Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Seeking Him

Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually. Psalm 105:4 (New American Standard Bible)

Someone once made the comment that I appear to be looking for something and haven’t quite found it yet. Their words struck me because they seemed to see this as a weakness. Yet, God assures me in His Word that seeking Him is not only a necessity but an invitation He extends to each of us. He knows our tendency to seek many things from many sources other than Himself and He longs for our searching to finally be directed toward Himself.

I found it interesting that there are two different Hebrew words used for “seek” in this verse. The first means to resort to and enquire of and the second means to desire to find. Both are necessary, for Jesus said to abide in Him, ask of Him, and love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind. He gave the ‘how to’ of today’s verse.

While God will not always show me what He is doing or why He is doing it, He longs to show me Himself. He longs for me to live each day with the realization of who He is and what His heart and character are like. I know what it is like to be passionate about knowing someone and being known by them. I know what it is like to want another person to affirm, accept, and welcome me. God invites me to bring that same passion to my seeking of Him. To pour my heart and life into knowing Him, being transparent before Him, and receiving His love and affection toward me. It is only as I do THAT kind of seeking that I will find myself anointed by His strength and might.

As I enter a new day (and a new year) my heart’s cry is that He would reveal Himself to me in more poignant ways. He does not limit the ways He will do that either. His Self revelations will come through His Word, music, other believers, books, nature, circumstances, solitude, and Spirit. He is an open book to any who would dare to look upon the pages of His heart. He doesn’t play a game of Hide and Seek with us, but rather seek and find! I rest and revel in that truth!

Father, I have often wearied myself with a searching heart. I now seek You and am assured I will find you and know You as I seek You with all my heart, soul, and mind. I love You and seek You with abandon. Amen.