Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Necessary Change of View

Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Your law. Psalm 119:18 (Amplified Bible)

How I approach God’s Word, interact with it, and allow it to impact my life can become defining moments for me. I have been guilty of seeing the Bible as merely documented, historical facts. Before I became a Christian it held no appeal to me. After I became a Christian it was one of the initial things I reached for. The first time I read it through from cover to cover the stories astounded me! I had never heard of the people I read about and taking in knowledge of them was exhilarating. That is a good thing but if I go no further in my view and relationship to Scripture, knowledge alone will have very little effect on me. When my present journey began, nearly five years ago, I asked God to show me His heart in Scripture. He has faithfully been doing that. My view of God has changed as has my relationship with Him. Again, that is a good thing but God desires more. His Word is meant to be more to me than a book of knowledge and truth about Himself. It is meant to be that which uncovers my eyes, heart, and mind. To be a well spring of teaching and instruction that takes me beyond my own power and ability to live the life God created me to live.

This morning, I desired once again to read through the Bible this year, but God had more in mind for me than simply reading His Word. Within the first few verses of Genesis He clearly nudged me to begin praying the words I was reading. Some of what I was reading would evoke praise and acknowledgement of Him. Some became actual requests. Reading of God’s assignments and tasks given to Adam, I prayed I would be faithful in the things He gives me to do. Reading of Adam and Eve hiding from God, caused me to pray I would take the route of confession rather than hiding. Reading that God gave Eve to Adam to be a helper who was suitable, adaptable, and complementary to him, led me to pray I would be that more fully to my own husband.

What has happened this morning is that I have finally begun to see the Bible as a prayer book! Not just when I am reading actual prayers in the Bible. Every circumstance and individual account can become a guide for me to pray over my life and the lives of those I know. To ask for qualities and characteristics to become part of me and to release those things that should no longer be a part of my life.

I can tell already, that this is not going to be a light reading. This is going to be God’s Word coming alive to me in ways I have not begun to know as of yet. I have no words to express fully my emotions and thoughts at the moment. All I can say is, “Thank You, Jesus.”

Father, open my physical eyes as well as my spiritual eyes to the many wondrous things Your Word possesses. As I get into Your Word, let it get into me and change me. Amen.

Open the Eyes of My Heart - Mercy Me

Fixing my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith!