Monday, January 23, 2006

Beware of the Counterfeits

Until I come and take you away to a land like your own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards. Isaiah 36:17 (New American Standard Bible)

The enemy of our souls is a master at dangling counterfeit "carrots" in front of us. God lead His people to a chosen land ~ prepared just for them. The Assyrians were seeking to allure them away from their land and their God. Unless they held on to truth they would easily be persuaded to desert everything.

It is no different for us as believers today. Sometimes our journey takes us into places that resemble deserts and wildernesses. It is there that God seeks to teach us more about Himself and our walk with Him. It is imperative that we stay put until He moves us.

It can be so easy to seek shelter in other places besides the shadow of His wings. To look for answers from human sources rather than the Ultimate Source. To read books about the Bible rather than digging for gold nuggets in the Bible itself. Distractions continue to be Satan's bait in our life.

We must allow God to design our Christian lives for us. But rather than spend time with Him and allow His Spirit to do His transforming work in me, I can so easily decide I'll just copy another person's walk. I go after the counterfeits until I realize internal change never comes from outward conformity. I must seek an authentic relationship with God. He has NO twins in His kingdom.

May He give us the discernment to see when we are being lured by counterfeits. Then may we have enough fortitude to hold on tighter to His hand. We must stay in the place He puts us and abide with the One who loves us most.

Father, may I always know You are the genuine One. Your plans for me are always the best! Amen.