Thursday, February 23, 2006
Designed With A Purpose
For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited). I am the LORD, and there is none else. Isaiah 45:18
Rick Warren wrote the book called THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE. I know many people have bought it, read it, and benefited from it. While I haven't finished reading it yet I understand the message within know God's purpose for our life. If a book were written on today's verse it could be entitled THE PURPOSE DESIGNED EARTH.
It would start out with the creation aspect. God fashioned the earth, molded it, and arranged it in just the right way. He created and equipped our planet to sustain life. To this day it is the only planet that possesses all the means for life to continue. For centuries people have breathed the air, drank the water, and eaten the food, yet the supply has not been diminished. What beauty continues as we see mountains, oceans, sunsets, and meadows! Wildlife in all its magnificence captivates us. So much abounds that God Himself spoke into existence.
But what would this planet be without people to enjoy it? A waste place. Desolate, empty, worthless. Over run by plants and animals ~ a glorified zoo or greenhouse. No one to notice and respond with praise to the Creator. What would be the purpose? No, He did not create it as a waste place. He made it to be inhabited!
His purpose for the Earth was to be lived on. It was created for us! Our home, our dwelling place. Not just to exist here but to work, play, relax, enjoy, and thrive here. So much beauty, so much space, so much richness. Take all of the technology and nothing compares to the roar of the ocean, the majesty of mountains, the intensity of waterfalls, the wonder of star lit skies, the fragrance of flowers, the adventures of forests, or the miracle of birth. I will never get over the beauty of changing seasons.
All of this and more makes me appreciate God's gift of life to each of us. And just as He created this world to be inhabited by us, He created us to be inhabited by Himself through Jesus. May He daily transform me into His kind of dwelling place.
Father, the wonder of Your creation overwhelms me at times. Thank you for deciding that I would be a part of it. Amen.