Friday, May 9, 2008

Who Are We Listening To?

Thus says the king, "Do not let Hezekiah deceive you ....nor let Hezekiah make you trust in the not listen to Hezekiah." Isaiah 36:14-16 (New American Standard Bible)

We have to be so careful who we listen to. Everything that is said to us must be filtered through truth. The Assyrian messengers were seeking to chip away at those things which would hinder Israel from giving in to their requests. So much was being questioned and the accusations were arrows which were meant to wound and defeat. They were bringing in to question the worthiness of God's man, God's message, and God's character. Planting seeds of doubt was the same tactic Satan used with Eve. We must know the truth and hold it up against all attacks.

When a person's words line up with Scripture there is a foundation established that allows for truth to be given and received. No one wants to be deceived. It is a heart wrenching experience to wake up one day and realize you trusted the wrong source or stood on the wrong foundation.

It is one thing to be the victim of a financial scam or to purchase something that did not live up to its claim. But the worst case scenario is when the deception wreaks havoc on our view of God and the Christian life. Each of us wants to believe we are being told the truth about God when we hear a sermon, listen to a speaker, or read a book. Beth Moore says, "If the teaching you are sitting under is causing your view of God to get smaller, you are being deceived." So true!!!!

I want to surround myself with people who have a huge view of God. I want their excitement, passion, and love for God and the Scriptures to infect and affect me. For years I knew God could do anything but believed He was unwilling to do most things. I had such an extremely small view of His heart. But now I do two things that grow my view. I ask God to show me the truth about His heart and character in Scripture and I soak up as much teaching as I can that helps to enlarge my view of Him.

The Assyrian messengers had it all wrong. Their words could not survive when placed under the microscope of truth.

Father, let me ever live in the truth about You. Amen.