Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How to Change the View

A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Matthew 7:18 (New American Standard Bible)

For years, I could only read Scripture with a limited range of what it was saying. In today’s verse, Jesus was speaking of the false prophets of His day and giving people a way of protecting themselves from the influence of such. That is necessary for us today as well. It is vital that we sit under those who know and speak the truth about God. If that is the only thing I take from this verse I am the wiser for it, but God’s Word is not meant to only be interpreted as such. It is also meant to come alive and meet us where we are at in the moment.

This morning, today’s verse speaks volumes to me when it comes to my thoughts….particularly my perceptions of others and how I “think” they view me. If my thoughts are filled with suspicion toward them and tainted by my own insecurities the result of those thoughts will not be good. I will misread their facial expressions, misinterpret what they say or don’t say, and draw conclusions that lead to an uneasy spirit within myself. What normally would be lively, fun filled moments quickly become uncomfortable and strained at best. From that point on, everything they say or do becomes “proof” of what I believe to be true. I can tell the exact moment peace and joy have left and darkness has entered. It is a vicious cycle that has actually become a stronghold in my life. This morning, God is letting me know once again how to demolish it! Change my thoughts! Derive the good fruit that can come from giving others the benefit of the doubt and walking in an attitude of love, forgiveness, and freedom.

I see that so clearly right now, sitting in the quietness of my home with just me, God, and His Word. The truth of what God is saying is getting into my heart. Yet the test of how it will affect me is going to be the next time I am face to face with someone and perceptions begin to make their way into my mental gallery of thoughts. When distorted portraits begin to be displayed on the walls of my mind will I believe what I “see” or will I remove them with a rebuke and live in the freedom of uncluttered thinking? I have a choice in the matter and too often I dust and straighten the pictures instead of removing them. The longer I dwell upon what is false the stronger its grip will be. The pull of that grip can also be weakened and that is the realization and hope God wants me to embrace.

Father, how You must ache to see me lose battles that don’t have to be lost. Help me to fight when I so easily want to yield. Amen.

All to Jesus I Surrender

I welcome your questions and comments to any devotional thoughts. I am honored and delighted to share my journey with you and privileged to hear of yours.