Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Way to Walk
Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left. Isaiah 30:21 (New American Standard Bible)
Throughout my Christian life I often missed the “this is the way, walk in it” moments that God was whispering to me. Time and time again I felt if given enough time I could figure things out for myself and somehow muster up the needed changes on my own. That has not gotten me very far. I cannot be my own compass on the path I walk. I cannot be my own rudder on the sea of life. I cannot be my own guide through the minefields of each day. I cannot be my own therapist, psychologist, or surgeon. God meant it when He said, “Without Me, you can do nothing.”
The most recent way I have been shown to walk is in the area of asking and depending. My mindsets and thought processes have often been my undoing because I wasn’t asking for God’s help or depending upon Him to give me the help I needed. I had no trouble looking to people and books to give me the answers. They certainly have their place in God’s kingdom work, but they cannot have a prominent place when it comes to changing the way I think, act, and feel. Many have been the times I was enslaved to false perceptions, wrong judgments, and needless skepticism. Rather than walk in joy and freedom, I was in bondage. To make matters worse, I thought it was up to me to set myself free. The truth of the matter was that I did not possess the ability, ambition, or will power to become free.
It wasn’t until I learned to ask for help (God’s help) that I began to experience victory in areas that previously saw only defeat and discouragement. Asking God to give me what I lack in place of what I possess unlocks the soul chains that formerly ensnared me. No matter what the attitude of my heart is, I can simply ask God to replace it with the opposite attitude and He does! In the past week, I have asked for replacements countless times and never once was there a delay in the answer. Not once!
What is it He has graciously given time and time again? Peace, security, sensitivity, confidence, joy, acceptance, settling, and serenity. I can bring the most despicable aspects of myself to Him and He faithfully transforms them. My asking puts me in the position to receive. I use to wonder if it would work. I wonder no longer. Now I approach Him with anticipation and expectancy. As a child, I ask. As a Father, He gives. This is His way and I choose to walk in it!
Father, last night I laughed at the way You so quickly changed my heart beat and mind set. It was a laughter that sprung from the joy of You. Amen.
When I Call on Jesus
Thank you to all who prayed for me in the past week. Those prayers have been effective and outside of some tolerable discomfort in my chest, I am back!