Friday, September 15, 2006

Selective Speech

Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

For years I would look at this verse and see a good guard for my conversations. It was warning me about what to say and what not to say to the people in my life. In a nutshell, I was to build others up not tear them down. This morning God is nudging me to apply the same truths to myself. He is prompting me to examine my own speech toward myself. How gracious are my words that I speak to myself? How hard am I being on myself? How many put downs am I directing toward myself?

I spent this past weekend with a dear friend. We hadn’t seen each other for over 23 years! How amazing that our conversation could pick up right where we had left off. Much was discussed, savored, and taken in. Much was shared on a deep heart level. Issues abounded….answers were given. At moments, laughter erupted. At other moments we could be close to tears. But one thing that stands out in my mind as I review our conversation is how both of us could be so hard on ourselves. We both found ourselves telling the other to not speak negative words about ourselves. This morning God is letting me know I still need to take heed to that admonition. Even now I can hear my friend say, “Don’t talk like that!” I have determined it is time to test my words before they are voiced.

Here are the questions I need to ask myself before the words leave my mouth. Am I about to speak the truth? What are the thoughts that are feeding the words? Will the things I am about to say encourage me or discourage me? Will the words bring life or death to my spirit? Who would delight the most in what I am about to say….God or Satan? Which words need to be cleansed by the blood of Christ, given over to Him, and saturated with Scripture? When I finish saying what I am about to say will I proceed to dance with joy or live with a feeling of gloom? Will I be filled with a sense of delight or disgust? There are many more questions but my point is this, I have a choice! May I proceed to apply today’s verse to myself as well as others to whom I am speaking.

Father, sometimes I feel shaky in my ability to speak the right words. If nothing else escapes my mouth today may it be praise to You. Don’t let me waste any words. I yield my tongue to You. Amen.