Saturday, January 13, 2007

Knowing What You Are Up Against

Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:11,12

It helps to go into a day knowing what I am up against. So often I mistakenly think my struggles entail feelings of deprivation, insignificance, and loneliness. But the truth of the matter is these are simply the tactics the enemy uses against me. He knows the right buttons to push, the right doors to try, and the right arrows to shoot at me to get me discouraged, downhearted, and distraught.

A person asked me if I ever get down and lose that spiritual ‘high’ that I live on. He seemed surprised to hear me say, “Yes, daily!” The reason being is that I am in the midst of a battle every day. It is the battle that is waged against me by the enemy. Each one of us are in the battle. The enemy will not use the same tactics against us but the battle is just as real and just as tenacious.

Ephesians 6:14-18 gives me a list of the armor I have available to me if I would but pick it up and put it to use. It is truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. These are my shield, breastplate, sword, and helmet. No soldier would think of going into battle without the offensive and defensive protection of his armor and neither should you or I!

May each one of us fight whispered lies with spoken truth. May we stand up against temptation and wrong with righteousness. May doubts be fought against with faith. May we cut the enemies tactics down to size with God’s Word. And may we implement the powerful weapon of prayer! Rather than take the blows let’s fight! Rather than allow ourselves to be wounded let’s come against the attacks. Let’s know our enemy and his tactics so well that we don’t allow him to be affective. His activity is evident with things such as discouragement, depression, and despair. Don’t be a sitting target! Stand firm and fight!

Father, too often I make the job of the enemy easy. Help me to be on the alert to each of his schemes today and to use the armor you have made available to me. May he feel the sting of defeat each time! Amen.

Knowing What to Say

When they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not worry about how or what you are to speak in your defense, or what you are to say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say. Luke 12:11,12

Do you have a difficult conversation looming on the horizon? Can’t seem to find the right words or even know where to begin? Today’s passage is a good reminder that God wants to be the author of our conversations with people. Whether it is a difficult conversation, a confrontational issue, sharing the gospel, making an apology, or reestablishing broken lines of communication, God wants us to know that He has the right words for us and they will be given at the moment when needed. Only God knows the hearts and minds of each person involved and only God can orchestrate the right words, tones, and innuendos.

Too often I have rushed into conversations without first asking God to anoint my mouth, ears, and mind. I charged in with my own “wisdom” and things quickly deteriorated and fell apart. What could have been a rich conversation turned sour. What could have been a deep connection came up empty. What have I learned? Many things!

First of all, timing is essential. If I am too quick or too slow I am operating outside the boundaries of God’s appointments. What I tried to force a week ago comes naturally this week. What felt out of place last month now fits like a glove. Timely words spoken in the right way at the right moment are priceless.

Rechecking my motives is essential. What is controlling my agenda with the other person? My flesh or my spirit? Conversations are most productive when bathed in prayer and wrong motives are exposed. What may start out wrong can end up right! God will let me know when my heart is finally in the right place. Since the words I speak originate in my heart it is essential I check the roots daily.

Finally, it is imperative that I ask God to bring to my mind those things He really wants me to say. During the course of conversations I am amazed at the flood of thoughts He will instill in me. Sharing becomes a joy as I know His words are getting through.

Father, take the words I speak today and use them in powerful ways. Give me words to speak that are just right! Amen.

It's All in the Mind

But Mary treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. Luke 2:19

Mary’s heart was her treasure cove. She was a woman who purposefully and carefully selected the things upon which she would meditate. She had a place deep within herself that she could resort to at any time from which to draw strength, encouragement, and direction. She knew that her external world had to be shaped by her internal world instead of the other way around.
I want to make sure that the things I am treasuring and meditating upon are the things that will equip and aid me for the journey I am on each day. The Bible says a lot about the things we allow to consume our thoughts and how those thoughts sway our actions, attitudes, and words. What are the things I spend most of my time thinking about? Chances are they will coincide with the very things I am saying throughout the day.

The mind is a wonderful thing and works on the same premise as a computer. I can store in my mind only those things that I put into it. Sounds simple but let me explain. Those things I see, hear, and experience in life become a permanent part of my thought life. I may not be able to recall all of the information that has entered my mind but it is there. And it can have a wide range of effects on me. The Bible says it like this, “As a man thinks in his heart so is he.” My thoughts and the things I choose to dwell on correlate with my view of life, myself, others, and even God.

It took me a long time to realize that not all my thoughts are true, necessary, or good for me. That is why it is imperative that I store up enough truth to come against the lies. I have seen people consumed with worry because they have not learned to take God’s Word, treasure it in their heart, and speak it over their life and their situation. I am amazed how quickly the lies dissipate and the attitude improves just by speaking the truth out loud.

So what is the truth? My feelings, my circumstances, my interpretation of things? No!!!! The truth is God is always good, kind, and in control. If my mind is telling me anything but that, I am believing lies and will live my day in defeat.

Father, only You can help me to properly interpret life and the things I experience daily. Help me to stand in Your truth! Amen.

It Will Be Completed

This man began to build and was not able to finish. Luke 14:30

How many of us have begun a project and abandoned it before we saw it through to completion? How many of us have started a plan (be it for finances, weight loss, relationship improvements) and eventually grew discouraged and set it aside? New Years’ resolutions are good if they survive past January but so few are still realized in December. What gives?

For some it ended up costing more than they had planned. The duration lasted longer than they had originally anticipated. Unforeseen troubles eventually revealed themselves and led to discouragement. Those who once cheered us on grew silent or worse yet began to work against us. Paul asked a good question when he said, “You started out well, what hindered you?” We would do well to ask ourselves what has caused me to get off track and abandon what once seemed like such a worthwhile thing?

If the enemy of our soul cannot stop us from starting something new he incorporates two affective techniques into our life. First, he convinces us it is no longer worth our time or effort. Then once we stop the project he convinces us it is too late or too much trouble to get back on course. He then proceeds to stamp over our life the word failure. All the worst things we ever believed about ourselves come to the surface and we live our life under the task master of self-condemnation and shame. This makes it all the more difficult to start fresh. We resign ourselves to the lie that things can never change so why try!!!!

It is tragic enough when this is the case with relationships, finances, eating patterns or anything else in the temporary/physical realm. But it is even more tragic when it is the way we live our Christian lives. When decisions for Christ and the desire to grow spiritually become too daunting to even attempt. The answer?

Realize the work that needs to be done in me is started and finished by my heavenly Father. I cling to the verse that says, “He who has begun a good work in you will perform it.” He will see His work in my life through to completion. I rest in His ability to transform me, not in my own. “He was not able to finish what he started” will never be able to be said of my heavenly Father. His perspective is clear. His power is limitless.

Father, You are daily working Your way in my life. I trust You for the completion of it. May I cooperate with all You do! Amen.

It is Not an Insult to Ask

And Hezekiah said unto Isaiah, What shall be the sign that the LORD will heal me, and that I shall go up into the house of the LORD the third day? 2 Kings 20:8

I am surprised that Hezekiah is asking for a sign that God will do what He said He would do. After all, Isaiah had just told him what God had said in relationship to his sickness. Not only would he be healed but he would live an additional fifteen years! But instead of rejoicing and resting in the realization that he has been granted such an extravagant answer to his prayer, he is asking God for some proof that it will actually happen. Much like Gideon who put out fleeces to make sure he really was hearing from God via an angel’s visit. Was God’s word not good enough for them? Apparently not.

My surprise turns to amazement as I see God give Hezekiah and Gideon what they asked for. Hezekiah is given a choice of seeing a shadow recede or progress by ten degrees. He chooses the recession of the sun’s shadow. Gideon places a fleece out (on two occasions) and sees the dew affect the ground and fleece in opposite ways. Both men are given physical demonstrations to encourage them in their faith. God was gracious to show them with their eyes what they struggled to embrace in their spirit. What a personally involved God we serve!

My Bible has some interesting notes regarding signs and the possible reasons God so willing gave them. God gave signs to strengthen their faith, as proof or a guarantee that He would fulfill His promise, to demonstrate authority, provide assurance, bear testimony, give warning, and encourage faith.

It is no different for us today. In the course of our daily lives we sometimes need confirmation of God’s leading in tangible ways. It may be through a verse, words spoken in conversation, some physical display, or any number of creative methods God chooses to implement. Whatever the case may be, my heavenly Father isn’t insulted by a genuine desire for assurance. He will go to any length to help me walk by faith!

Father, while my faith pleases You, I know I can be honest with my uncertainties and doubts. Your response is always loving! Amen.

It Is Never Insignificant

Come and see the works of God, Who is awesome in His deeds toward the sons of man. Psalm 66:5

Recently God has begun to show me a truth that I have missed for decades! The truth is that EVERYTHING He does is significant, important, meaningful, and valuable. So often we want to say that is true about the BIG things like miracles, creation, and radical intervention, but lately I am struck by the fact that even the “small” seemingly insignificant areas of our life are to be included. It does not matter what it is, if God’s finger is touching it there is significance.

Know this, if I label something as insignificant than I am ultimately saying God is insignificant and so are His works. That is certainly not true. If I wait for the big things to happen in my life I will miss many opportunities to see God’s hand at work in my every day moments. Just yesterday God set aside a surprise for me! I went to the Christian bookstore and decided to look at some music CDs. Anyone who knows me very well knows I enjoy Kathy Troccoli’s music. I spotted a CD I wanted to purchase and it was marked down to $10. I thought that was a great deal. But just before I stepped over to the cash register to buy it, someone handed me a 50% off coupon. Hence, I bought it for a mere $5! If I don’t see God’s involvement in my life I could easily shrug my shoulders over a mere coincidence. But seeing God’s work as significant evokes praise! My heart spills over with thanksgiving, appreciation, and joy!

I don’t want to miss His gracious acts throughout each day. And neither do I want to base my own significance on what I think of myself or what others think of me. Each of us live with the negative effects of people’s negative words, attitudes, and actions toward us. It is time I formulate a list of what God says about me and all the ways He adds significance to my life. His thoughts toward me are too numerous to count, His mercies are new to me each morning, He loads me with blessings on a daily basis, His goodness is evident. May my own personal significance stems from a realization that God’s works are abundantly significant. May I learn to hold up truth against everything else that may attempt to fill me with feelings of insignificance.

Father, keep making Your presence, power, and provision known in my life. Don’t let me miss a single detail of Your involvement. Amen.

It Always Leads to Actions

But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him, and when he saw him, he felt compassion. Luke 10:33

An Israelite is leaving Jerusalem and heading for Jericho. On the way he is robbed and badly beaten….even left for dead. A priest and Levite both see him but ignore his plight. They have no sense of responsibility to get involved. A Samaritan sees the same thing they see, a person in desperate need of help, and he feels compassion. To him, it doesn’t matter that he has places to go, people to see, and things to do. He felt compassion and compassion is always the catalyst for action.

It is incredible to see the list of things this Samaritan does for a fellow human being. If you are not familiar with this story take a moment and read Luke 10:30-37. I don’t know if he planned to do all the things he did or if along the way he did something and then kept asking himself, “Is there something else I can do?” Each thing he chose to do took more time and investment on his part. And when he was finished we never read whether or not the person he helped ever thanked him or even saw him again. We just know that his compassion was displayed in tangible and multiple ways. Maybe he had been in that situation of need himself at one time. Or maybe a loved one had been in a similar plight. Whichever the case may be, his compassion and his actions leave us a rich example to follow.

We live in a world that is full of needs. People are hurting and in need of help. It may be physical, spiritual, social, economical, emotional, or mental help they need. They are in our homes, our churches, our work place, and our community. Are we in tune enough with God and people to see the needs around us? Compassion always leads to involvement….otherwise it is simply pity. Many times in Scripture we read how Jesus was moved with compassion and then actions followed.

I am asking myself this morning, do those words mark what I did yesterday? Did I notice anyone in need, feel compassion, and then become involved? It does not have to be just in the area of finances. Did I listen when someone needed a sounding board? Did I embrace a person who just needed a hug? Did I write a note of encouragement? Did I do something besides notice and just pass by?

Father, today, help me to see the needs of those around me. Give me insight, compassion, and practical ways to minister to others. Amen.

More Than We Can Handle

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Psalm 68:19 KJV

Sometimes it is easy to allow the things of this world to weigh us down. We might find ourselves thinking or saying, “I cannot take one more thing!” We live with a feeling of being over whelmed, over worked, and over run. If that is you this morning, may today’s thoughts bring about a new twist to your thinking.

Amidst all the troubles of life God wants each of us to know the truth of Psalm 68:19...that He daily loads us with benefits. He has acts of tenderness, loving kindness, and generosity in store for each of His children today and every day! If we are not aware of that and if we are not on the look out for those benefits, we will miss them. They will be there but we will miss the joy of discovery and the richness of experiencing them.

I have been on a hunt this morning and already I am seeing the first load of benefits being dropped into my spirit! God awakened me with the realization that there are ways to spend my day that will enrich my fellowship with Him or rob me of it. I am allowing His revelation to alter my activities, schedule, and objectives for today. I have already permitted music to minister to me! I love the song MAKE MY LIFE A PRAYER FOR YOU by Kathy Troccoli and have listened to it several times to let it saturate me. I received two emails that were such a blessing to me. One encouraged me greatly and the other gave me some spiritual truths that astounded and nourished me. He is letting me know there is more to come!

The benefits might be spiritual, physical, social, or emotional in their nature. They may have to do with His provision, protection, power, or presence but they will be apparent. I don’t want to miss any of them. Throughout the day I want to be aware of His deliveries and by the end of the day I want to feel like the kid who just went on a free shopping spree at Toys R Us!

I have lived too many years of my Christian life unmoved and unaware of God’s involvement in my life. I did not live with a daily amazement of Him or His gifts. I do now and that delights Him!

Father, I sense the glee in Your eye as You begin to lavish on me today‘s benefits. May I acknowledge each one with gratitude and delight! I open my arms and heart to receive them all. Amen.