Thursday, January 18, 2007

Take It To Heart

If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto My name, saith the Lord of hosts. Malachi 2:2a

Anyone who has children or works with children knows the frustration that comes when your words fall on "deaf" ears. Many parents resort to having their children make eye contact with them and then repeat what was said to them. But the real test as to whether or not the child took in what was said is whether or not he acts upon it.

Malachi records God's words to the priests when He gave two desires of His. That they would listen and that they would lay His words to heart. Or as we would say "take it to heart." When something is taken to heart it is carried through and acted upon. The recipient goes beyond just doing what is told to him. He understands the heart wishes of the one speaking. His heart has been engaged ~ not just his ears and his mind.

Someone once said, "I please the one I love the most." When God is the One I love the most, I take His Words to heart and I make personal applications to my life. It goes beyond duty and becomes my joy! Paul said, "The love of Christ constrains me." In ourselves we come up short in loving God consistently. Perfection in that area (as well as in all areas) will not be attained until Heaven.

So daily we must come to God and ask Him to help us take His words to heart. Not just His words of correction but also His words of love and affirmation. I say this because I use to struggle to know I could own for myself the positive verses in scripture. Words of judgment and condemnation were easily applied to myself. They seemed to fit the false view of God I held. To me, He was a harsh judge who tolerated me more than He loved me.

The day I realized His love was not dependent on what I did was the day I began to see Him as the loving heavenly Father that He is, One who actually likes me, and One whose arms were no longer folded. When I understand the truth about God I am ready to listen and take His words to heart. For too many years my false view of God resulted in an inability to hear Him speak to me. My heart was closed to receiving His words. I walked empty.

Father, thank you for restoring my sight, my hearing, and my life! Amen.

Suspicions of the Heart

Perhaps the Spirit of the LORD has taken him up and cast him on some mountain or into some valley. 2 Kings 2:16 (New American Standard Bible)

Fifty prophets witnessed some remarkable events. They saw Elijah and Elisha cross the Jordan River on dry ground. They saw Elijah depart for Heaven in a chariot of fire. They saw Elisha cross back over the Jordan River on dry land. They proclaimed the truth that Elijah’s spirit now rested on Elisha. After all that, I am amazed that their suspicions of God surface. They not only entertain thoughts of God tossing Elijah’s body into a mountain or valley grave, but they actually voice the suspicions. They want to search for the body they are sure God has dumped. I’ll give them this much, they are not guilty of hiding their true feelings and thoughts.

This is no new experience for God. Ever since the Garden of Eden man has continually raised a suspicious eye brow to God and questioned His character, motives, power, love, and heart. When life gets messy and uncomfortable the nagging accusations against God begin to rear their ugly heads. I have to admit to many times in my own life when the spirit of suspicion desires to instill in me lies about my heavenly Father. Times when deep down inside my heart are the statements too dark to voice. Statements like, “God doesn’t care. He doesn’t see what is happening to me. He isn’t involved in my life. I am of no concern to Him. He enjoys seeing me struggle. I am just one of many to Him. He has more important things to tend to.” The list could go on and on. All lies but all desirous to see me stay in a position of fear, discouragement, and shame.

It is a horrible way to live the Christian life. For years I did not know God was the One I needed to take those thoughts to. The very One who could defeat the thoughts was the One I stood suspicious of. The enemy of my soul loved the fact that I remained in a prison cell from which God longed to release me. How He aches for each of His children to know the truth about Him. He longs to help us replace the lies and distortions with truth from His Word and His Spirit. While the wrong thoughts have abounded, He is still in the business of causing blind eyes to see!

Father, I acknowledge my suspicions so that You can extract them from my mind and implant me with the truth about Yourself. This is a process we must journey together. I place my heart in Your hands where I know it will be well cared for. Amen.

Standing In Amazement

And amazement came upon them all, and they began talking with one another saying, “What is this message? For with authority and power He commands the unclean spirits and they come out.” Luke 4:36

When was the last time you stood in amazement? Perhaps it was at receiving something you never dreamed would be yours. Or you saw something that took your breath away. Someone did or said something that left you speechless. Perhaps you can relate with a friend of mine who after two years of struggling with infertility has finally heard those long awaited words, “You are pregnant!” She is so amazed that God moved on her behalf and blessed her with her heart’s desire. I rejoice with her!

The people at a synagogue in Capernaum were amazed at Jesus’ teaching as well as his intervention in the life of a man possessed by a demon. It was a short but powerful moment. This demon, more than anyone else in the room, knew who Jesus was and knew that even he had to obey His commands. And Jesus’ command was effective! “Be quiet and come out of him!” was said with such authority and power that the demon was forced to leave and the crowd stood in amazement. They left this church service like they had never left one before. They couldn’t stop talking about it or thinking about it.

That is what I want my relationship with God to be like on a daily basis. When I open His Word I want the wisdom and beauty of what I read to amaze me. When I receive His encouragement throughout the day, take in a new truth, see Him work out situations, experience His power in my life, watch Him intervene in the life of a loved one, or even open the barren womb of a friend, I want to be so amazed I can’t talk about it or think about it enough.

A number of truths come to mind that amazed me when I first saw them. God’s love is not dependent on what I do. God’s forgiveness is complete. Freedom in Christ is a gift God loves to bestow on us. Prayer is a two-way conversation. The positive verses in the Bible are meant for me. God has a specific call on my life. Tears often flowed as truth entered. May I never lose the desire or ability to be amazed by my Abba Father.

Father, I truly stand amazed in Your presence! May amazement fall fresh on me today. May I not allow anything or anyone to amaze me more than You. Amen.

It is Meant to Go Both Ways

You are my hiding place; You preserve me from trouble; You surround me with songs of deliverance. I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you. Psalm 32:7,8 NASB

My concept of prayer was distorted for many years because I was under the impression that while praying I was the one who was suppose to do all the talking. It was a one-sided conversation that left me feeling quite alone and disconnected. Much like speaking into a tape recorder rather than having a two-way conversation over the phone. My prayer life took on a whole new dimension when an insightful person shared this profound truth with me: “Prayer is meant to be a dialogue not a monologue.” Talk about a huge revelation! Today’s passage is a demonstration of one such dialogue between God and David.

As David is proclaiming the truth about who God is, God is declaring what He will do! David isn’t asking God to be his hiding place, his preserver, or his deliverer. He is stating those things as facts. May that concept alone reshape my prayers. Many have been the times I have asked God to be certain things for me when all the while I should have been proclaiming that He WAS those things to me. Just imagine God’s delight when we voice to Him, “You are my strength, my help, my refuge, my stronghold, my comforter, my friend, my counselor, my protector, my shepherd, my rock, my guide, my deliverer!”

Once we have stated those truths we need to take the time to listen for God’s response. He gave one to David and He desires to do the same for us. It may be Scripture He brings to mind, a song, or just a thought that you know came from Him. I think back to moments when the dialogue has been that real for me. I can remember a time I cried out to Him that I felt worthless and mattered to no one. His response? “You matter to Me.” The tears flowed as I drank in His words to me. How incredible to realize that God not only hears us when we pray but He has something to say to us as well!

Father, open my ears to Your voice. May my prayers never again be one-sided. May listening be as much a part of my prayer life as speaking has been. Amen.