Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Avoiding Captivity

So all Israel was recorded by genealogies, and indeed, they were inscribed in the book of the kings of Israel. But Judah was carried away captive to Babylon because of their unfaithfulness. 1 Chronicles 9:1 (New King James Version)

It is a phrase that is often repeated throughout Israel’s history in the Old Testament…..carried away captive. Bondage. Being captive was not their choice but rather a result of their choice to be unfaithful to God. The warnings were simple, obey and be protected and blessed. Disobey and fall into the hands of captors. They could not have one without the other. Neither can we!

While I have never been taken captive by a nation, I have tasted areas of captivity in my life. My forms of bondage are results of addictions particularly in the area of food and friendships. When I keep things balanced and in the healthy amounts I do well and walk in freedom. If I start looking to food or friends to be what they were not intended to be I quickly find myself captive to all sorts difficulties.

God has purposes for both food and friends in my life. Food is for the nourishment of my body. He has graciously added taste, texture, and temperature for my enjoyment but the bottom line is that it fuels my body. When I see it as such I derive satisfaction and stamina. When I decide to eat out of emotions rather than hunger I turn to binging, poor choices, and huge amounts. The results are weight gain and sluggishness and an open door to losing control in other areas of my life. It doesn’t take long for me to realize my appetite has become my captor and it is ruthless.

People are social, emotional, and spiritual encouragers. They are often God’s hands, feet, and heart to me. When I see them as such and accept God’s gift of love through them life is a joy. On the other hand, when I make them my personal need meeters and look to them to take responsibility for my emotional well being the dependency issue becomes my captor. The results are a heavy heart, confused thoughts, and a restlessness that is filled with spiraling mood swings.

God’s answer? Be faithful to Him. Look to Him as my primary Source and appreciate the others (food and people) as a part of Himself rather than a competition of Him. It is never a free for all. Boundaries and limits are necessary and together, He and I are working to set the parameters of those boundaries and limits. I want it to be said of me, “She was not carried away captive because of her faithfulness!”

Father, you have stirred my heart with Your truth this morning. The captors are always waiting to carry me away. May this be a day when I give them no opportunity to do so. Amen.

Made Me Glad - Hillsong

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.