Thursday, January 5, 2006

Don't Fight the Life Guard

For thus the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, has said, In repentance and rest you will be saved, in quietness and trust is your strength. But you were not willing. Isaiah 30:15

God’s ways are truly unique. In an age of self made men and women God’s prescription for salvation and strength remains the same ~ repentance, rest, quietness, and trust. It reminds me of a life guard who swims out to a person who is drowning. All the victim’s efforts are working against him. The more he thrashes around in the water the more his energy drains from him. In an effort to stay alive he may even fight against the one who has come to rescue him. As he ceases trying to save himself and places his life in the able hands of the life guard, it is then that he will be saved.

The same is true in my Christian life. As I read some earlier verses in Isaiah 30:9-11 I was struck with the determination God’s people had to remove themselves from the truth. May I not live my Christian life that way.

I must start with honest introspection. I make a BIG mistake when I decide to hide or cover up my sin. Fig leaves did not work for Adam and Eve and they will not work for me. There is a freedom and strength that comes from finally acknowledging to God what He has known all along. Ask anyone who is recovering from an addiction and they will tell you the first step is admitting you have a problem When I refuse to admit my sin to God I am once again “fighting the life guard.”

When my children were small , part of my parenting was in teaching them to do things for themselves. Yet God’s methods are to teach me to rely and depend on Him. Rest, quietness, and trust are gifts I must learn to value. May I not be found telling God, “I can do it myself.” If I would take all the energy I use trying to figure things out by myself, trying to control situations and people, and trying to get life to work for me, and instead look to God for His wisdom and ways I would then realize my salvation and strength.

Father, You continually extend Your hand and Your heart to me. Help me to trust You more each day. Amen.