Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Living in the Nevertheless Moments

Nevertheless He saved them for the sake of His name, that He might make His power known. Psalm 106:8 (New American Standard Bible)

I stand amazed at God’s nevertheless moments. They follow actions that deserve anything but love, mercy, and grace. Israel had sinned against God, forgotten His wonders, rebelled against Him, bowed to false gods, and blatantly walked in opposition to Him. There are times I don’t fare much better. For me, they are times of harboring wrong attitudes, holding on to the very things God wants me to release, dwelling on the things that have nothing but negative consequences, withholding forgiveness, walking in distrust and fear. While there are moments of victory and growth, there are also times of failure and defeat.

Those are the times God’s nevertheless moments are so astounding. He continues to work in my life as clay on His potter’s wheel. Not because I deserve it, but for His own name’s sake and to make His power known. I can’t begin to understand it but that does not stop Him from demonstrating it. Accepting God’s free gift of salvation was easy. Receiving His continual free gifts of love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness is harder. I somehow want to connect conditions and boundaries on it. I can’t fully grasp the abundance and availability of His heart actions and therefore miss the delight of reveling in them.

This morning, I am once again looking to Scripture to help me see how I can begin to open the doors of delight. Rather than focus on my shortcomings and failures, Psalm 105 gives me a list of alternative choices. Each one will help to shift my mind and my heart in necessary directions. This list is as follows: give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name, tell others what He has done, sing praises to Him, talk about His wonders, seek Him, seek His strength, seek His face, and meditate on His wonders, marvels, and judgments.

My focus and conversations need to be on God. This doesn’t mean there won’t be issues to walk through. It means my focus needs to be on what He can and will do as we walk through those issues. Once again, it is not up to me. It does not all rest on my shoulders. In the midst of my failures, hurts, disappointments, sin, and wrong choices, He always has a nevertheless truth!

Father, You keep nudging me to live beyond the places I have found to be so comfortable and familiar. I hear Your call to trust, abide, and rest in You. Thank you for the nevertheless of today. Amen.

All I once held dear - Robin Mark

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