Saturday, November 27, 2010

His Process Not Mine

My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you. Galatians 4:19 (New King James Version)

Growth and development in the Christian life were Paul’s strong desires for the converts he communicated with. To see Christ formed in them and reflected through them was his passion. Although he longed for it and did much to encourage them in that direction, he knew it would be a process and that it would take time. I have come to realize that even though I can have a desire to grow in Christ and I can ask God to bring about that growth, it is God’s choosing as to what the process will entail.

In the spring of 2004, when I took my first steps on this journey, I had a list of things I wanted God to do in me. I wanted an intimate relationship with Him. I wanted to find my identity, security, and life in Him. I wanted His Word to come alive to me. I wanted to have the very characteristics I saw in others. And I asked God for those things in prayers such as, “Do in and through me what You have done in and through others.”

What I didn’t know was HOW He would go about doing that. I had no idea it would involve pain, sorrow, bewilderment, and the removal of many hindrances. I didn’t know it would involve revealing my own heart issues to myself and bringing me to the end of myself. I didn’t know it would involve changes in relationships. I didn’t know growth would come through loss. But it did and at times when I didn’t think I was going to make it, God would tenderly remind me of my prayers to Him that He was faithfully answering.

As I look back on the past few years, I have no doubt they have been the most painful and yet most productive years of my Christian life. What God has accomplished could not and would not be accomplished any other way. With that realization, my prayers now have a back drop of wisdom that as I continue to ask God to do whatever it takes to form Christ in me, that He will wisely use what He knows will work. I cannot be trusted to come up with the right ingredients or materials for the molding of my life. He alone knows the beginning from the end and the best way to get to the end.

This past Thanksgiving, I was once again profoundly struck by all that He has done for me both spiritually, and emotionally this year. I am not the same person I was a year ago and I head into a new year knowing there is more of the same ahead as I sit upon the Potter’s wheel and yield to His touch and voice.

Father, at times, I doubted the very things You could and would do. I now stand in awe and thankfulness for not only the results but for what You used to bring about those results. Continue to form Christ in me. All glory to You! Amen.

The Potter's Hand - Darlene Zschech

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.