Monday, June 8, 2009

The Same God

(For He who effectually worked for Peter in his apostleship to the circumcised effectually worked for me also to the Gentiles), Galatians 2:8 (New American Standard Bible)

Different ministries, different men, different gifts, different opportunities, different weaknesses, different strengths, SAME God. The very God who called, equipped, and worked through Peter, called, equipped, and worked through Paul. Each of us need to see that same truth applied to us.

Do you know someone who is being used of God in mighty ways? The same God is using you! Do you know someone with whom God has brought about changes in their life? The same God is changing you! Do you know someone who is being held and upheld by God in the midst of struggles, failures, and negative circumstances? The same God is holding and upholding you! Put in any person’s scenario that has the fingerprints of God and know that He is the same God for you.

While we aren’t to compare ourselves with others, we can find a great deal of assurance and comfort from seeing that God is involved, impartial, and interested in each one of us as individuals. He doesn’t play favorites with some while ignoring others. He is not watchful of some and blind to others. Pick any Christian today, any Biblical character from centuries ago, any kingdom child and know that you are just as loved, just as thought of, just as chosen, just as cared for, and just as guided by God as they have been.

It doesn’t mean God will allow you the same exact opportunities. It doesn’t mean life will work exactly the same for you as it has for them. It doesn’t even mean prayers will be answered in the same way. Why? Because we are individuals with individual needs. God knows what is best for each one of us. God chooses to work His plans and purposes out in our lives for our good and His glory. Uniqueness of situations, ministries, and growth does not mean loved less. It means God has unlimited ways of working in each of us.

For those of us who easily condemn ourselves, live with feelings of inferiority, believe ourselves to be invisible (a lost face in the crowd), and think others are a top priority of God’s while we sit at the bottom of the list, God wants the message of His love for us and involvement in our life to sink in and challenge the core beliefs we have come to embrace about ourselves and about Him. He wants His Word to make it from our head to our heart. He wants us to see the truth and allow it to impact our life for good!

Father, You treat me as if I were an only child even though You have many children. To know that I have Your ongoing attention, acceptance, and interaction in my life is beyond my ability to fully grasp but I hold on to it just the same. Amen.

I Offer My Life - Don Moen

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.