Thursday, February 16, 2006
God's Declaration Over Us
But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine! Isaiah 43:1
Ever hear a child yell out, "That's mine!"? They are passionate about their possession. Saying "That's mine" is their way of declaring ownership, desire, and longing for a certain object. Two things are certain....the object is theirs and they will not share it with another ~ at the moment anyway. There are only a few reasons they claim it as their own to start with. They found it, they made it, they bought it, or they received it as a gift. Whatever the case may be, they KNOW that they KNOW it is theirs!
I find such security in God's declaration pertaining to His people...."You are Mine!" As I slip my name into this verse I am filled with a sense of awe. I am embracing the truth that God not only claims me as His own but He is passionate about it. He gives two reasons for His possessiveness ~ He created me and redeemed me.
I remember the first time someone shared with me the idea that God not only loves me but pursues me in order that I would come to know Him. He wooed me to win me! I still cannot fully grasp that wonder. This morning I hear Him speaking this verse into my heart and over my life. He is speaking in hushed tones and with gentleness. I picture myself as a small child, sitting on His lap. One arm holds me while the other smoothes back my hair. My spirit is warmed as the words sink in. Knowing that I belong to Him makes me feel safe.
He calls me by name. He not only knows my name ~ He uses it when He speaks to me. May I ponder all of this throughout my day. It leaves me feeling cared for, wanted, and cherished. His personal touch and undivided attention arrest my heart.
My response back to Him is, "Yes, I am Yours." In the awareness of that, I can now serve Him, obey Him, and love Him because I am His.
Father, You have reached me at the core of who I am today. I receive Your words and Your embrace. Amen.