let nothing” part is becoming prominent in my thoughts this morning. To me it is serving as a reminder that at NO time and with NO person should I be ruled by self interest or self promotion. God’s instructions are clear, “Walk, talk, and relate to others in humility. Put them and their interests above your own. Lose your sense of superiority, independence, and pride. Choose My way.”
I have Jesus as my Example and the Spirit of God as my Enabler. God’s Word is meant to be applied to my life, not just digested into my brain. I can spend each day reading it and writing devotions on it but if I fail to implement it into my thinking, speaking, and living I am missing out on a big reason God gave me His Word. James 1:22 tells me to be a doer of the Word and not merely a hearer lest I walk in deception. I am to take in the whole counsel of God and allow it shape my entire life. Some of God’s commands come easy for me, but many come up against my flesh. I often go through a time of straining against the truth before bending the knee.
The encouraging part for me is that God does not expect me to do apply any of His Word to my life without His help. He is not looking for self sufficiency or behavior modification but rather submission to and dependency on Himself. It becomes a walk of yielding and brokenness, for He longs to conform and transform me. Today is yet another day to rest upon the potter’s wheel and yield to His touch. That is not always easy but it is definitely worth it!
Father, You have once again brought an area to my attention that You desire to touch and transform. If left on my own I will fight the very things You desire to do. Keep me from doing that! Amen.
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