Friday, December 29, 2006

The Power of Praise

I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. Psalm 34:1 NASB, KJV

David’s passion was God and it spilled out of him through praise. Of the 150 chapters in the book of Psalm, 64 give reference to it. 133 verses mention it. David knew the power of praise! He sang it, spoke it, wrote it, and practiced it. Plus, he encouraged others to do the same. He had learned to praise God in good times as well as bad. He expressed it when his heart was full of joy or when he felt over whelmed with anxiety. He praised God for who He was as well as for all He had done. It was his daily experience and expression.

The word ‘praise’ is rich with meaning! There are eight different Greek words that are used for praise. Their meanings broaden my view of the subject. Praise means to worship, celebrate, laud, congratulate, and commend. It is acclaiming and ascribing honor. It entails thankfulness, blessing, and adoration. No wonder God inhabits the praises of His people! How His ears must perk up every time we verbalize it!

For the past year or so I have been learning the importance of guarding my thoughts and the power of spoken words. Yesterday, God decided to help me see the reward of doing both! Early on in the day, He nudged me to praise Him whenever the enemy whispered lies or discouraging thoughts to me. I discovered the benefit of this four word phrase: I praise You, God! The minute a wrong thought came my way I voiced the phrase. Before the thought was even complete I spoke the praise. I was amazed at the result.

I learned a praise advantage I was not aware existed. Praise not only delights and pleases God, it has a dulling and inhibiting affect on wrong moods, thoughts, and attitudes. It is actually a detriment to the attacks of the enemy, other people’s words, and my own feelings. Each time I spoke the words of praise I interrupted the flow of negative, damaging thoughts. It was like pouring water on a flame. What a powerful extinguisher! No wonder David found it necessary to do all the time and on a continual basis. May I follow his example and do the same!

Father, I have found praise to be my shield during attacks as well as my flag to wave in triumph! Help me to cultivate and communicate a heart and voice of praise! Amen.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Three Important Actions

But He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God. Hebrews 10:12 NASB

Many of us have taken comfort in the last words Jesus spoke from the cross, “It is finished!” Our sin debt was paid in full on that day over 2,000 years ago. As soon as a person receives Christ as Savior they put into affect that payment. How sad that many will never receive Christ’s payment for their sin and will end up making an eternity of payments in Hell on their own. The simple yet profound truth is that the acceptance of the payment comes with the acceptance of the Savior.

But two things happened after Christ spoke those words and died. First, He came back to life three days later. His resurrection from the dead was additional proof that He was who He said He was and His death was accepted as our payment. Without the resurrection, His death would have been in vain. All that He suffered on the way to the cross and while He hung on the cross would have ended up being a mere tragedy in human history. He had to be sinless in order to take our place and He would not have been sinless if He had lied. Since He said He would rise from the dead three days later, it would have been a lie had He not risen. That in itself would have hindered Him from being our payment for sin. Not only would our sin be unforgiven but we would face an eternity forever separated from God. There would be no relationship with God even in this life.

His death and resurrection are two thirds of the story. The climax of it all is that He sat down at the right hand of God. In Old Testament times, the priest stood daily when offering the sacrifices because his job was never finished. When Christ sat down His work was completed! One sacrifice for all sin for all time!

How does this apply to my life today? Every time I bring my sin to God for forgiveness I am assured of forgiveness because of Christ’s death, resurrection, and position at the right hand of God. There is no second guessing or doubting when I see the full and complete picture. There is also no reason to cower as I approach God since it was His will, desire, and pleasure to pay my sin debt.

Father, I bow in gratitude and awe this morning. The forgiveness of my sins is as complete as the payment that was made for them. May I never tire of reviewing and reveling in such a truth! Amen.

Monday, December 25, 2006

An Example to Follow

What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed; and in this I rejoice. Yes, and I will rejoice. Philippians 1:18

Paul penned these words from prison. They were not only voiced by him but embraced by him. He had just finished confronting an issue that is still alive today….the motives behind ministries. Paul knew that in his day some were preaching Christ out of selfish motives. They felt they were in competition with Paul and sought to make his imprisonment even more painful. Others were preaching Christ out of love and were joining forces with Paul. Paul’s conclusion? He decided that no matter what the means, methods, or motives, he would rejoice in the fact that the gospel was being preached. After all, that was his highest joy and goal in life. Nothing else compared to a person finding faith in Christ.

Can we be as accepting of such an attitude today? I have heard my fair share of preachers blast tv evangelists from the pulpit. I have seen as much mud slinging against other denominations within a church service as within a political race. I have even seen like denominations fight each other. While some concerns are legitimate we somehow have missed the heart of what Paul is saying.

He is not condoning wrong motives. I believe he learned early on to entrust those issues to God. And Paul certainly took many opportunities to warn believers about the wolves in sheep’s clothing. But Paul also chose to look at the bottom line….the gospel was being preached. Even through those individuals who were preaching with wrong motives, souls were being saved. Paul rejoiced in that!

While I may not agree with everything that is said and done by a particular ministry and be able to financially support them, I CAN be like Paul and rejoice that despite it all the gospel is being preached. Praise God for the individuals who find Christ through any avenues. God’s Spirit is not limited in the least. In that I rejoice as well. May the gospel continue to be proclaimed and may souls be saved even in the midst of wrong motives and methods.

Father, may I learn to do as Paul did…rejoice in all things. I rejoice that You will not be confined and limited to a select few ministries. In spite of it all, You will reach the lost! Amen.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Called and Chosen Early

God, who had set me apart, even from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace. Galatians 1:15 NASB

A lot is said today about womb experiences. Much affects the small infant nestled in that place of safety. Not only what the mother takes into her body, but also her emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Her stresses and joys are felt by her yet-to-be born child as much as they will be when she holds him in her arms. Finding out some of the circumstances that surrounded my own conception and womb experience did much to explain certain feelings I had about myself. This morning, God is allowing me to realize His own involvement in my womb experience.

It is from Isaiah that I learn He formed me in my mother’s womb and called me by name! (Isaiah 49:1) How precious to think that God called me ’Pam’ before anyone else did! Even before my parents knew of my existence, God was shaping me, speaking to me, and watching me. In a sense, it was just the two of us!

It is from Paul that I learn God set me apart and called me while I was in my mother’s womb. (Galatians 1:15) Just like he had a call on the lives of Moses, David, Jonah, Esther, Daniel, and Paul, He has a call on my life. He spoke those words over me before I was even born! I have yet to fully understand all He has purposed for my life, but He is teaching me to open my eyes, ears, mind, and heart to what He has already said.

It is also from Paul that the picture of God’s early involvement with me is broadened. For in Ephesians 1:4 I read that He chose me before the foundation of the world. That means not only was I called before I was born, I was chosen before creation! My mind struggles to fully grasp that thought!

As I take in these truths this morning I am filled with a sense of God’s choice and design for my life. And now at the age of 48, I am basking in the fact that He is still just as involved with me. He is still molding me, speaking to me, calling me, choosing me, and watching me. He is still attentive to my every need. What a Shepherd! What a Father! What a Guide! What a Friend!

Father, the realization of You creating, calling, and choosing me has filled me with joy and awe this morning! How can I ever again feel like a nobody? You have once again nurtured my soul! Amen.

Friday, December 22, 2006

A Daily Promise

I will carry you; and I will bear you and I will deliver you. Isaiah 46:4b NASB

It occurred to me this morning that while Jesus was on this earth, He was physically carried in three different ways by people. For nine months, He was carried in Mary’s womb. Housed in the very place He had created in her. For a number of years, He was carried in Mary’s arms as an infant and small child. And for a few hours, He was carried from the cross to the tomb. Think of it! The Creator God placed upon Himself the limitations that necessitated Him to be carried by His own creation.

Countless are the times this same God carries us! At the times of loss, sorrow, loneliness, and tears, it is God Himself who carries us, moves us along, and supports us. He holds us and upholds us. He is tender. He is compassionate. He is careful.

I found it interesting to see that the word ‘carried’ actually means to be gravid…..pregnant! It is the picture of a mother’s womb. A place of safety and enclosure. It is a place that is close to the heart. The picture takes on more depth as I consider the fact that God is my shelter, refuge, and strong tower. Nothing gets to me without first passing through Him.

If ever we needed the assurance that we are going to make it through something, Isaiah 46:4 is our foundational truth to cling to. God promises to carry us, bear us, and deliver us. We must remember this when we face any storm, trial, disappointment, loss, anguish, or set back. Whether we picture ourselves being carried in God’s arms or in His womb, we are secure. He is moving us along and supporting us the entire way.

The ultimate deliverance is Heaven, but there are innumerable times of deliverance we desire throughout our life. Often are the times we long to be delivered from circumstances, habits, strongholds, danger, fears, pain, generational bents, and difficulties. Be assured that while we wait for such deliverance, God Himself is carrying us and caring for us! At NO time are we left to fend for ourselves.

Father, You hold me securely in Your heart, arms, and womb. I am safe in the shadow of Your wings and nestled in the crook of Your neck. May I hear your hushed tones and whispers of assurance all along the way. Amen.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

An Extravagant Offer

For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:5 NASB

None of us would deny that we live in a fallen world. The effects of every day life can be daunting. Each one of us face some amount of loneliness, hurt, disappointment, pain, heartache, loss, rejection, and trouble. While my list certainly cannot compare to the things the Apostle Paul went through (beatings, imprisonment, stoning, shipwreck, cruelties), I know that if I am living and breathing I will suffer in one way or another. Life will get uncomfortable, people will let me down, certain needs and desires will go unmet, and the enemy will attack. There is an abundance of things I would rather not have in my life.

Yet, how much I need to remember the ‘so also’ of today’s verse. There is an abundance of suffering but it is matched by an abundance of comfort from my Savior! Whatever I bring to Him, He offers an equal amount or more of His comfort. No store on earth has such a grand return policy! What does this mean in my practical, every day life?

I bring my sorrows to Him and He gives me joy. I bring my loneliness to Him and He gives me His presence. I bring my emptiness to Him and He fills me. I bring my weaknesses to Him and He strengthens me. I bring my questions to Him and He gives me answers. For my wounds He has balm. For my strongholds He has freedom. For my sin He has forgiveness. For my dark moments He has light. For my losses and suffering He has comfort. Whatever the size of my trouble, situation, experience, or problem He will lavish me with the opposite.

Some who read this are going through the death of a loved one. Some are racked with physical pain. Some are struggling financially. Some are going through a divorce. Some are losing a friend. Some are depressed. No matter the circumstance that envelopes their life, this verse is meant for them today! God offers an abundance of comfort for their abundance of suffering. He is not stingy with it….He is extravagant! May each one of us open ourselves up to receive all that He desires to give!

Father, it has taken a long time for me to see this aspect of You. I spent decades seeking the comfort of others when all the while You stood ready to comfort me in deep ways. Dry my tears, hold my hand, and keep giving me the assurance of Your presence. With You I am not alone! Amen.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Heart of Rejoicing

And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD…..I rejoice in thy salvation. I Samuel 2:1 KJV

Hannah waited years to conceive and give birth to her first child, Samuel. Her infertility, as well as people in her life, taunted her and reminded her of her barrenness. I Samuel 1 finds her in the temple pouring her heart out to God and He gives her the promise of a son. The following year that son is born and the first few years of his life are spent being nurtured by Hannah. But at the tender age of 3 or 4, Samuel is taken to the temple to live. His life is to be devoted entirely to God. He would grow up to be God’s prophet and spokesman to Israel.

I marvel that Hannah was able to give up her child after longing for one for so many years. I marvel even more that her immediate response was one of rejoicing! How can that be? Because her ability to rejoice was found in the object of her rejoicing….God! While she could have walked away in sorrow she chose rather to exult in who God was and what God had done. She knew her life had been dramatically touched by the finger of God. Although she may not have fully understood all that God had planned for Samuel’s life, she knew he belonged to God and God takes care of those who are His.

I find similarities in the prayers of King David and Mary, the mother of Jesus. They had the kind of prayers that went something like this: I rejoice in the Lord because ____________________. While there were many reasons for the rejoicing, it was IN the Lord.

This challenges me to follow their pattern of prayer. How would those prayers sound? "I rejoice in the Lord because He saved me. I rejoice in the Lord because He has delivered me from my enemies and strongholds. I rejoice in the Lord because He is changing me. I rejoice in the Lord because He is supplying all of my needs. I rejoice in the Lord because He is God. I rejoice in the Lord because He has called, chosen, and accepted me. I rejoice in the Lord because He is good to me. I rejoice in the Lord because He is continually with me. "

Father, I spent many years thanking You for all You’ve done but failed to rejoice in You. May I learn to honor, adore, and celebrate You as I speak of You or to You. Amen.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Conduit or Main Source?

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed , and overflowing with gratitude. Colossians 2:6,7

Does this passage describe the average Christian you see? Is it a portrayal of you? I read words like “rooted, built up, and established” and my mind begins to get certain pictures. I see huge oak trees, massive structures, and solid foundations. They denote steadfastness, durability, stability, permanence, immovability, and strength. They endure storms, withstand winds, and carry on amidst adversity.

Have you ever met a person who seemed to have a firm handle on the Christian life? They knew who they were in Christ, lived with an energy of deep faith, were secure in God’s love for them, and had the ability to stay firm in their walk come what may! For many years, they were the kind of people from whom I sought shelter. I wanted to be connected to them because of their connection with God. At any given moment, their wisdom was what I sought, their advice was what I asked for, their guidance is what I needed. Under their care I felt nurtured, safe, and loved. They were the conduit of all God wanted to give me directly but I failed to see how I was making them my main source.

The result? I lived under other people’s faith. I lacked having my own vibrant, daily relationship with God. I lived ‘satisfied’ to feed off their plates instead of learning to banquet at His table. My faith was weak, my prayer life was almost non-existent, my time in the Word was inconsistent, my ability to hear God’s voice was rare, my security was shaky. I was miserable!

Praise God those phrases are all spoken in the past tense! The day finally came when I accepted Jesus’ invitation to “Come unto Me”! God’s heart cry is that each one of us would have a vibrant, personal, unique relationship with Him. That can only be possible as we spend time in His Word, in prayer, and in His presence. Learning to see God as our main source takes time. And it requires that we learn to let go of the hands we have clung to so that we can finally grasp His hand!

Father, I am still in the process of finding You to be my all in all! It is difficult at times but You are being gracious with me as I learn. Amen.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Being in God's Workshop

For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:13,14 (NASB)

Charles Spurgeon referred to our mother’s womb as “God’s secret workshop”. I like that! It reminds me of God’s meticulous, detailed involvement in creating me. He did not miss a detail as He knit together my body, personality, strengths, uniqueness, and tastes. He not only planned for my eye and hair color, but also for my destiny and purpose in life. I marvel at His creation as well as His knowledge of me. There is not one part of me that is foreign to Him.

So it is with renewed joy that I take in the truth that God is still just as involved in my life now as when I was in my mother’s womb. Isaiah gives me the picture of God as the potter and me as the clay. He is daily molding and shaping me…helping me to become all that He meant and dreamed for me to be. He is still paying attention to the smallest details. Nothing escapes His eye of attentiveness. I am in His hands, His heart, and His mind. Psalm 139:17 tells me that God’s thoughts toward me are innumerable. Talk about ideal personal attention!

Each one of us are still in a ‘womb’ of sorts. We are still in God’s workshop. Still being crafted, molded, shaped, and fashioned by the Master designer! Still a work in progress! We are not being worked over but rather worked on. Each of us are a special project of which God takes great delight and care.

Each day He selects the right tools to use. Those tools vary. Trials, experiences, relationships, failures, successes, hurts, disappointments, joys, losses, gains, and a variety of other things are used in the workshop 'womb' of this world. I step into each day with the choice to cooperate with God and trust Him completely or to fight and hinder His work. He knows best! I crawl into the truth that not only WAS I fearfully and wonderfully made but I am STILL being fearfully and wonderfully made. I wonder what He has in mind for today!

Father, today I will take in the sites, sounds, and smells of Your workshop. I know what you choose to do in, through, and for me today will be done out of love and with great purpose. I am Yours and I yield to You. Amen.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What We Received

To open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me. Acts 26:18

What a list! These words were spoken by Jesus Himself to Saul. They were recorded in Scripture for our ears as well. They reveal four incredible things that were instantaneous the moment we trusted Christ. Salvation is more than just becoming a child of God with access to Heaven. Though those two things alone would be blessings enough. And the fullness of salvation includes more than these four aspects. But the list is worth taking in this morning and reveling in its meaning.

Each of us walked in a spiritual darkness prior to knowing Christ. The things we see and understand about God now, were the very things to which we were blind. That is why when you speak with a non believer about God or the Bible they can’t seem to see or grasp what you are talking about. The seeds are being planted no doubt, but they live in a darkness to the truth…just like we did. God is the One who can eventually open their eyes.

Transfer from Satan’s dominion, kingdom, authority, and rule to God’s dominion, kingdom, authority, and rule is the greatest move you will ever experience. Contrast the two domains and what do you see lacking in Satan’s? Love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, tenderness, security, and much more. He is a ruthless, dishonest dictator who knows there will one day be an end to him and his reign. God is a loving heavenly Father, who will never have an end and neither will His kingdom.

Forgiveness of sins! It is not possible outside of Christ. Just imagine if you still carried every sin you ever committed. And not just the sin but the guilt, shame, and condemnation as well. In Christ it is gone…all of it. Although we still have a sin nature, the forgiveness continues!

Finally, an inheritance with fellow believers! Eye has not seen nor ear heard all that God has in store for those who know and love Him. No earthly will contains such promise and wonder. What true wealth awaits us!

Father, I rejoice in these gifts this morning. What a different life I would have if I had never trusted Christ. Thank you! Amen.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Preferring God's Way

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another. Romans 12:10 (KJV)

I am discovering the many layers of Romans 12:10. For the past three or four days I have been meditating on the phrase ‘preferring one another.’ It has not only affected my thinking but my actions as well in regards to people. There are two aspects God wants me to see and apply.

The first aspect is that of deferring to others. Submitting to, regarding, and giving way to another person’s wishes, needs, and desires over my own. Accidents on the road happen when two vehicles simultaneously possess the same territory. If one vehicle does not give way they collide. Hence, injuries and damage will be the result. Preferring one another simply means I put the other person’s needs above my own. I look for what will convenience them, what will minister to them, what will encourage them.

The practical ways to carry this out each day are innumerable. It means letting others go first whether in traffic or in a line. It means putting away what I get out, picking up what I drop, and closing what I open. It can even mean putting away, picking up, and closing what another has gotten out, dropped, or opened. It means stopping what I am doing to be attentive to a person who needs to talk or needs my help. All day long I have a choice to do what I want to do or do what another person needs me to do for them. As God opens my eyes to the opportunities to flesh out this phrase it can bring variety, enjoyment, and even laughter to my day.

The second aspect was a surprise to me. Preferring also means to lead the way for others. In other words, make the first move! Whether it comes to showing kindness, initiating reconciliation, demonstrating concern, or acting out of love let me take the first step! The rewards are rich!

These are tall orders from a heavenly Father who has already shown me how it is done. While it is impossible for me to generate this behavior on my own, I know I can seek the desire, will, and ability from Him. For no command is ever given without His assistance to see it through to completion.

Father, my nature is such that I fight against the thought of preferring others. Help me to be more like You! Amen.

Friday, December 8, 2006

The End of Role Confusion

And the Lord opened her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul. Acts 16:14b (NASB)
For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13 (NASB)

Nothing happens in our life on a spiritual plane without God’s involvement and interaction. Whether it is in the area of our salvation, as in the case of Lydia, a business woman in the days of the Apostle Paul, or a person living out the Christian life. God does the opening of hearts and the working in hearts. Their part is to respond and cooperate. It is a partnership of profound measure!

Do you know someone who has yet to put their trust in Christ? Start praying Acts 16:14 over their life. While it is imperative that we continue to share biblical truths with them and plant seeds in the soil of their heart, God is the One who causes them to see, receive, and respond to the message of salvation. So your prayer for them on a daily basis can be something like this: God, open _______’s heart to respond to the things I am telling them. The responsibility falls back on God. The dependency is once again placed on God to do the active opening. We are simply the messengers. The seed sowers. May we stop taking on God’s role and learn to live as His co-laborers.

Do you know someone who is a Christian and yet still seems to live without a vital, daily connection to God? They DO all the right things but their spirit, temperament, attitude, conversations, and activities do not stem from a continual, deep relationship with God. Start praying Philippians 2:13 over their life on a daily basis. God, work in ___________ so he will desire and carry out the things that bring You pleasure. Yes, we can encourage and exhort as God leads, but the actual working still comes from God’s touch not ours.

So many of the people and things what we rely on as a catch all for another person’s spiritual needs are merely the tools God can use. He is still the One who does the actual heart work. How necessary it is that we see that and act accordingly. We have a part to play but it is not God’s position.

Father, may I never again confuse my role with Yours when it comes to another person’s salvation or Christianity. I now partner with You! Amen.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A Worthwhile Exchange

Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

This passage is not only an extravagant invitation, it is also full of promise! It is not intended to simply be a nice saying on a plaque or inscribed in a card, it is meant to be a life line for our daily lives. God desires for us to take Him up on His invitation and become the recipients of the rest that He offers. And yet, many of us live out our days without experiencing such a profound transaction of coming with burdens and leaving with rest.

I have often had the tendency to seek help, healing, and rest in other sources. Difficulties and problems frequently led me to call or email a friend. I wanted them to give me answers, make me feel better, cheer me up, give me assurance, and fix my life. They were not only my life line but my safety net. And through the years God has graciously allowed me to have such friends. But as long as I continued to turn to them with my tears, questions, and hurts I was stunting my own growth and relationship with my heavenly Father. I was better equipped to hear their voice rather than God’s voice. At the moment it felt better but over time it left me handicapped. This falls short of God’s intent for me!

I am presently facing a battle that involves other people’s hearts. I know things will get harder before they get easier. Last night found me on my knees pleading for wisdom and discernment. Did I have the thought of emailing a wise counselor and asking advice? For a brief moment. But then like a ray of sunshine the thought occurred to me, “I don’t need __________, she really can’t help me. I need You, God.” And today’s passage came to life for me. God and I have work to do but we are finally doing it together! It is His way of maturing my faith, infusing me with confidence in Himself, and nurturing the deepest parts of me. I gladly exchange the burdens for rest!

Father, we were not meant to carry the things that weigh us down. As I slip into the yoke of Your presence this morning may the ramifications astound me! Amen.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Stories That Serve a Purpose

You who are far away, hear what I have done; and you who are near, acknowledge My might. Isaiah 33:13 NASB

I have a friend with whom I could listen to for hours and never tire of her stories. When she speaks I pay close attention to her words because I want to gain insight into her life. I walk away from each conversation knowing more of how God has worked in her life. It restores the hope in me that God is working in my life as well.

God puts a lot of stock in the importance of learning about Him and His work. Whether it is something I hear from His Word, a sermon, a friend, a book, or a song, as I take in the messages my view of God is enlarged. God wants me to be attentive and alert to the things He wants to teach me about Himself. That is one reason we have the wonderful accounts in Scripture recorded for us. His Word is His own testimony of His character as well as His accomplishments. But He did not stop when the last verse was written.

Each of us have stories to tell of how God intersected our world at pivotal moments. Those stories are meant to be shared...whether with one individual or many. Each time I hear of God's mighty work in someone's life, His intent is that I would know the same God is at work in me. When I see Him turn impossible situations to favorable ones in the lives of others, my faith is boosted that there is still hope for my own situation.

But it doesn't stop with hearing about His works. It is then imperative to acknowledge what I've heard. The stories are most affective when I take what I hear, agree with it, and see God's right and authority to act on my behalf. To begin to take notice of what He has done, is doing, and will do in my life, is to begin on a journey of great proportion.

So what are the things I acknowledge about God today? When I hear another's story, what revelation of God will be a result of it? The word acknowledge has the word knowledge in it. This reminds me that I must first be aware of something before I can truly acknowledge it.

Father, my ears are open to hear You today. Your voice will travel through many vehicles to reach me. May I be attentive to all You have to say. Amen.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Separated But Not Apart

For even though I am absent in body, nevertheless I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see your good discipline and the stability of your faith in Christ. Colossians 2:5

Paul was a person who knew how to stay connected with the people of faith. Many of his epistles were written from prison and yet he was able to express a closeness and a love for his fellow believers even though they were separated by many miles. They were in his thoughts, his heart, and his prayers. His joy came from knowing they were growing in their faith and firm in their relationship with God. While he could not be with them in person he could still be with them in spirit and that is one of the most encouraging and beautiful aspects of the Christian life.

I am a very social person. I love getting together with friends over lunch or being in their home for a day or two. The fellowship of believers is something I enjoy immensely. But separation is a difficult thing for me. While God would bring incredible people into my life it seemed I only had their presence for a short time. I often joke with people and say when I get close to a person, God tends to move them out of state! He knows my tendency toward dependency and even idolatry. Relying on Him is easier done when the ones I would cling to are far removed.

How encouraging it is to know that while we are apart from each other, Paul’s words express our sentiments toward each other. This morning, God has used this verse to encourage me. I have several very significant people whom I miss a lot. Sometimes our ability to get together is separated by years! But God is letting me know that what Paul is saying in Colossians 2:5 is the very heart of how we feel toward each other. Former mentors of mine are thinking of me, praying for me, and rejoicing to see God’s work in me. And when they enter my mind it is always cause for rejoicing and thanksgiving for the part they played in my life. I also know that God continues to use them in the lives of others.

So while I long to see them and miss them deeply I am resting in the fact that we still share a closeness and connection. Miles and time may separate our bodies but NOTHING separates our spirit.

Father, You have caused some incredible people to cross my path. The mere thought of them brings me joy. Thank you for our continued togetherness. Amen.