Wednesday, May 26, 2010


However, there was no accounting required of them for the money delivered into their hands, because they dealt faithfully. 2 Kings 22:7 Amplified Bible

Money was given to carpenters, builders, and masons to repair the damages to the temple. No receipts were demanded, no doubts were felt, and no one had to double check to make sure the money was being properly used. Why? The workers had proven themselves trustworthy and the ones giving the money had trusting hearts. It is a picture of unity that God delights in!

The strength in any relationship lies in the ability to trust and be trusted. What is it that can be entrusted to us with abandon? What is it that we are able to entrust to others with abandon? How many people in your life hold such a place of trust for you? How many people unquestioningly hold that same trust in you? Nothing hurts more or wounds deeper than to experience betrayal at the hands of another. Be it in marriage, business, church, family, or friendship. Jesus knew what it was like to be betrayed by one of His disciples. Joseph knew what it was like to be betrayed by his own flesh and blood. Who we trust and who trusts us will be determined by track records.

As much as we may wish for all individuals to be trustworthy, we are neither wise nor discerning to live with a blind faith. Jesus warned of wolves in sheep’s clothing. He told us to test the spirits. He spoke of people being led astray. No matter the level of relationship His warning is clear that there will be the risk of an abuse of trust. How imperative then that we ask Him to help us stay alert to any warning signs. Not everyone we come into contact with is trustworthy. But as a child of God trustworthiness should mark our lives.

What are some areas of trust we may find ourselves in? Responsibilities at work. Our employers should not have to wonder whether or not we are giving them our best and the jobs are being done with high standards. Commitment to our wedding vows. Our spouses should never loose sleep or peace of mind over the thought that we would be unfaithful. Things shared in confidence. The deep things of another person’s life should be handled as treasure. Fulfilling our promises. Even when the commitment suddenly means we will be inconvenienced it should still be carried out. Advice we give to others. We need to give advice that lines up with Scripture and God’s principles for life. Reputations of another. We should be able to take the things we have learned and make them a matter of prayer rather than future topics of destruction.

Many things may cause us to mistrust others but NOTHING should hinder us from being a person others can trust.

Father, no one is as trustworthy as You! As Your Spirit lives in me, help me to become more like You. Amen.

He's Been Faithful - Damaris Carbaugh

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.