Monday, December 19, 2005
Two Options
Thus I will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the arrogance of the proud and abase the haughtiness of the ruthless. Isaiah 13:11
Have you ever watched the news and felt enraged over the injustices of the world? We see people opposed to God and His ways. Today's verse uses four words that pretty much sum up the darkness of hearts: evil, iniquity, arrogance, and haughtiness.
God has two ways of dealing with His creation. The Bible says "all have sinned" so each of us can now put ourselves in this verse ~ after all, we were born into this world with a sin nature that is capable of the most heinous crimes and perverted life styles. If left on our own we would face God's judgment. He says He will punish evil, put an end to arrogance, and abase haughtiness. Don't think for one minute that God is not witness to every thing that goes on in this world. This verse is a peek into the end of the story. Mistaken is the person who can't see that while God is certainly a God of love, He is also a God of judgment.
If this verse was the only option we would have reason to live our life out in fear and hopelessness. But God has something else to offer in place of His wrath and judgment. As a matter of fact, He has a list of gifts to offer. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, God is able, willing, and desirous to offer us grace, mercy, forgiveness, love, compassion, and adoption into His family. Undeserved? Yes! His gifts cannot be earned, bought, or worked for. They can only be believed and received. He is a God who loves to lavish us with Himself.
The next time you are sharing the Gospel with someone, show them the contrast between Isaiah 13:11 and John 3:16. There are only two possibilities: God's judgment or God's grace. One is deserved but the other is offered freely.
Father, You are truly a gracious God. I marvel at Your gift of salvation. May I not keep Your offer a secret. Amen.