Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Crossing the Line

Acquaint now yourself with Him [agree with God and show yourself to be conformed to His will] and be at peace; by that [you shall prosper and great] good shall come to you. Receive, I pray you, the law and instruction from His mouth and lay up His words in your heart. Job 22:20-22 (Amplified Bible)

When I think of an acquaintance I usually think of someone I know on the surface level. We may talk occasionally in passing but are somewhat limited in our knowledge of each other. That is NOT what is meant when we are told to acquaint ourselves with God. It goes deeper. It means to be familiar with and know intimately. The results of such knowledge yield peace and reward. It also implies being usable and conformed. Wrapped within the context of all that is the necessity to trust and yield. The basis of my trust is found within a growing awareness of who God is and what God is like. As my knowledge is enlarged, my trust increases. And as my trust increases my ability to yield is forthcoming.

I am finding that just as growth is a process so is yielding. I have a will and a mindset that continually needs to be aligned with God’s will, ways, and Word. When there is hesitancy or straining it can usually be traced back to a trust issue. It is at this point that God and I must wade through the issues of my heart and determine where the trust is fractured and faltering. Is it an authority issue? Is it fear based? Is it a spiritual attack? Is it the embracing of lies? God knows the root of each distrust and is longing to help me find it and extract it. He wants me to once again joy in the fact that His ways and thoughts are higher than my own.

But I am finding that the enemy of my soul desires to distort and confuse the lessons God is diligently teaching me. Most recently I have seen this take place in the area of yielding. In the course of a conversation earlier this week, I realized I had crossed a fine line between yielding and resignation. Yielding is based on truth, trust, and choosing God’s plans and purposes over my own. Resignation is based on lies, fear, and hopelessness. Yielding brings peace and renewed strength. Resignation brings restlessness and an internal draining. Yielding is God’s desire. Resignation is Satan’s delight.

So what is it that God whispers to me this morning? “Yield but don’t resign yourself to limited visions and dreams for your life. I still have ‘much more to give you than this’. Trust me. I have not forgotten you. I have not left you. Meditate on all I have told you and shown you so far. Walk with Me.”

Father, You are not the author of confusion or resignation. Thank you that You stand ready to welcome me back each time I cross a line not intended for me. Amen.