Tuesday, May 27, 2008

His Invitation

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3 (New King James Version)

I cannot always explain it but I can definitely tell when it comes upon me. That uneasy feeling that something is wrong. A list begins to formulate in my mind and before I know it I house thoughts of failure, condemnation, shame and a sense that I am not doing anything right. I am not doing enough. No matter where I look (be it in my prayer life, Bible reading, family life, relationships, or daily responsibilities) I draw the conclusion that I am letting myself, others, and even God down. Then, like a child who is handed a huge ball of yarn and expected to untangle it, I stand bewildered with no idea of where to start or what to do. It is the sense of knowing something is wrong but not knowing how to begin to fix it.

At times like this I know two things: the enemy is at work and my Father is inviting me to once again rest in Him. Those thoughts that lead to condemnation, self loathing, failure, and disgust are Satan’s calling cards. He wants nothing more than to see me wrap myself in the mental images he presents to me. God, on the other hand, lets me know peace comes through fixing my eyes on Him and trusting Him. He is bringing to mind the truths of hiding in Him, being sheltered by Him, resting in Him, relying upon Him, and abiding under the shadow of His wings.

This morning, God is inviting me to do some reviewing of basic, necessary truths. He loves me with an everlasting love. He lavishes me with forgiveness and acceptance as seen in the father of the prodigal son. He sings over me. He nurtures me just like a doting mother and father would do. He supplies all of my needs and delights in doing so. He is for me. He is not angry with me, merely tolerating me, or disappointed in me. He is not comparing me to His other children. He delights in being my Father and in me being His child.

He knows the thoughts that have been playing in my mind and He longs to set me free from them. The answer is not to just do better. The answer is to draw near to Him and allow Him to reassure me of His heart for me. The result will be peace, joy, and satisfaction. None of which can be manufactured on my own or apart from Him. They are His gifts of relationship and are found only in Him. He is saying, “Come aside with Me for a while. You need to once again allow Me to nurture and strengthen you. You need to once again see My perspective of you and your life. I am here. Come to Me.”

Father, I need the reminders of You this morning. Settle my heart and redirect my thoughts until Your perfect peace over takes me. Amen.

The Voice of Hope - Lara Martin