Thursday, December 8, 2005

Just Ask

Ask a sign for yourself from the LORD your God; make it deep as Sheol or high as heaven. Isaiah 7:11

We have a God who loves to lavish us with Himself! In Isaiah 7, God has just finished telling Ahaz not to be afraid because He is going to bring down his enemies. God was aware of the threats on His people and He was aware of the fear His people walked in. I love His answer! Basically He says, "I know your situation. Don't be afraid. I will handle this for you." Then instead of a message on trust He opens the door for Ahaz to request a sign for himself and lets him know there is no limit to the invitation.

God understands our weaknesses and frailties. He is not offended when we are in need of assurance. Gideon was a man who knew how to ask God for evidence of His direction. We too can ask God to confirm things for us. I have a dear friend who is teaching me the wisdom of asking God to confirm whether or not she is making wise choices in matters. She says He often does this in threes. It helps me to see God as a meeter of individual needs. Right in today's verse He says, "Ask a sign for yourself." I think of all the miracles in Scripture that were performed for an audience of one. God does not need a large number of people before He shows up. He delights in one on one meetings. How rare that is in great leaders or popular people.

I also love the fact that God does not limit what can be asked of Him ~ deep as Sheol and high as heaven. It is like asking for a drink of water and being given an artisan well. He is willing to go to great lengths to bring assurance to His children.

There are times that assurance may come as I stand on the promises made in His Word. But there are also times God graciously shows me visible signs and confirmation of His direction. Many times He'll even choose people to guide my steps.

Today may be a day I get extravagant in my requests of Him. How precious to know my requests are not met with a Scrooge mentality. I take comfort in the instances where people in the Bible were granted extraordinary answers. May I join them!

Father, may my view of You continue to be enlarged. For decades I missed seeing Your kind heart, willing interventions, and abundant availability. I lived in spiritual poverty and blindness. Thank you for riches and eyesight that leave me speechless. Amen.