Friday, June 13, 2008
Freedom of Silence
He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth; like a lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth. Isaiah 53:7 (New American Standard Bible)
Verbal restraint is difficult. In the moments I most want to defend myself, express my hurt, voice my opinion, announce unfairness, and tell my side of the story I am so far from the example Jesus set forth. The amazing thing is how small the offenses against me are compared to what He faced.
Surely the physical abuse hurt, the verbal insults stung, the ridicule ran deep, yet He remained silent. The Bible says a soft answer turns away wrath. How much more powerful is silence!
I realize once again the necessity of God doing a work in me. He is showing me yet another area in my life that needs His touch. I can do all things through Christ and without Him I can do nothing. Remaining silent amidst hurts, injustices, and insults is impossible in my flesh but with God ALL things are possible.
I am reminded that as a Christian I have God’s Spirit living in me. Galatians lists the fruit (result) of the Spirit and within that list I read the word self-control. James spells out the difficulty we have controlling our tongues.
So I ask myself this question, “Where am I struggling most at opening NOT my mouth?” While swearing or cursing may not pose problems for me I have a long list that does. How well am I at controlling the urge to defend myself, gossip, lie, be humorous at someone else’s expense, complain, respond in anger, speak negatively, interrupt others, brag, or belittle others?
Like Paul, I find in my flesh a law. In this case, I find in my mouth a law. I end up saying the things I shouldn’t say and not saying the things I should say. While there are times I should keep silent, there are plenty of times I should speak up. Times like sharing the Gospel, encouraging others, defending others, and giving honest reports.
If there is one thing I have learned it is this…God exposes areas that need changing not to condemn me but to show me where He desires to work. May I cooperate with Him.
Father, Jesus knew when to speak up and when to remain silent. Help me to be like Him. Amen.