Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Choice of Habitations

Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort: Thou hast given commandment to save me; for Thou art my rock and my fortress. Psalm 71:3

I went for a walk last night and had an encouraging time with God. I felt close to Him, strong in spirit, and at peace. It was “our” time together and I was enjoying the moment. Toward the end of the walk I asked Him what it was He wanted me to take with me from our time together. His answer was incredible! He simply said, “Remember this place with Me. Come to it as often as you want.” No second invitation was needed. My heart just wanted to stay in that place all night and that is just what I did.

When I saw this verse this morning I realized it was the capstone of what I had experienced last night. My place of abiding, my place of resting must be found with my Father. If I am in turmoil or distress I can make that my place of habitation. I can also make worry, anger, discouragement, and a host of other emotions my habitation. Being with people can become my habitation. They can become the places I frequent and remain in far too often and far too long.

I must be careful about making a habit out of inhabiting the wrong places. My mind can so easily take me to wrong thoughts, wrong motives, and wrong memories. The consequence will be turmoil for my spirit. The longer I stay the worse it will get. But I have a choice to either not go there in the first place or leave it to find my habitation with God.

I must choose to do what David did on a continual basis. As I desire to go to that place throughout each day it will become a habit for me and something I will eventually do instinctively. It doesn’t take a fancy prayer or a long time of meditation. When I simply tell God, “I want to go to our place” He knows what I mean and I am instantly there.

It is imperative that I see the importance of resorting to this place no matter what my mood or circumstances might be. I can come with joy and I can come with tears. I can come during difficult moments or events of great delight. In April I have two events I am planning to attend. During the events I can whisper to God that I want to go to our place. That way the events become yet another personal time with Him.

Father, David spoke much of dwelling places. May You become mine! Amen.