Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Correcting the Distortions

Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 (New American Standard Bible)

How are you received when you ask another person to forgive you? Do they give you a guarded forgiveness whereby you walk away still feeling condemned, unaccepted and full of shame? If you have not experienced radical, gracious forgiveness from significant people in your life, chances are you see God in the same way. May today’s verse help to reshape your view in powerful ways. He is a God of compassion and mercy. He longs for reconciliation and welcomes us back each time we come to Him for forgiveness.

This does not mean our sin does not grieve, disappoint, or anger God. It does not mean there will not be consequences for the wrong choices we make. It does not mean God takes any of our sin lightly. It does not mean God does not desire a holier life for each one of us. It means He knows our make up and is willing to forgive our sin each and every time! Read through Psalm 103 to grasp a beautiful picture of God’s gracious act of forgiveness.

How we need to see God’s willingness, ability, and desire to forgive us. How we need to see His father’s heart! How He is saddened each time we think He merely tolerates us rather than loves us. When our view of Him is that His arms are crossed and disgust is displayed on His face, we cower and hide in our sin. But all the while God wants us to see Him as the father of the prodigal son. Is there someone in your life with whom you are presently separated? You long for their return and a restored relationship? God is like that! He is approachable with open arms.

How I thank God for the people in my life who have demonstrated God’s heart in this way. What a joy to ask their forgiveness and walk away knowing they still love me and their view of me has not changed. They allow me to have a fresh start, a clean slate, and a new chance….just like my heavenly Father. May I become more like that! I have the opportunity each day to either distort or correct another person’s view of God.

Father, may I not only realize the truth about Your forgiveness, but may I be willing to demonstrate it to others. May I no longer cause others to have a distorted view of You because of how I treat them. Amen.

Make Me a Servant - Maranatha Singers

Getting into God's Word and letting God's Word get into me one truth at a time.